GPS that fights crime... in a way but....

24 July 2000
Who's to say its not just something to eventually imprison the population in their homes in order to prevent "crimes" from happening in the first place? If everyone was doing what they were supposed to be doing, then a whole lot of crimes would never even be committed!
sounds wonderful eh?? rrrright...

What do you guys think about this? I can see it will have a few good uses, but I'm afraid that it will come to having to implant everyone w/ GPS chips in their necks so that we all are "in the right place at the right time" so to speak... BLEH!


[This message has been edited by Electro (edited 11 August 2002).]
Like having a car with GPS, they can track your every move. Try getting away with a hit and run accident with OnStar installed. Rental car companies were using GPS to charge renters a sircharge for speeding.

Considering that the war on terror has put us $157 billion in the red, I find it interesting how we seem to have money for everything but putting a fence up around our borders and keeping track of those who are legally/illegally here. Citizens with chips and aliens without? Never going to work, IMO. Besides, it could be used by terrorists to track government officials. I bet anything with a chip can be used as a microphone these days. Where do we install the chip? If it is in a known location, kidnappers will cut off that bodypart.

If something does happen in this direction, it will center around money, and the move to a cashless society. Once cash is eliminated, crime should be reduced, if one has to barter for credits.