Good Restaurants

I wouldn't miss it lady. Congrad!!!! Just let me know a month in advance :D hahahahaa

MsKadyB said:
Hahaha...well, Calvin is coming. :p Hahaha....jk...I dunno if he is. I'm not even sure on the date yet. It will be sometime in July. :)
You're gonna miss ou t on all the hot girlies!!!!!!!

What kind of restaraunt is this place?
^^^ bleh, i'm an oldie... graduated ICS, class of '99. went back on campus a few months ago and couldn't believe all the new stuff they've built. you guys even have a hockey rink now! back in my day we had to have roller hockey practice at the parking lot across from Verano Place and would occasionally get harrassed by the Irvine PD! haha.... oh well, those were the days... what was your major?
99? You're not that old, geez. :p They are constantly changing things at UCI. It's gonna look different again by the middle of summer. They are FINALLY adding more parking. That's one thing I hated there, especially living at CV. THAT SUCKED!! I got soooo many parking tickets this year I'm surprised I didn't get the boot...haha. :o
haha man my bro used to live in CV, that place is pretty ghettofabulous. one year it rained so hard that CV got flooded, and my bro's apartment was knee-deep in water.

but yeah the parking is aweful; i lived in cornell court and even there my roommates and i had to fight over the parking permits... lol... so if you're inviting all these NSX guys to your party, better make sure there's plenty of parking.. :D
Yeah, CV sucked! My mom made me live on campus because she thought it'd be safer. :rolleyes: It was convenient because I didn't have to commute, but overall, the place wasn't that great. The apartments are old and they have a spider problem! I'm not scared of them or anything, but it was still kinda gross. Plus, the closets are waaaayyy too small for two girls to be sharing. :p
congrats. i just had a younger brother graduate from UCI this past weekend as well. it was one LOOOONNNNGGGG ceremony. i guess i'm a bit spoiled, graduating from artcenter and only having to deal with maybe 40-50 people MAX graduating each time... we're in and out! :D

just wanted to say congrats!:)
Double-J said:
^^^ bleh, i'm an oldie... graduated ICS, class of '99. went back on campus a few months ago and couldn't believe all the new stuff they've built. you guys even have a hockey rink now! back in my day we had to have roller hockey practice at the parking lot across from Verano Place and would occasionally get harrassed by the Irvine PD! haha.... oh well, those were the days... what was your major?

Congrats to all the Anteaters. Back when I was there in ICS, there were only applewriter II, and we were using Apples to code pascal, c..etc. People had to line up and wait to print out 100+ pages of code down in the dungeon, I meant lab! You would have to wait 30 min or so for the printout. Few years after, they replaced all with laser printers, and brand new computers. I won't mention my year, as I am feeling too old already.

Ofcourse, I hear the same old story from some of the profs about their days of the good old punch cards.., lol.
^^^ haha thanks i feel better now. at least i was there to enjoy the convenience of laser printers! :D
Double-J said:
^^^ haha thanks i feel better now. at least i was there to enjoy the convenience of laser printers! :D

Wow, UCI has come a long way since your time. :p Hehe...jk.
Last summer CV gave out memory sticks to all their residents. That was pretty cool. A really great thing at UCI is their wireless connection. I could browse the net on my laptop in ANY classroom! :D
MsKadyB said:
Wow, UCI has come a long way since your time. :p Hehe...jk.
Last summer CV gave out memory sticks to all their residents. That was pretty cool. A really great thing at UCI is their wireless connection. I could browse the net on my laptop in ANY classroom! :D

more things that I didn't have....., :( But then again, I didn't have to pay for them either through tuition. :)
SilverOne said:
more things that I didn't have....., :( But then again, I didn't have to pay for them either through tuition. :)

That's true! I'm lucky I didn't have to take our any huge loans for school. I have friends who owe more than 10 grand...eek! :eek:
You and your porno stuffs..........why do we have internet access in class? Where is the world going to? :p

MsKadyB said:
Wow, UCI has come a long way since your time. :p Hehe...jk.
Last summer CV gave out memory sticks to all their residents. That was pretty cool. A really great thing at UCI is their wireless connection. I could browse the net on my laptop in ANY classroom! :D