"GREATER Sacto" extends club meeting invites

litoG said:
updated list

1) Lito G
2) myf16 - Keith
3) myf16 guest
4) racerex - Bill
5) racerx guest
6) Calvin
7) Calvin guest
8) SMGNSX - Steve
9) Siew Pheng
10) Tom K
11) Hrant
12) Aaron Photo guy + future NSX owner (hes shopping)
13) Karl Lichty
14) Don T
15) Linda T
here is the schedule for this evening dinner event:

Arrive at 5ish, meet at the restaurant lounge bar. It is located on the left side of valet both, you will see the sign Duck Club. I will buy drinks. (note: you will have at least three hours before you drive home and will have food/water consumption)

Ask the valet to park up front, if room permits/ front of the restaurant, or in the circle drive way of the valet area.

My friend Aaron will be there at 5-ish and we will try to get some good angle to take picture of your NSX.

Dinner starts at 6 pm
, we will be seated in their private room.

8 pm-ish
we should be done, that is plenty of time for courses and have some good conversations..

If you have anything you would like to share, please bring them, for example, I will bring some photos from NSXPO 05. And since this group are more track purpose NSX owners, if you have any track photos, please bring them.

See you all later today.

Please feel free to call me 707 208 0261

1) Lito G
2) myf16 - Keith
3) myf16 guest
4) racerex - Bill
5) racerx guest
6) Calvin
7) Calvin guest
8) SMGNSX - Steve
9) Siew Pheng
10) Tom K
11) Hrant
12) Aaron Photo guy + future NSX owner (hes shopping)
13) Karl Lichty
14) Don T
15) Linda T
Thanks all for coming; I hope everyone had a good time and nice drive back home.

I can't wait till Aaron gives me the CD for all the pictures he took, from what I noticed he took a lot of them.

It was nice that our NSX parked up front of their circle drive way by the valet.

The evening went very well, I didn't notice any screw ups on service.

I had the Duck and to be honest....it was good, but...I really don't remember much of it, NOT that it wasn't good, but the conversations and the group was so involved with collaborative conversations...........it was just one of those dinners, you have great company and talks, and before you know it, the evening was over.......

That is a good sign that everything must of fell in the right place at the right time.

After dinner, I was lucky enough to stop by myF16 house, incredible amount of NSX original Memorabilia's (talking about $$$$ amount), makes me feel I am lost about the true story of the NSX.

I will post the pictures soon.

Soon hoping we will do more drive and fine dining NSX runs and stay at night hotels.

Take care
Yep, Lito put a great event. The ambiance was great. Collaborative conversations indeed. At one time, six of us at the end table were having four way conversations simultaneously, and when that was not enough, we started the topic of politics to add more excitement :biggrin:

As always, the company is what makes the difference; the NSX is the means to that end :smile:
Hrant said:
Yep, Lito put a great event. The ambiance was great. Collaborative conversations indeed. At one time, six of us at the end table were having four way conversations simultaneously, and when that was not enough, we started the topic of politics to add more excitement :biggrin:

As always, the company is what makes the difference; the NSX is the means to that end :smile:

We want to thank Lito for organizing this - we had a great time. For all those who didn't join us, you missed a very nice event.

BTW, everyone was getting along extremely well at our end of the table. No prizes for guessing who was the pot-stirrer who said 'It's time to talk religions and politics.' --> <Hint> pointing at the guy with the big grin.

-- Siew Pheng (using Tom's account)
Ok Its my turn,

Thanks for everything the food was Great, the poeple were Great. The location was nice and the cars were safe.
One can't ask for any more...!!!!

See you tomorrow in Stockton
Bring you TEAM racing sign up sheet as well don't forget..!!

I am very glad everyone had a great time, I know I did, lets do it again soon, this time ether Lake Tahoe or Monterey

here are the pictures


I will also burn copies for everyone that attended, there are about 130 so pictures taken by Aaron.

oh, sorry I couldn't make it to our meeting in Stockton, I will make the next one and get the notes from Hrant and steve.
nsxnut said:
No pictures of my truck? :frown:

Don, sorry, but your truck was to big and wouldn’t let me down load. :eek:

I even tried to tip the valet dude to park it next to our NSX's, but it would of scraped the ceiling :biggrin:

but you have a great pic of you and Linda :smile:
nsxnut said:
It isn't that big....
Yea I saw the picture of Linda and myself. I need to show it to her.:rolleyes:

yes it is...matter of fact, it gives me an idea, :rolleyes:

we can rent a trailer to put about 5 NSX in it and you can pull it with your Simi truck and drive to FL for the NSXPO 06 this year... YEAH BABY !! Florida here we come !! :biggrin:
litoG said:
yes it is...matter of fact, it gives me an idea, :rolleyes:

we can rent a trailer to put about 5 NSX in it and you can pull it with your Simi truck and drive to FL for the NSXPO 06 this year... YEAH BABY !! Florida here we come !! :biggrin:

Florida No.
Portland Yes.
Mid Ohio Maybe.

nsxnut said:
Florida No.
Portland Yes.
Mid Ohio Maybe.


Come on Don SACK UP,
Kip is going and is really trying to talk me into it so if you gou I will go and 2 days later we go to Road America. LMK

So THIS is where all the central valley nsx's are! I was in the Merced/Fresno area from July 21st to August 16th and I couldn't find a single soul! All I did was drive and drive too, but noooooo one around.... :(

I've been hanging out in the wrong Cali section for months now. I thought the NorCal group was dead............ No wonder I got no responses at all in that particular cali part of the forum.