Got The Big Thumps Down

10 July 2000
El Dorado Hills, CA
Some kids drive by slowly and give me the thumbs down. What's up with that. This has happened twice in the last several months. Is this that buy American attitude?

Then yesterday I am driving on a two lane road early in the morning that is under construction. Rocks all over the place. The speed limit is 25 MPH. Some guy in a new lowered Chevy pickup comes up quickly on my tail. Guess he does not observe construction zone speed limits.

Just as the zone ends I look in my rearview and he is on the gas going to pass all over the place. No way...So I hit the gas. He passes me later and flips me off and yells "learn how to drive." Guess he did not like the fact I left in a hurry.

What the heck is up with these people? Does it seem there is tension in the air? Could it be all the terrorist reports?

Go figure.

97-T #009 @ 23K

[This message has been edited by NSX4U2 (edited 23 May 2002).]
Originally posted by NSX4U2:
Some kids drive by slowly and give me the thumbs down. What's up with that. This has happened twice in the last several months. Is this that buy American attitude?

Then yesterday I am driving on a two lane road early in the morning that is under construction. Rocks all over the place. The speed limit is 25 MPH. Some guy in a new lowered Chevy pickup comes up quickly on my tail. Guess he does not observe construction zone speed limits.

Just as the zone ends I look in my rearview and he is on the gas going to pass all over the place. No way...So I hit the gas. He passes me later and flips me off and yells "learn how to drive." Guess he did not like the fact I left in a hurry.

What the heck is up with these people? Does it seem there is tension in the air? Could it be all the terrorist reports?

Go figure.

97-T #009 @ 23K

[This message has been edited by NSX4U2 (edited 23 May 2002).]

They're just jealous...
It's easy for them to say. They are not the one who's sitting in an exotic and how on earth would they know the cost of maintainance if the rocks chipped the paint or even flat tires? Those pick up jerks probably don't even own their POS. One set of tires for us can lease their sorry piece of junk for a damn year.

Well, this isn't my story so I guess I shouldn't get all heated up here.

As for the kids, just ignore them but if you have to, tell them to get their own car before they open their mouth.

Bottom line, with us sitting in the NSX, we all know who the losers are.
Wow, that's a first. I've had mine for 8 years, the last 3 of which have been just down the road from you, in Carmichael and gotten nothing but thumbs up. Kids will want to race of course or not like the way you're driving but to give you thumbs down on the car is unheard of in my experience as well as my recollection of others' as reported on the list or these forums. I think you've experienced some sort of cosmic fluke.

Is your car silver? Maybe they mistake you for Tom Brady who drives a 2000 silver and lives in your neighborhood. (Just kidding Tom)

Where I live I have not yet had any thumbs down. I do get lots of long looks from people, especially young males and twice as much when I have a girlfriend sitting next to me. I also get lots of grins and thumbs up. I always greet the people who do that.
Going or coming to/from work however, lots of (younger) yuppie-class people in their nice company lease-cars do their very best to ignore me. Many times, they also seem to try hard to keep up with me in a nonchalant & unconspicuous way. Sometimes I will just leave them behind in a similar nonchalant way.

As for me, I will give a thumbs up myself to anyone who has obviously put a lot of work into his or her car, whatever year or model the car might be.
I think I'm a very lucky guy to be able to drive a car like a NSX and don't think it's appropriate to look down on anyone who is not as fortunate. I also believe that if I behave positively & polite the NSX-image I display will be enhanced by that.
That's an easy one!

They thought you were driving a Corvette!


David Allen
'00 Silverstone NSX-T
Comptech SC, Headers, Intake, Exhaust & a little Mark Basch tweakage
Hey Nsxjoy,
I drive a pick up truck and I really love (the idea of) the NSX--I don't have one...yet. I'm sure you weren't lumping all us pick up drivers into one category, I just wanted to make sure that you knew that some (or at least one) of us envy you NSXers in a friendly sort of way the joy of driving such a cool car.

And I'll admit that I am guilty of pulling up behind NSXs on the freeway just to look at them--the rear light/spoiler thingie is my favorite asthetic about the car (or any car, for that matter). So if you ever see a slightly beat-up looking red toyota pick up pull up behind you, it might just be me admiring.
Lately I've been getting a lot of looks from attractive young girls( only when I'm in the car
) and that's always good for a laugh. Most kids in asian cars are in awe, and usually speed up to check it out. I always smile and nod/thumbs up. Never race, let them wonder. The reaction from the Vette & Porsche guys is always interesting. They don't want you to see them checking you out. The Vette guys will usually stomp on it in an attempt to boost their own egos. I did have one jerk in a riced-out Maxima climb right up my tail and then chirp some rubber as he passed me while I was turning.The best reaction I've gotten so far was from a guy who owns an F355 and lives in the next neighborhood. he hasn't seen my car in the 'hood yet, but we passed each other in town one time and he did strain his neck trying to figure out what I was. I think the sound of the Tubi confused him

I guess I didn't express myself clearly. I was just pointing my finger to those rude ones who don't understand the special attention we pay when driving. Such as avoiding podholes, going extra slow on rough surfaces, etc. Some of them drivers will honk or even try to pass us and splash water/dirt/sand/rocks while doing so. Their actions are just a little inconsiderate, not to mention the addition of profanity.

