Great licence plate

Arata said:
Yes I would agree.
However, the poster had no intent to use his expression as an epithet, you do.
So back to my question, please.

By the way I agree with your shirt, I never have purchased, nor will I.

My answer depends on your definition of 'epithet'. Not to put too fine a point on it, but 'epithet' in the context in which I used it ("a religious or racial epithet") means "a defamatory or abusive word or phrase". The second meaning is "a descriptive word or phrase". (Source: WordNet r 1.7; see also et al.) With that in mind, my avatar is an epithet of the second meaning. It is distinguishable from the first meaning, because it is not defamatory. Defamation is an offensive false statement. In this case, the statement expressed in my avatar is not false; it is true: Dali Racing did rip me off.

Moreover, the offensive phrase "G-D" is a coarse expletive for which any number of nonoffensive expletive phrases would do. As an expletive, no information is conveyed by the substance of the expression itself. Contrastingly, "ripped me off" is a descriptive term which expresses that Dali Racing stole from me, $400 in fact. Actual information is conveyed by that statement. In the former example, the form of the expression is offensive but the content is benign, and could easily be expressed in a respectful, non-offensive manner. In the latter, the content is, shall we say, what it is: no matter how you say it, the fact remains that Dali Racing Ripped Me Off. To the extent it is offensive, it is not so because of my expression. It is so because of Dali didn't refund my $400 core charge as promised.

Still waiting for robr's answer to my question.
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I didn't realize your question was aimed at me since I did not respond to your post with any critisicm (or anything else for that matter). You can express whatever you like as far as I'm concerned. I personally have no problem with Dali, I've had two orders from them go fine in the last 4 months, but that has nothing to do with you. Sure, I see the difference, but it doesn't change that fact that where I'm from, GD is an acceptable phrase to use and carries no more meaning than '$h1t' or 'crap'. However, looking at your dictionary definition, I don't agree in the least that GD is defamatory or an abusive word or phrase.
robr said:
I didn't realize your question was aimed at me since I did not respond to your post with any critisicm (or anything else for that matter). You can express whatever you like as far as I'm concerned. I personally have no problem with Dali, I've had two orders from them go fine in the last 4 months, but that has nothing to do with you. Sure, I see the difference, but it doesn't change that fact that where I'm from, GD is an acceptable phrase to use and carries no more meaning than '$h1t' or 'crap'. However, looking at your dictionary definition, I don't agree in the least that GD is defamatory or an abusive word or phrase.

My original questions were:
So does the fact you are not thinking (or caring) about how offensive something is make it okay, or is it the fact you use this language every day that makes it okay? Or is it a combination of both? Is a person who uses the "N" word in their every day vocabulary without a second thought in the right too?

Nothing personal, I'm just arguing for sport. :wink:
the N word can't even be compared, it's apples and oranges. it's has an entire history behind it's use and what it meant to call people by that name. GD has no such history nor am I calling anyone a GD.