Got Vandalized tonight

Sorry your night was ruined. I'm starting to question the kind of world we live in where you can't even enjoy something you worked so hard for in peace. Reading this and Bob's thread, I can't help but worry about the direction we're all headed in. I know if I had my dream car and this happened I would be heartbroken.
Sorry to read about this. :frown: Good that you were able to remove it. :smile: Be thankful he didn't use a screwdriver :eek:

I rarely park my car where I can't see it the entire time. So Cal does that to you.:frown:
Sorry your night was ruined. I'm starting to question the kind of world we live in where you can't even enjoy something you worked so hard for in peace. Reading this and Bob's thread, I can't help but worry about the direction we're all headed in.

I would say get used to it, it's only going to get worse. The core problem -in the U.S., U.K., Japan, China, India - is one of increasing wealth inequality. Sure, Chinese factories are operating at capacity and minting it. The workers there are making $1.50/hr instead of $1.25. But the 1 owner is making a few million year. Same thing in India. In a much less egregious sense, the same thing is happening in the Western world.

So - will there be more *pissed off* lower class folks running around in the next decade, ready to key your car? yeah, probably. wealth inequality always leads to social instability.
I would say get used to it, it's only going to get worse. The core problem -in the U.S., U.K., Japan, China, India - is one of increasing wealth inequality. Sure, Chinese factories are operating at capacity and minting it. The workers there are making $1.50/hr instead of $1.25. But the 1 owner is making a few million year. Same thing in India. In a much less egregious sense, the same thing is happening in the Western world.

So - will there be more *pissed off* lower class folks running around in the next decade, ready to key your car? yeah, probably. wealth inequality always leads to social instability.

I'm not disagreeing with you - but I have a story that demonstrates how f-d up it is: A friend has a high end clothing store - people used to steal leather jackets - regularly. He put in an antitheft system so they couldn't be stolen - people started slashing the jackets on the rack - not in a way to get them off the rack, but in a "denial of service" kind of way so that they would be useless as clothes.

What kind of sicko doesn't understand that thats warped? I understand they could feel hopeless trapped in a poor existence, but how does that help their situation? It only diminishes the doer - thats why I'm not so into state sanctioned killing, it makes murderers out of good people - like many of the Reservists in Iraq - I support the troops, I want them home with their families not in harms way - if you want them to stay you are the one who doesn't support them!

Why is logic whatever you want it to be?
.. At least you were able to get it off fast.

+ 2
.... Grrrrrrr, stinx it happened but *Lucky it left no permanent (or $ repair) damage.

I had this occur a few years back, to my girl, here in Miami (Coconut Grove)..... Some poser 'gang member idiotically tagged my drivers side, with some fat marker :cool: . I drove around rampantly (read: livid, furious, but friendly), asking any leads to who might be familiar with the 'tag'..... Well, one of his 'fellow members, took the opportunity to jump in my car, and rat the dude out.
(Agree, thank God, that the markers , when caught quickly, are reversible-- which seems was in your case as well! ) :smile:

But, *Yes, it was quite fun (&entertaining) :biggrin: to watch the 'gang member/tagger/thug' laboriously scrub his stupid tag off, and return my car to its pristine condition. -~of course, this 'restoration' was done in full public view (&peace was made): Priceless. Quite the sight to see :tongue:
+ 2
.... Grrrrrrr, stinx it happened but *Lucky it left no permanent (or $ repair) damage.

