Gray Hair

I can live with the reading glasses and would love to have ANY hair regardless of its color. My biggest dilemma now is the multitude of daily spam emails, somtimes numbering close to one hundred, for "pills" that alternatively may add length/girth or provide more endurance.

I often feel conflicted as to whether it is better to go for the size or the endurance. Ah yes, such weighty decisions as we approach the inevitable mid-life crises................
turning 29 next month..perfect 20/20 eyesight with no glasses or contacts or surgery.. however I have noticed more and more gray hair ..more on my sideburns than anywhere else.. But now I start seeing them on top of my head as well as the sides. My gf says "hey look, you are growing more gray hair here" and pluck..she shows it to me LOL.. and I have a slight bald spot on the upper back of my head which is hereditary.. oh well.. maybe soon i'll shave the head or maybe i'll go for the salt and pepper look. God knows what kinda scars or bumps or marks i have on my head that the hair covers LOL :D
LeftLane said:
Larry Bastanza......or George Costanza? :D

Sorry Larry, that was pretty dang funny. :) Of course, there's no comparison on who I'd rather get advice from. :cool:

I guess I should add, to stay on topic, that I haven't gotten my first gray hair yet, nor retreating of hairline, at the tender age of 34. Maybe it's just that my vision is so bad I haven't seen it hit me yet... :eek:
Almost every male from my mom's side of the family got gray hair starting from the teens. I too have a few gray hair. Good thing they don't become an issue until well pass the 40s mark (judging by my uncles), and no one's bald in either side of my family... Even my 80+ years old grandpa'z got a good amount of hair. :D
Bailey, you don't have to worry about a thing.

When I saw you, I thought that you were in 20s. Even if you get gray hair, you would still look at most late 20s.

You are still DA MAN!!
TigerNSX said:
Bailey, you don't have to worry about a thing.

When I saw you, I thought that you were in 20s. Even if you get gray hair, you would still look at most late 20s.

You are still DA MAN!!

Must be the ginseng and rice from the asian diet that keeps asians looking so young.:D