Got in an accident today

Im not saying screw people over but just fair compensation for damages and other things like your time, devaluation, and NSX joy. She deserves to get sued by you, besides , soft tissue damage is very difficult to dispute. That'll teach her a lesson. Don't be a good guy and screw yourself (at least give yourself a kiss if you're gonna screw yourself). It was incompetence / negligence on her part. Cell phone while driving???? What does that smell like to you? You let her off the hook and she'll do it to someone else. It'll just be a matter of when. Look, she has a NEW Benz ....... gotta have $$$$$$$......teach her a lesson. Ask yourself, what if I did the EXACT same thing to her? Consequences?

Danny RED SR 71:smile: :biggrin: :wink:
dyee said:
Im not saying screw people over but just fair compensation for damages and other things like your time, devaluation, and NSX joy. She deserves to get sued by you, besides , soft tissue damage is very difficult to dispute. That'll teach her a lesson. Don't be a good guy and screw yourself (at least give yourself a kiss if you're gonna screw yourself). It was incompetence / negligence on her part. Cell phone while driving???? What does that smell like to you? You let her off the hook and she'll do it to someone else. It'll just be a matter of when. Look, she has a NEW Benz ....... gotta have $$$$$$$......teach her a lesson. Ask yourself, what if I did the EXACT same thing to her? Consequences?

Danny RED SR 71:smile: :biggrin: :wink:
Well im going to be meeting DrVolkl this week and he is gonna set me up with a lawyer and then i'll go from there. So we'll see how it goes.
Glad your okay.

I feel for you, I know the feelings.

On X-mas day someone backed into mine NSX on the passanger door. She was a very nice person and left a note with her information.
The damaged didn't look bad at all. About a 12x12 dint,less than a half inch deep. Took it to get an est. and it turned out to be ~$4.5k to fix. They told me the door shell itself is $2.3K.

I'll post pics later today.
Drukinfoolio said:
Glad your okay.

I feel for you, I know the feelings.

On X-mas day someone backed into mine NSX on the passanger door. She was a very nice person and left a note with her information.
The damaged didn't look bad at all. About a 12x12 dint,less than a half inch deep. Took it to get an est. and it turned out to be ~$4.5k to fix. They told me the door shell itself is $2.3K.

I'll post pics later today.

Man that scares me. Honestly i think my car is going to be totaled. wholesale value on my 92 with 50k is 23-25k, so if the damages are over 17k my insurance is going to total the car out. Sh*t

Anyone have an idea of how much a salvaged nsx would go for? I might buy the car back if it ends up being a total loss. Im guessing maybe 10k?
Looks like the front suspension is gone. $$$
dyee said:
Im not saying screw people over but just fair compensation for damages and other things like your time, devaluation, and NSX joy. She deserves to get sued by you, besides , soft tissue damage is very difficult to dispute. That'll teach her a lesson. Don't be a good guy and screw yourself (at least give yourself a kiss if you're gonna screw yourself). It was incompetence / negligence on her part. Cell phone while driving???? What does that smell like to you? You let her off the hook and she'll do it to someone else. It'll just be a matter of when. Look, she has a NEW Benz ....... gotta have $$$$$$$......teach her a lesson. Ask yourself, what if I did the EXACT same thing to her? Consequences?

Danny RED SR 71:smile: :biggrin: :wink:

dyee said:
i have a great attorney here in Los Angeles if your neck and back still hurt BADLY :wink: :biggrin: . let me know. he can get yu some $$$$$. PM/email me back.

[email protected]

Danny RED SR 71

They would have had to give me a sedative, I would have been going wild.

Bad luck, does look pretty bad though, any aches and pains today that will help with the claim ??