I had this occur a few years back, to my girl, here in Miami (Coconut Grove)..... Some poser 'gang member idiotically tagged my drivers side, with some fat marker :cool: . I drove around rampantly (read: livid, furious, but friendly), asking any leads to who might be familiar with the 'tag'..... Well, one of his 'fellow members, took the opportunity to jump in my car, and rat the dude out.
(Agree, thank God, that the markers , when caught quickly, are reversible-- which seems was in your case as well! ) :smile:

But, *Yes, it was quite fun (&entertaining) :biggrin: to watch the 'gang member/tagger/thug' laboriously scrub his stupid tag off, and return my car to its pristine condition. -~of course, this 'restoration' was done in full public view (&peace was made): Priceless. Quite the sight to see :tongue:

GAWD!! You're really tough.:biggrin:
Oh this is the Blade in me talking: Park your car there again. Wait for the insect to try this stunt again. Beat him silly....and write Real Good Beating on his chest:mad:

carve into his chest to demonstrate how damage lasts physically and emotionally.:smile: No sympathy for people like that.:mad:
Sorry to hear about that KooLaid. Glad it didn't do permanent damage. I still remember when I first bought my NSX... Literally the first week I had it (back when I lived in the Bay Area) some idiot(s) slashed a tire and keyed it. Luckily the scratch was very minor and the car was ready for new tires anyways. But, I have been overly paranoid about parking it ever since.
I'm not disagreeing with you - but I have a story that demonstrates how f-d up it is: A friend has a high end clothing store - people used to steal leather jackets - regularly. He put in an antitheft system so they couldn't be stolen - people started slashing the jackets on the rack - not in a way to get them off the rack, but in a "denial of service" kind of way so that they would be useless as clothes.

What kind of sicko doesn't understand that thats warped? I understand they could feel hopeless trapped in a poor existence, but how does that help their situation? It only diminishes the doer - thats why I'm not so into state sanctioned killing, it makes murderers out of good people - like many of the Reservists in Iraq - I support the troops, I want them home with their families not in harms way - if you want them to stay you are the one who doesn't support them!

Why is logic whatever you want it to be?
Yea that's the sad nature of the human race. Stuff like this makes you wonder how the human race can avoid becoming extinct.
Stories like this really get me angry.

Just last week i came out of the grocery store and saw some kid (maybe 10-12 years old) stealing my NSX logo valve stem caps. I yelled at the kid and he took off on his bike. As if the little turd had an NSX at home or something to even put them on?
Anyway, luckily i ordered 8 of them from ebay and had four spare ones to replace the two he got away with but man it gets my goat to think that some people are so disrespectful that they steal and vandalize someone elses property for no good reason at all.

I mean if i was one of those people who takes up two parking spaces in the front of a building i would almost expect a key mark or two on my car but when you go out of your way to park in a "safe" spot and people seek you out just to mess with you .... that i'll never understand and its the reason why i do NOT carry a handgun.
Just FYI, asking for security camera footage almost certainly wouldn't help. These bitches who think tagging is cool are usually wearing something over their faces, because they know about the cameras and, like all terrorists, they're pansies who can't face the people who would beat them into the ground for what they do.
^^ good to know you safely got out of that one...

i wonder if they get a kick out of it.... its so sad...shame on them... SHAME:eek:
This is the reason we carry guns in Minnesota.......
This is the reason we carry guns in Minnesota.......
Sadly though, Minnesota is one of those liberal states where you can be prosecuted for defending your life.

Minnesota = good state for crooks. Justice is on their side.

Legislators reject bill to broaden right to use deadly force in self-defense

A bill that supporters say would have broadened citizens' rights to defend themselves -- and opponents say would have encouraged a Wild West mentality -- failed in its first test in the Legislature on Thursday.

Easier to be a victim in Minnesota than a defender of your life.
Sadly though, Minnesota is one of those liberal states where you can be prosecuted for defending your life.

Not so much now that the State's Attorney is new. Old one would prosecute you for shooting an intruder in your house. She would say, well could you have done something else to ask him to leave??????
...thats why I'm not so into state sanctioned killing, it makes murderers out of good people - like many of the Reservists in Iraq - I support the troops, I want them home with their families not in harms way - if you want them to stay you are the one who doesn't support them!

Why is logic whatever you want it to be?

