Gran Turismo 5 Prologue in 2007

27 March 2000
Palos Verdes, CA
PS3 will be getting another taste of GT5 this year via the PlayStation Network store, verified to have online competition...and there's an NSX in at least one screen shot

Check out the E3 2007 video, the even better trailer from the PlayStation Premiere Event, the remixed variation with new footage from Leipzig, and a replay posted for TGS 2007 (posted 9/19/07)




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Ahh man I sold my PS3!!! I need to get it back!!!
So is gran turismo 5 the same as the GT-HD?

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GTHD was the free downloadable teaser that came out last Christmas (10 cars, one circuit featuring time trials and drift trials with a global scoreboard as the only online component). Not bad for a freebie.

GT5: Prologue is due later this year (no word on the price). Though the exact details have yet to be revealed, it is said to feature another set of cars, several circuits, and head-to-head online competition...but keep in mind that this is still merely a teaser for the real GT5, which is due sometime in 2008.
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Honestly, I think Gran Turismo as a series needs some tweaking.

I want to see more detailed tuning, with more options for parts and upgrades. EVERY car should be able to take any modification that is plausible. Why can't I turbo/supercharge my NSX? Why can't I bore/stroke anything other than a Skyline/Civic?

And I think there needs to be a bigger reason to buy/keep the cars, rather than just needing them to do one race and then never using them again. I want to feel a sense of ownership of the car, and like my choice of car actually has an effect on the game experience.

And hopefully, the AI will be more "realistic" in that it won't crash into me when I slow down to take a turn, or run me off the track trying to pass me on the inside.

Given the PS3's capabilities, I would expect to see different "personalities" behind the wheels of the competition. Some more aggressive raceers, some more strategic, some better at maximizing corner speed, some better at braking etc...

As it is now, GT4 felt more like GT 3.5 to me. I hope GT 5 is a REAL sequal, a completely new game.
I just hope the online racing will be stable just in case the AI blows. Be nice to see a bunch of the NSX peeps on there with our own Virtual NSXPO. Except this time we can drive as hard as we want and not worry about putting dents on our NSX's. :biggrin:
Honestly, I think Gran Turismo as a series needs some tweaking.

And I think there needs to be a bigger reason to buy/keep the cars, rather than just needing them to do one race and then never using them again. I want to feel a sense of ownership of the car, and like my choice of car actually has an effect on the game experience.

As it is now, GT4 felt more like GT 3.5 to me. I hope GT 5 is a REAL sequal, a completely new game.

Agree. Do you remember how the Resident Evil series finally took a complete different turn with RE4??? It did just that and became the best game of the year. GT5 needs to do the same thing.
I hope they fix a lot of problems that were in GT4 and before...

my main complaints:

1. fake physics
2. bad AI
3. bad sound effects on race cars
4. no in-car view

The 2 games that Polyphony needs to research and compare:
GTR2 and R-Factor
hasn't anybody else realized that GT2 was the SAME game as GT, and GT 3 was the same as GT2 and GT 4 is the same as GT3??????
the only difference is the graphics are better each time. (and the music always blows)

don't get me wrong, i love the game, but they get boring so much quicker than they should. i do have to say i'm glad that ferrari is in this game. (FINALLY.... jeez)

unfortunately GT5 is the same as GT4..... i've played the demo, and after you get over the fact that the graphics are pretty damn good..... it's not that special.

maybe it's just me..... nobody else sees how identical the games are to each other???
I loved the first GT, but skipped GT2 simply because it didn't seem as polished. GT3 was such a huge leap in visuals, I became a huge my coworkers had setup a LAN for playing multiplayer races.

As far as the GT3 to GT4 comparision, I probably would have felt similarly if it wasn't for the fact I bought the Driving Force Pro (my first force feedback steering wheel) for GT4...and it made the driving experience feel so much more real and exciting. I also loved the sheer amount of cars and tracks in the game...and nothing in previous GTs compared to the sense of speed one got hauling ass on the Nurburgring especially with the DFP. After awhile, I didn't care that the AI still stuck to the driving line like glue or that you could get away with a few things you couldn't do in real life...the driving still feels more realistic than any driving game I have ever played (including the original Forza...haven't played Forza 2).

My biggest gripe with GT4 isn't the lack of crash damage, but more to do with the lack of online play...which had been promised and then dropped. And my biggest concern with GT5 is that the crash damage won't initially be part of the package (rumors suggest it will come as a downloadable add-on after the release)...which makes me question how they will handle car contact and penalties in their online competition modes.

GTHD is not really a demo of GT5...Prologue will be a more appropriate gauge. That said, if GT5: Prologue is anything like GT4: Prologue, there will likely be even more improvements to visuals and driving physics before GT5 comes out. The physics have definitely improved in GTHD, so they are obviously heading in the right direction.

I'm very curious how many cars will be on the track simultaneously in GT5. Screen shots already show as many as 8 cars on the track...I'm hoping for more.

In-car view is already confirmed for GT5...and, as you can see from the screens, the cars are quite detailed inside AND out. One story I read states that it takes 180 days to model each car!


In-car view is already confirmed for GT5...and, as you can see from the screens, the cars are quite detailed inside AND out. One story I read states that it takes 180 days to model each car!



if it takes 180 days to model each car, then they need to stop including so many shitboxes.

i don't know how true-to-the-game the demo is..... but i'm assuming it's pretty close.... and that means you're going to buy the same game for the fifth time. (heh, and so am i.... good thing it's a good game to begin with - and it's better than forza).
Hopefully there will be some actual details about Prologue announced at the PlayStation Premiere event in Tokyo, Japan being held sometime today...check this thread for more info.

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in car view was the only thing i was really wishing for. im very impressed with this hardware so far, playing GTHD on a sd-tv i can pick out GAUGE NEEDLES in replays. amazing, now if they could just make them move... ;)
I'll buy a PS3 for GT5 the same way I bought a PS1 for GT2, and a PS2 for GT3. I love the game, and like that it is basically the same across generations. The improved graphics are enough to placate me, and I always know I will be fast.

I love to race against the clock on the complicated courses (Nurburgring) I would say the addition of the ring on GT4 was a significant advance over GT3. I am really looking forward to online gameplay on GT5- I like the idea of matching skills with some of you, along with other friends across the country.

The only other game I liked nearly as much was PGR on XBOX 360, I liked the trigger pulls for modulating the gas and braking, but still not as much as I enjoy GT.


BTW- I have found that the folks that are most vehemently critical of the GT series are just pissed because they can't play well. Just an observation. :wink:
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It's official. GT5: Prologue is coming out October, 2007 in Japan via the PlayStation Network Store.









Okay, so there are 16 cars in this last screen! :D
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I had my coworker translate the Japanese text on GT5: Prologue's official website. Unfortunately, there aren't any game details other than it coming out in October 2007 via the PlayStation Network Store (price to be determined), that it WILL have online play, and that it will feature cars from the 40th Tokyo Motor Show, a lineup that may include the next-gen NSX, GT-R, STi, Evo X, Supra, and LF-A.
Ok - graphics are hands down the most amazing I've ever seen in a racing game. Those NSX pics look like Honda press photos! :eek:
I think the GT series has always nailed the visual fidelity aspect of racing titles. However, we all know a great looking game doesn't make a great game. If the physics and sound are there I think PS3 GT will be the most immersive racing experience out there. That having been said, I doubt it will take the modding/tuning/racing crown from Forza Motorsport 2.