Great licence plate

i think i get the WTF part... not sure if i'm following on the 404 part? care to explain? :confused: :rolleyes:
robr said:
basically its what i hear web application developers saying around me all day :).
GODDAMN 404 again?!?!?! wtf!!!!

Come to think of it, I have seen 404 somewhere but would've been able to put it together either.
Out of curiosity, is saying GD really needed? :frown:
92NSX said:
That is obvious. I don't believe in taking the Lords name in vain. I'm sorry if you do. :frown:

1. NSXPRIME is not affiliated with any religions. Don't try to instill your religious beliefs on someone else/don't act condescendingly because someone has done something to offend your religious beliefs.

2. Was it really that offensive? This is the internet. If you are new, prepare yourself for the worse. "Goddamn" is about the mildest expression of emotion I have heard in a while.

I don't believe in taking the Lord's name in vain either, but this is not the place to preach.
avalon96 said:
1. NSXPRIME is not affiliated with any religions. Don't try to instill your religious beliefs on someone else/don't act condescendingly because someone has done something to offend your religious beliefs.

2. Was it really that offensive? This is the internet. If you are new, prepare yourself for the worse. "Goddamn" is about the mildest expression of emotion I have heard in a while.

I don't believe in taking the Lord's name in vain either, but this is not the place to preach.

1. I'm not trying to instill my beliefs on anyone. I'm explaining why that offends me.
2. Look at my post count, it would appear that I've been at least around here a while. :rolleyes: I'm not new. :confused: If that is mild to you.....
If you don't believe it in either you can understand my point of view.
92NSX said:
1. I'm not trying to instill my beliefs on anyone. I'm explaining why that offends me.

2. Look at my post count, it would appear that I've been at least around here a while. :rolleyes: I'm not new. :confused: If that is mild to you.....
If you don't believe it in either you can understand my point of view.

I can understand where you are coming from. However, no one has the right to preach to anyone else here. Your comment: "I don't believe in taking the Lord's name in vain. I am sorry if you do. :frown: " was condescending and inappropriate.

This is the internet. This is a car forum. That comment is relatively mild in my opinion. If you are going to criticize every sin here, you are going to be busy. Please note the disclaimer for the off-topic section.

BTW: If you will read the poster's original comment:

"basically its what i hear web application developers saying around me all day .
GODDAMN 404 again?!?!?! wtf!!!!"

He wasn't saying "GODDAMN" himself. he was commenting on what others around him were saying. If he typed "GD" like you did, would it have been any better? Your brain would have still perceived it as "Goddamn" sooner or later.

Unless you were reading aloud (and have a low grapheme-morpheme buffering capacity) and his sentence actually made you say, "GODDAMN 404 again?!?!", out loud, then it shouldn't be a big deal.

On second thought, you have the right to say whatever you want. This is an open forum. I guess I just wanted to post my thoughts on the matter too. It's just one of those days. You know how it is.
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Try reading some of the posts on Yahoo at the end of a news story under the "discuss" tab. Just when you think you have heard the nastiest comment anyone can make someone tops it times 2.
Re: Great license plate

But we try, or at least we use to try, to be better than all the other websites.

No preachiness, but if posters can be publicly chastised for saying ricer, then cursing of this nature is much worse in my opinion. A simple GD would have sufficed, and all adult english as a first language, and many english as a second (or third, etc) language readers would have fully understood.

Not PC, just conscientious.:D
Sorry, but GD (and JC and J fn C) are terms I use in my every day vocabulary without a second thought. Sorry if people were offended, but I'm not going to sit and think too much about everything I type and wonder if it will offend anyone...... unless I'm writing you a business proposal :).
92NSX said:
Come to think of it, I have seen 404 somewhere but would've been able to put it together either.
Out of curiosity, is saying GD really needed? :frown:

Robr did not use quotation marks in his quote of what people around him say, you did, that is the only difference. Are you offended by what you have posted?

