GOR F1 cruise in Melbourne Aus

28 January 2004
Melbourne, Australia
Hey Guys.

Well as you know i have been trying to organsie a cruise before the Formula 1 to the Great Ocean Road. We have a list of attendees including a few s2000 getting dragged along. However i would like some feedback.

As you all know the race is on the 6th of March so the options are:

Thursday the 3rd of March before the part start, Saturday the 5th of March where we can incorporate a stopover to watch the quailfing or Sunday the 27th of Feb if we want to make it a week before the race. WHat does everyone think? We have six NSXes so far with a few to confirm from Sydney.

I have also talked to Honda and guess what, looks like they cant do anything for us, (whats new). SO if people are interested i can organise all the tickets and that sort of stuff for the grandprix. If we get enough interest we can even get our own corporate box i suppose or else we'll get the grandstand seats or if we are all cheap, we can even get general admission (err sorry guys not me i sick of not being able to see the cars for $85).

Tell me your choice of dates and ticketing thanks guys
GP week is always a BIG one for me so Feb 27 is my preference.
I hope the NSW drivers will get behind this run and any SA viewers might like to come over and see the way Melbourne puts on the best GP in the world (well I think so anyway) :biggrin: :
That is what i was hoping people would say, but because of some interstate visitors i wanted to see if they are planning to stay the whole week. Good to hear from you Mikey 1 and 2.
I cannot take a full week off and don't want to make two trips, so I would prefer the Thursday 3rd March.

In addition, my experience with club drives is that there is much less traffic during the week than on the weekends.

As for tickets... Don't know if we can get enough people to get a private box, so I am in for the grandstand at least!

Thanks Dippy for getting this organised!
I knew you were going to say that AU. We need more responses or i am going to have to make an executive decision.

I'm going to get grandstand seats so hopefully we can get a few more so i can get a discount. :biggrin:
Happy New Years Boys and Girls..

I'll be there this will be my first OZ F1 event I'll be going.. but not sure if the X can come and play as well.

we dont really want you to come just your car! :biggrin: :biggrin:

I am pretty sure you can make it down. I need more confirmation or we are just going to have to do it on ....................

Also here are pricings on the grandstand seating which one???

Secure your 4-Day Reserved seating in any one of the 10 Grandstands listed below for the 2005 FORMULA 1™ Foster's Australian Grand Prix now!

2005 Grandstand Ticket Prices
Facility Access

Jones Grandstand (PDF) $620
Brabham Grandstand (PDF) $620
Fangio Grandstand (PDF) $429
Prost Grandstand (PDF) $459
Moss Grandstand (PDF) $415
Senna Grandstand (PDF) $399
Schumacher Grandstand (PDF) $399
Clark Grandstand (PDF) $369
Waite Grandstand (PDF) $369
Piquet Grandstand (PDF) $359

I like the Moss stand which is near the end of the pit lane pretty much just after the start finish line.
From memory (beit a really bad one... :smile: ) I think Fangio stand section "T" is opposite the big screen and just to the right of the finish/start line which looks directly into the Ferrari & Williams (BAR this year!) pits.

For more info on the location of the seating go to: Grandstand.

For information on the location of the grandstands go to:
Circuit Maps.

Also, if we want to sit together then we have to get the tickets together, so I can TT the money to you Dippy when we have concensus...
dippy when is the final date for me to confirm it to you :rolleyes:
i really love to join you guys for GOR and F1 :wink:
I am in for either of the days for the drive. In regards to the GP tickets though, I will probably have to skip it or go GA because the purse is tight at the moment. I will let you know soon if I can sell a kidney or something.

Thanks for organising Peter!
hmm, probably I might has to do that also, just join you guys for the GOR and skip the F1 . . .

What??? the greatest show in the world and you are all skipping it? ANyway i just want to know who is coming so i can book tickets.

SO far we have nine car confirmatons but only three ticket confirmations
Priorities guys... the GOR is WAY more important. Why watch when we can have our own GP? :rolleyes: :D I put $50 on <B>dippy</B>. :p

When's the RSVP on GP tickets? I <I>might</I> come. Kool to see 0ctan3 will still be around then! :cool:
Hey Andrew

good to hear from you. I meet your friend Brad, small world hah?

Anyway 5 confirmations on the tickets with 2 maybes

i need more confirmation on the date of the run or else we are having a big GOR cruise on the Sunday as it seems the best for everyone. And then we have a little cruise on the Thursday for the interstate boys. HOWs that??????
TWO CRUISES?!?!?!? That sounds AWESOME!!!! I think you've made the right executive decision here. You know you can count me in for both Dippy... though I'm gonna have fun juggling work. :D

<B>NSXBOX</B> : Nico... you GOTTA come down... and you GOTTA bring the NSXBOX... those pix you sent me only served to torture me... i really really wanna see what you've done now! ;) Besides... it wouldn't be a GOR without you. :D
What what what? :eek: :eek:

How come Mikey gets pictures but i dont?? What is going on there my friend?

Nico is official unwelcomed to the GOR cruise if he turns up i not bringing my car, I'll bring the Ferrari instead.
We dont want to sound like snobs (All [H]'s are sweet IMHO), but it is meant to be an NSX/S2000-only cruise. A Prelude could have trouble keeping up... err... even though we'll be abiding by the speed limits. :D Last year we had a GOR cruise with a prelude and he had a lot of trouble. He slowed us down in the corners. ;) (oops... don't tell eddie i said that! LOL :D :D :D )

The Melbourne Honda club is organizing a huge S2000/Integra/Prelude cruise ... you might find that better. <B>Dippy</B> has their website address.

Personally I'd love to see a couple of "ludes" on our cruise but we are trying to keep the numbers down. I hope you understand.

PS. Great to see another Aussie on the forums!!!!!!!!! :D So when are you getting your NSX??? ;)
I'll be getting my NSX in about 2 years when my insurance drops, currently im a rating 4 and I don't want to pay over 4 thousand a year.

Personally I rather cruise with some Nsx's that way I can check out some rides and meet some of you guys.

Oh and I have cruised we s2000's and integra's before but my next car is going to be a NSX, thats the reason I want to check some out.

