Got The Big Thumps Down

K guys its been a while since I have been on this furom and I have been working since 8am (its 3am now..a cops life sucks). Forgive me but I just spot read most of these posts.

First, the thumbs down thing I have never gotten. My black NSX gets alot of attention. Sometimes too much. BTW MvM, I am in an interacial relationship also. It really pisses off those rednecks when they pull up in their big dirty doullys or whatever and see a pretty white girl with a yadi (Jamaican) guy driving. Otherwise my car gets a great deal of respect. Though here in Miami there is the import crowd and the all american car crowd. Both sides tend to give the NSX a good share of respect. My NSX isnt (and will never be) a supercharged or turbocharged NSX. But theres a few of them around here that have blown the pants off most things on the road. So there keeping it real in the Power trip crowd. As for the people who compare the NSX to Ferraris, of the reasons I have been absent from the post is my CBR motorcycle. I could have gone italian and gotten the Ducatti. But I wanted something that lasts. IMO, and to add to the fighter jet posts, the NSX is more like the F-14D to me. I dont have a pic of this jet but you've all seen Top Gun. A car/plane way ahead of its time and still running strong. Hmm...maybe I can get a pic of my NSX next to an F-14. Any air jockeys here in the Miami area?


be safe.
Originally posted by whs520:
As far as "thumbs down," last week, as my brother was approaching our NSX at a parking lot, he overheard some college kids comment that it was a "ripoff." They also criticized the design of the exterior! Everybody has their own preferences, I guess!


These are the same Corvette-praising, NSX-bashing kids that probably leaves their marks on the forums or any like it. Kinda funny how they think the Z06 looks better than the NSX, when in fact the C-5 came out 7 years after NSX's 1st intro and shares the same styling features. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, as they put it.
Originally posted by Darkcyd:
Ya know, the idea of a seperate line off the windheild wiper pump is a novel idea. That way you could spray up and over the NSX while discharging directly behind you.

What an idea!!

yep it sure is!

[This message has been edited by Zanardi 50 (edited 30 May 2002).]
Originally posted by Nsxotic:
Again, you all seem to have missed another attempt at sarcasm..... I give up.

No I don't think I missed it. Just trying to make a point about relative cost of the F-Car. My comment isn't directed to this forum and comments made only pertain to those that think cost = respect. Maybe I jumped the gun abit on my Euro comments but I can't help it as I havn't been the same since a fight I got into with the TWR mechanics @ Daytona. Sorry...
i think some regions just might have more rednecks than a few more thumbs down. hell, by birth im a redneck, then i went through the 12step program. "grant me the serenity to accept the rednecks i cant change, and change the rednecks i can". so you see, driving an nsx is really just a part of the 12step redneck program. oh yeah, i also had to stop pissing in the backyard....
i agree with the little kids comments thing. i was over at the school where my mother teaches in southern illinois, very redneck, and the little second graders looked out the window and said, "wow, is that your car? thats really cool. thats the coolest looking corvette". another little boy said, "thats not a corvette, thats a ferrari."

personally, i think we have the coolest looking corvettes and ferraris on the road. i didnt have the heart to tell them it was a honda.
Originally posted by huckster:
personally, i think we have the coolest looking corvettes and ferraris on the road. i didnt have the heart to tell them it was a honda.
Have used that one too... "yep, its a limited-release XXX prototype for the 200x release"
SHort version of the story:
I'm following a semi-clean red pickup truck on the way home from work tonight. We're on a single lane road (speed limit 35..most people do 45-50). He is going 35 but I do not tail gate him. The road finally widens to 2 lanes and speed limit increases to 40. I drop a gear, pull into the left lane, pass this guy (and leave him) then using my turn signal get back in the right lane to turn into my subdivision (the guy is at least 100 yards behind me at this point). Because of an accident or something traffic is backed up past the entrance to my sub. So this yahoo speeds up and stops a couple inches off my rear bumper. I try to ignore him even though he won't back off at all (this is stop-and-go traffic...5 mph tops). When he doesn't get a reaction from me he pulls up and hits my NSX on purpose! That did get a reaction from me. I get out of the car and ask him to back off my bumper. He says I shouldn't have passed him back there. I told him that I just passed him, didn't cut him off or slow him down at all. He didn't have much of an answer (as befits his obvious IQ).

What's with people?? I was willing to write this off as just another ignorant shop rat (I live north of the Metro Detroit area), until he puposely hit another vehicle (mine).

Has anyone had anything like this happen to them?

Fortunately, there was no damage, but still...

O.K. End of rant. I just had to get it off my chest. Thanks guys for listening. (Can you imagine any of us rear ending a Lamborghini just because he passed us?


And that is exactly why I started this post...whats up with these 9/11 or what?
Never had a bad experience on the street, but have been vandalized multiple times. Go figure. I am generally very polite when driving the NSX as it is very easy to find me after I have parked. Though keep in mind that I should have changed my response to all past tense . . .
