I hear this is suppose to be in 3D with a new 3D television. Does Gt Prologue have 3D support? I've been dying to sample GT in 3D.
As far as I know, there is no plan to retrofit Prologue with 3D support. I would not be surprised if they release a 3D enabled demo of GT5 before it launches.
I forgot to give my first hand report from the show floor. I tried out GT5 twice in 3D, both times driving the ARTA NSX (the only NSX included in this demo). Given my propensity to play from within the cockpit view, my opinion seems a bit different than most in that I found the 3D effect almost too exaggerated. The steering wheel felt a bit too much in my face, but the dash to hood receded nicely behind it. There's nice separation from the hood and the road and the 3D does make it a bit easier to judge distance to other cars and cones, but I didn't feel it helped my ability to judge my speed.
That said, I made the *mistake* of driving courses I had never previously tried before, so I was going way too fast as I entered corners. Of course, I HAD to try the Top Gear Test Track...which is least aided by 3D given how far the geometric details (hangars, 747) are from the actual course. Two minutes wasn't even enough for me to finish one lap because I went off in the first turn. A few laps riding with The Stig would have helped. The other I tried was the new Rome Circuit. The 3D is much more effective when the roadside details are close...and I get the feeling I am able to drive a hair closer to the walls thanks to better depth perception.
Collision physics are much improved. Cars no longer feel so tethered to the ground. Watching cars get rear ended looks pretty dang believable, even without damage enabled. You can see the body lift off of the wheels or cars go completely airborne given the appropriate conditions. I glanced over my shoulder to see someone roll a couple of times. Complete rollovers weren't even possible in previous GT games.
I didn't drive the Toscana rally circuit, but it, despite lacking a bit in roadside details, looks fantastic. Endurance racing is going to be freakin' amazing in GT5 given the day-to-night cycles and the realistic headlights (the beams reflect off of roadside signs believably, adding greatly to the effect while helping you anticipate corners from a reasonable distance).
I was a bit concerned that the demo on the floor maxed out at 8 cars in some events, but the official site still claims races with up to 16 cars. I am seriously hoping they allow multi-class races, especially online. I was also surprised that the demo wasn't multiplayer...since it sounds like they've really fleshed out their online support (and it would be nice to see how much so given how weak Prologue's was implemented).
BTW, I also played Motorstorm: Apocalypse in 3D. The 3D effect felt totally over the top in that game because you are surrounded by destruction in that game...smoke, fire, chunks from collapsing buildings, pedestrians go flying right over your hood and into the camera to dramatic effect. I started giggling because it all seemed so silly. Perhaps a bit too much. And I'm a little on the fence how I feel about racing games where the entire course collapses or changes as you race...kinda hard to learn the best line or spot your apex when the course suddenly shifts in an unexpectedly different direction. Still, it could be fun.