Gray Hair

27 November 2002
Im starting to find some gray hairs on my head after years of having Jet Black hair. It kind of makes me feel old but I know many people who have gotten grays way before my age so I dont feel so bad. I guess being 38 years young sooner or later they will start growing in. How did you guys feel when you started getting the grays ?
I felt very grumpy. My walking cane was splintering, and I had to beat the nurse everyday with my bedpan because she didn't wash my NSX.

Now that I've got my 3rd gray hair, I'm starting to write out my will, and I'm leaving my NSX to my cats. I hope they take good care of it.

I'm counting down until I expire. So long sweet world.
nsx dreamer, that was hilarious.

Personally, I could care less when I started getting grays. Started happening in my 20's. It's socially acceptable to get gray when your a guy. Better to have gray hair than be fat and out of shape. Just work out and you'll be fine;)
When I was in my early 20s, I was getting a lot of gray hair, not to the point where it was ever peppery. Now I'm almost 30 and it's all gone back to black. I think it had mainly to do with the stress of college and life at the time. I did a lot of growing during my mid 20s, don't stress out over anything anymore really and I think that's helped out.
That was a great story.

I hate to admit it but, I have had gray hair since I was 18.
I had pimples and gray hair at the same time.
My dad has the skunk stripe, and so do I.
I just gives you a reason to go to a salon, that has beautiful hair dressers, and get it colored. :D
Look at it this way, its better than having bald spots.
prova4re said:
That was a great story.

I hate to admit it but, I have had gray hair since I was 18.
I had pimples and gray hair at the same time.
My dad has the skunk stripe, and so do I.
I just gives you a reason to go to a salon, that has beautiful hair dressers, and get it colored. :D
Look at it this way, its better than having bald spots.

You know what bald people say rite.

There are only a select few that have perfect heads....the rest he covered with hair.
I prefer grey to "pink" hair

Pink hair is what I refer to as growing to tall for my existing covering. It's when the scalp has to reach for more oxygen. My mother has been telling me that I would need plugs by the time I was 25, then 30, 35,40,45,50 and now that I'm 51, yes, my scalp is growing larger and the hair is growing thinner, it takes 5 minutes to get a haircut, but cost me the same as my wife to get hers, what's with this, maybe I should just get a "Flowbee" and do it myself!!!:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Acura NsX Pilot said:
Im starting to find some gray hairs on my head after years of having Jet Black hair.

On behalf of Larry B., Peter Mills, myself and similarly situated follicly challenged individuals,

I found my first gray hair around 36 y/o. I immediately went out and had my hair colored. I will continue to have my hair colored because I am vain also because I am 38 and the G/F is 24. I don't want to look to weathered you know. ;) Lucky for me no one in my family is bald all the way back 4 generations.

Grey or Gray that is the question.
I'm not talking to any of you...I started getting gray hairs when I was 16!

At least I have a thick head of hair...
Currently, I have one gray hair... that I know of at least. Brown or gray, I will be content as long as I don't lose it. For those of you who know my last name, you understand why losing my hair will be more of an issue!

Got my fingers crossed and a few toes.
steveny said:
I found my first gray hair around 36 y/o. I immediately went out and had my hair colored. I will continue to have my hair colored because I am vain also because I am 38 and the G/F is 24. I don't want to look to weathered you know. ;) Lucky for me no one in my family is bald all the way back 4 generations.

Grey or Gray that is the question.

steveny - you don't want anyone to think you're out with your daughter, so color away my friend! :D

Short, chubby, bald, grey, old. Man, I have some serious issues huh?? LOL..........................

Chief Mechanic, BAP Racing ("Bald And Proud") Credit to the lovely Sylvia Mills for that one:):):)
presence vs. absence...

Acura NsX Pilot said:
Im starting to find some gray hairs on my head...?

hmmm, isn't any hair is better than no hair?!? :confused: Just one way to look at it Bailey... :cool:

[now, damnit where's my rogaine and propecia'!!!]
I started getting greys when I was 16. I pull them out as they come and burn them ritualistically to try and scare more from coming. Sorry to say.... it doesn't work.

Look at it this way, its better than having bald spots.
Now i feel better:rolleyes: Just shave my head, no more hair style issues, no more hair cut fees and the girlies all come up, pat my head and exclaim in unison 'kimochii!' (feels good, in japanese) working out and being in a band helps i noticed :D
During collage years, I took 18 credit hours ( five courses ) all in electrical engineering in one semester. The end result was 4 continues months of not seeing my best friend, a semester GPA of 3.6/4, and three gray hairs which I still have 2 years on now.

I even carried the curriculum for that semester for a while just to have a constant reminder that the word impossible is very flexible
im getting some grays at age 36 but i really dont care if they turned pink as long as they dont fall out. My friend did a photoshop of me bald and I looked terrible
I started getting gray hair last year at 24, just in one spot so far but my older bro got it around the same time and it's gotten bigger at 27 so I'm sure I'm not too far behind. Oh well.
This thread is hilarious!

I started getting gray hair a few months before the birth of my daughter. I grew gray hair, lost 20lbs, developed a nervous twitch in my left eye, and couldn't remember anything.

Fun times!:D
Gray hair is nothing - it's the reading glasses that come shortly thereafter that make you feel ready for your rocking chair and shawl.