Do you believe everyone should be posting everytime they are offended by something that is said on this site, or it is only it offends a religious belief?
robr said:
Almost didn't catch this one, talk about subtle, doesn't even look like a vanity plate (tech weenie alert)

:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
That should be on the back of Bill Gates' Maybach.
It's also a heavily congested expressway in Toronto, the plate would go over real well stop-and-go traffic on the 404 cause that's what people think every damn day here :p
Arata said:
Robr did not use quotation marks in his quote of what people around him say, you did, that is the only difference. Are you offended by what you have posted?

Do you believe everyone should be posting everytime they are offended by something that is said on this site, or it is only it offends a religious belief?

I do realize that he wasn't saying it then.
If someone feels strongly enough about something and are offended by what someone else says, then yes, I think they should post about it.
IMO, doing so would allow us to get to know each other just a little bit better and might take that into consideration when communicating with them in the future.
I know it is minor but may I say 'Thanks' for using just the letters for the words you were refering to in your last post.
robr said:
Sorry, but GD (and JC and J fn C) are terms I use in my every day vocabulary without a second thought. Sorry if people were offended, but I'm not going to sit and think too much about everything I type and wonder if it will offend anyone...... unless I'm writing you a business proposal :).

So does the fact you are not thinking (or caring) about how offensive something is make it okay, or is it the fact you use this language every day that makes it okay? Or is it a combination of both? Is a person who uses the "N" word in their every day vocabulary without a second thought in the right too?
Russ said:
So does the fact you are not thinking (or caring) about how offensive something is make it okay, or is it the fact you use this language every day that makes it okay? Or is it a combination of both? Is a person who uses the "N" word in their every day vocabulary without a second thought in the right too?

So many things are offensive to somebody, I would bet That having "Dali Ripped me Off" is to someone.
So do you not care, or is it OK?
Arata said:
So many things are offensive to somebody, I would bet That having "Dali Ripped me Off" is to someone.
So do you not care, or is it OK?

Would you agree that a statement of fact, such as my avatar, is not comparable to a racial or religious epithet?
Russ said:
So does the fact you are not thinking (or caring) about how offensive something is make it okay, or is it the fact you use this language every day that makes it okay? Or is it a combination of both? Is a person who uses the "N" word in their every day vocabulary without a second thought in the right too?

I don't know a single person in my personal life or at work that would be offended by GD. In fact many of these same people use that expression often. Then again, I don't know a single person who goes to church other than for Xmas mass (can I say Xmas, or is that offensive too?). That makes it sociably acceptable in my eyes, which yes, makes it OK to use if one so chooses.

Think about that, not a SINGLE person I know or am acquainted with goes to church more than a couple times a year. That's New England for you, we're not a pious bunch for the most part, so perhaps these sort of expressions are absolutely acceptable where in other areas they might not be. Therefore when I use these kind of terms, I don't give them a second thought. It's not like I decided to use it after thinking someone may or may not be offended. I used it with no more thought than I might use the word 'salad'. I DID in fact think about WTF when I posted.

That's what I find so amusing, WTF is ok (even if spelled out most likely), but GD isn't. Now something is SERIOUSLY wrong with that thought.
Russ said:
Would you agree that a statement of fact, such as my avatar, is not comparable to a racial or religious epithet?

Yes I would agree.
However, the poster had no intent to use his expression as an epithet, you do.
So back to my question, please.

By the way I agree with your shirt, I never have purchased, nor will I.
robr said:
GD isn't ok, but wtf is?? sorry, i dont share the same beliefs you do i guess.

What's wrong with What The Fudge? :biggrin:

I use to have a vocabulary that was mostly swear words. Now when I listen to some other people talking and that is half of what they say I just laugh. If it is a friend of mine or someone I work with I laugh and ask them to repeat what they said with no swear words and then they start laughing too. It's just plain funny when if you take away all the swear words the sentance consists of like one or two I find humor in these things since I know that's how I use to sound. I still slip up and use those words from time to time. Hey, I'm not perfect that's for sure.