Got a major service done

15 January 2003
Rye Brook, NY, USA
The consumate NSX specialist did some work on my car this past week. Had the TB/WP/Valves and the clutch cylinders done, of course the Oil change, etc. Car is actually singing it's so happy. There was a very minor problem in that somehow my wheel lock was misplaced after checking out my brakes, not a problem, after a couple of phone calls, I went to Acura of Larchmont, they had the master set to take off the old locking lugs and replace it with another set. The service people acted like they had never seen a NSX before, kind of funny. Of course got the obigatory "You must get a lot of girls with that car". I responded with the obvious...."Nah, more guys wanting to play "Fast n Furious". They loved the car, so do I. Thanks Larry, nobody does it better!!!:cool:
they must be newbies over there pre 30yrs old. When I go to acura in wantagh the new guys have the same reaction.
i think i get more older guys comment on the car, than younger people wanting to race me.
fer chrikey sake rog....
i thought you had another bypass.
I was a technican at honda and when i brought my car in to work on it, nobody had any idea of what it was. They even thought the engine was in the front ha ha. Its funny how some peoples' knowledge of cars stops only at what they see or work on.