Kp_VtekNiks said:
Well she was russian and her english wasnt too great, but the cops and paramedics took me to the hospital before i could talk to anyone so i dont know how remorseful she was
I ride a motorcycle, previously as a daily driver. I am definitely careful about entering the intersection when the light turns green... I always look both ways for someone trying to "make" the light.
You did better than me.
The last time some one hit me, I threw a major fit! I kicked the other guy's car, broke my foot and almost got arrested! :mad: I ended up on crutches for a while. And that was not even an NSX! (I was only 20 at the time, but he totalled my 74 Porsche 914 2.0 and I LOVED that car!)

The important thing is that you were not seriously injured.

Good luck!

Nate in DC
simonprelude said:
They would have had to give me a sedative, I would have been going wild.

Bad luck, does look pretty bad though, any aches and pains today that will help with the claim ??

i got some neck pains, but nothing else is too bad right now, just sore.
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dyee said:
Im not saying screw people over but just fair compensation for damages and other things like your time, devaluation, and NSX joy. She deserves to get sued by you, besides , soft tissue damage is very difficult to dispute. That'll teach her a lesson. Don't be a good guy and screw yourself (at least give yourself a kiss if you're gonna screw yourself). It was incompetence / negligence on her part. Cell phone while driving???? What does that smell like to you? You let her off the hook and she'll do it to someone else. It'll just be a matter of when. Look, she has a NEW Benz ....... gotta have $$$$$$$......teach her a lesson. Ask yourself, what if I did the EXACT same thing to her? Consequences?

Danny RED SR 71:smile: :biggrin: :wink:

GOOD IDEA! (sarcasm)
Earn your money the old fashioned way.:mad:
[B said:
dyee[/B]]Originally Posted by dyee
Im not saying screw people over but just fair compensation for damages and other things like your time, devaluation, and NSX joy. She deserves to get sued by you, besides , soft tissue damage is very difficult to dispute. That'll teach her a lesson. Don't be a good guy and screw yourself (at least give yourself a kiss if you're gonna screw yourself). It was incompetence / negligence on her part. Cell phone while driving???? What does that smell like to you? You let her off the hook and she'll do it to someone else. It'll just be a matter of when. Look, she has a NEW Benz ....... gotta have $$$$$$$......teach her a lesson. Ask yourself, what if I did the EXACT same thing to her? Consequences?

Danny RED SR 71:smile: :biggrin: :wink:

heathbar0 said:
GOOD IDEA! (sarcasm)
Earn your money the old fashioned way.:mad:

I think it's a great idea! It is, after all, the reason why we pay for insurance; to get back to where we were before the incident. If my car was to be totaled...after all I've put into it...then yeah, let the lessons begin...<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
Kp_VtekNiks said:
When i got out the car and saw the damages all i could do was yell F*ck at the top of my lungs in the middle of the intersection.

Exactly what I would have done.
Sorry dude.
Onsoku said:
Danny RED SR 71:smile: :biggrin: :wink:[/I]

I think it's a great idea! It is, after all, the reason why we pay for insurance; to get back to where we were before the incident. If my car was to be totaled...after all I've put into it...then yeah, let the lessons begin...<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>

I love this stuff. :biggrin:
Wow, difficult to look at those pics. Glad you're okay though.

I wouldn't want to drive a car that has been in that type of an accident. I just don't think it would drive the same.
Sorry about your car and I hope you are doing better and everything works out for you. Some of the advice you are getting (you know the stuff I am talking about) is so sad. If your hurt I hope you get compensation but if your not don't abuse and add to the mess of the insurance problem that effects us all , SCAMMERS. Your not going to teach her a lesson , just her insurance company and all of"our and your" rates. She's driving a Mercedes? what has that got to do with it ,that is like saying she's driving an NSX.

Again hope everthing works out for you and insurance takes care of everything.
Kp_VtekNiks said:
It was very nice meeting with ya today. You do some great work

Hey, nice to meet you too. We'll get you(r) back in order...sorry I can't do as much for your car. 50k miles on a '92...why do the young ones always get taken from us early?

I wish I could swap my engine for yours...turn the clock back 20k miles...that'd be nice....oh, and the headers would be nice too.