However, such cases only happened a couple times to me. I was just feeling the pain and frustration of NSX4U2 and got heated up a little (as I mentioned above). I didn't mean to insult the whole communnity of pickup owners nor do my view represent the NSX community's perspectives.

One funny point to make though, I did get honk much less when driving the NSX (while driving 5-10mph on rough surfaces) compare to the Audi S4 I used to have. I've always been a car lover and NSX is not the only one I drive careful with. I guess ppl do give some sort of respect to exotics.
Simply put: they're jealous!

I drive a C5 and I get the same crap from some of these hillbilly a$$holes! And WTF is up with minivans trying to race sports cars? I get that a lot too!


2001 QuickSilver Corvette Coupe - Not Stock

2002 Black Acura 3.2 TL/S
The worst experience I had was when two construction workers driving a Dodge Ram tried to run me off the road. This happened on an empty back road and there were no other cars around except ours.

Good thing for the quick reflexes of the NSX which enabled me to get out of harms way.

Some folks just simply cannot tolerate others with nice possessions.
Originally posted by NSXLNT:
The reaction from the Vette & Porsche guys is always interesting. They don't want you to see them checking you out.

I just had this exact same reaction yesterday from a Viper guy. I've actually had a number of bad encounters on the road with Vipers.
Just for the record, I don't own or drive a Dodge moniker is based on my job and NOT the car I drive.

Originally posted by Viper Driver:
Just for the record, I don't own or drive a Dodge moniker is based on my job and NOT the car I drive.

You job is to drive a Viper? Damn, must be tough
Originally posted by Viper Driver:
Just for the record, I don't own or drive a Dodge moniker is based on my job and NOT the car I drive.


Holly S#!+ batman, talk about your G's on a skid pad. NM Air Gaurd if i'm not mistaken, F-16 Eagles. Now that what is called a ride. Tell Bin-ladin all of us in the states say "up yours"...and greetings with a lazer guided bomb right in the nuts.

[This message has been edited by Tom Larkins (edited 24 May 2002).]
NM Air Guard......yes

F-16s, yes,

The F-16 is affectionately known in the pilot community as the "Viper." Outside of the fighter community, they are known more commonly by the term "Fighting Falcon."

Sorry for taking this thread off-topic. I'm hoping to one day own an NSX, which is why I'm lurking around here. Money is the big hurdle for me right now! Anybody got an extra one in their garage that's collecting dust?.....I didn't think so.

I long for the day when I get to plop a GBU-24 on Bin Laden' front porch. I may be getting a chance with Saddam soon. Been there once already. I'll tell either one of these kooks you said hello if I ever get the chance.

Anyway, I think this thread was orginally about rude people giving the "thumbs down" when driving......


[This message has been edited by Viper Driver (edited 24 May 2002).]

[This message has been edited by Viper Driver (edited 24 May 2002).]
Originally posted by Viper Driver:
NM Air Guard......yes

F-16s, yes,

The F-16 is affectionately known in the pilot community as the "Viper." Outside of the fighter community, they are known more commonly by the term "Fighting Falcon."

Sorry for taking this thread off-topic. I'm hoping to one day own an NSX, which is why I'm lurking around here. Money is the big hurdle for me right now! Anybody got an extra one in their garage that's collecting dust?.....I didn't think so.

I long for the day when I get to plop a GBU-24 on Bin Laden' front porch. I may be getting a chance with Saddam soon. Been there once already. I'll tell either one of these kooks you said hello if I ever get the chance.

Anyway, I think this thread was orginally about rude people giving the "thumbs down" when driving......


Get the Airforce to pay for your college tuition, get a degree, nice good, money, cars, and dreams...
Originally posted by Viper Driver:

Anyway, I think this thread was orginally about rude people giving the "thumbs down" when driving......


[This message has been edited by Viper Driver (edited 24 May 2002).]

[This message has been edited by Viper Driver (edited 24 May 2002).][/B]

Chuck, When it comes to people in the Military I don't think it matters if you go off topic. Maybe someone can arrange to get you a drive sometime in your area. Personally, they don't pay you guys enough for what you do and the sacrifice you take. I hope you are able to get an NSX asap. Thanks for what you do, and may you guys turn Iraq into a giant Jiffy Lube. God Bless.
Hey Viper - take me out for a spin, and I'll let you drive my car for a day

David Allen
'00 Silverstone NSX-T
Comptech SC, Headers, Intake, Exhaust & a little Mark Basch tweakage