I won't waste my time with a full response to your silly rants, but I will summarize. I'm not sticking up blindly for the NSX. It is a combination of compromises like anything else, including bikes. Your precious cycles are intentionally built with a very difference balance of those compromises. They aren't restricted to the same environmental standards. They don't need a lot of torque to haul around all the smog, safety and comfort equipment, not to mention the chassis, body, etc. Buyers don't expect to pull away smoothly from a near stop in second gear without effort, or get decent gas mileage. And they don't expect 200k+ miles from the engine internals. I suspect they also don't give up as much power in the drive train so comparing wheel HP is unrealistic. The S2000 was creating 120 HP/Liter and has been universally panned for being torqueless. This year they increased displacement and decreased redline. But then, they live in the real world. If the NSX was nothing more than an engine and a couple wheels they might spend more time polishing ports and such, again, the real world means recognizing diminishing returns and knowing where to compromise. By any educated estimation they did a pretty good job 15 years ago. There are better now because someone will always try to top the best, but that doesn’t mean we’ll all end up with motorcycle engines in our cars.
But if you really insist on comparing apples and oranges, look at the power output of model aircraft engines and explain to me why your cycles are so lame.
I generally try not to get personal, but your attitude in general, like your initial post, comes across as rather childish. You could be a world champion and it wouldn't change your myopic view of automotive technology.