How do you take something like vandalism on a car and insert your anti-war plug? Have you been to Iraq? I'm not calling for our troops to come home and this means I don't support them? I find that statement off the mark since I actually wore the uniform in Iraq. Seriously, what's the point of myself and others going there is we pull out now? Our troops should come home when the job is done. Everyone I was with wanted to complete the mission. PERIOD. We weren't crying and praying every night that our politicians would pull us out and bring us home. If we leave right now, then all my labor and the lives lost will be in vain.

On certain things you don't need to insert your opinions on. Like your shameless anti-war propaganda in a topic on vandalism. Don't try to speak for me. I did my time and I can speak for myself. No one needs to try to tell our troops when it's time to go home except for their commanders. I wish I didn't have to listen to "backseat politicians" everywhere I go.

Sorry for the rant, I'm just sick of hearing this crap.
From vandalism to rants about the war in Iraq, here on nsxprime, we got it all! ............... In the same thread :frown:

BTW, as for tagging our town has taken another approach to the issue. They're making the parents help pay the price for their kid's stupid shit. I'm not sure if it also includes actual cash, but the parents are required to help clean up graffiti along side their children. I've read 40+ hours of community service on the parent's part. In some towns, the parents are even made to pick up trash along the freeway at the wee early mornings. If the kids screw up again with more graffiti, the parents pay the price again by more community service and the kid goes to Juvenile hall or back to juvenile hall if they've been there before. On the other hand, if the parents DON'T do their time served for community service the kid goes to Juvy still lol.

In small towns like Denton, TX the town is supposedly almost graffiti free. The police representative's comment, "It's amazing what happens when the parents have to get up at 7am to pick up trash along the freeway."
From vandalism to rants about the war in Iraq, here on nsxprime, we got it all! ............... In the same thread :frown:

BTW, as for tagging our town has taken another approach to the issue. They're making the parents help pay the price for their kid's stupid shit. I'm not sure if it also includes actual cash, but the parents are required to help clean up graffiti along side their children. I've read 40+ hours of community service on the parent's part. In some towns, the parents are even made to pick up trash along the freeway at the wee early mornings. If the kids screw up again with more graffiti, the parents pay the price again by more community service and the kid goes to Juvenile hall or back to juvenile hall if they've been there before. On the other hand, if the parents DON'T do their time served for community service the kid goes to Juvy still lol.

In small towns like Denton, TX the town is supposedly almost graffiti free. The police representative's comment, "It's amazing what happens when the parents have to get up at 7am to pick up trash along the freeway."

I went to college in Denton and it is basically a college town so i wouldnt consider it on par with what they have in S.Cal but i see your point.

To be honest, i cant think of too many towns in the DFW area that i have seen tagged up. But like some others posted, allot of Texans carry handguns and catching someone tagging your vehicle would give many of them cause to pull their piece.

The funny thing about Texas is that my NSX gets an obscene amount of attention and yet most of the trucks parked around me cost twice what i paid for my car.
Three years ago, some fatass pulled up next to me in a restaurant parking lot and his truck exhaust set off the alarm on my Teg, cause he was being a douche and revving the motor. He got out and was apparently annoyed by the alarm so he punched my hatch and put a big dent in it. I was sitting in a booth by a window right where the car was parked so I waited for him to get in and get a seat with his buddies and few girls. Next, I went up with my friends (goth and metal crowd of giants) and sat right next to him in a chair I pulled up. I told him to pay up or have me go and demolish his Tahoe. Now, I'm not crazy or scary looking, but my 6'7" and lean 220 tends to get the point across without much effort when I need it to. Needless to say, the hatch was fixed.

From what I could gather, this douchebag specimen was probably some former jock who still carries a feeling of failure because coach never let him play. He now has a constant need to prove himself so he must look and act tough, hence the giant truck and a short fuse. I'm sure you've all seen such specimen before, I see them all the time.

The idiot in your case tagged your car because he thinks people like you are rich and hold people like him down. The fact that you've worked hard and made something out of yourself while he didn't put any effort into his own future is irrelevant and besides any point to him. You have a nice car and therefore, to him you are guilty!