Good luck in Charley & Bonnie guys!

Brian2by2 said:
Everyone stay safe...keep your family safe, your house, your pets and your cars! Hopefully it isn't too bad, but i've seen first hand how bad a hurricane can be...I went with my dad to some of his tree-removal jobs after Andrew....brutal stuff!!


Charley was supposed to travel through us here in Tampa Bay and most people made their way to Orlando.
It missed Tampa pounding through Fort Myers then moving up to Orlando. I guess you never know when it comes to weather. It’s always better to be safe then sorry.

Thanks for the concern.

Here in Sarasota we just got some wind, not much to write home about. My son lives in Nort Port the storm just missed him he got 100mph winds. Makes you think about what is really important in life...Lyle
same here... help for Florida ??


We've lived down there a few times, and have been fortunate to "miss" the bad ones...

Our thoughts and prayers go out to those affected. Hopefully Wei-Shen and the gang in Orlando area are OK, as well as our friends in the W Coast (Colonel Bob?).

One useful reference (from MSNBC) is the website

One of the ones we donated to is Humane Society (site ). Being the owner of several shelter/rescued cats, this is one outfit that really can use the help.

Any suggestions as to how/where we can help, please let us know.

- Manuel
Orlando had severe winds....around 100 mph.
No damage to our place in W. Orlando.

Our Port Charlotte, FL house took a hit.
Needs a new roof.
Ceiling in one of the bedrooms fell in.
Windows broken

Just glad the NSX was tucked away in the garage in Orlando.
Sorry to hear of the loss though.:(
Hope everyone made it thru this alright.
I was REALLY concerned with it up here and took appropriate steps to protect what I have as much as I could. We are so lucky that we didn't get any of it. WHEW !!!
Just a quick hello to let everyone know we are still on the map in Orlando.

I live in the downtown area and the eye of the storm went directly over us. Winds at 100mph, lots of trees down, 80% of the area without power, many without phone service as well. Trees down all over the place.

I live on the 15th floor of a new downtown condo facing north....winds were from the east so no power didn't even go out but the building was SWAYING...very unnerving. My NSX was safely in the condo multi-level garage and does not appear to be damaged. Some cars agains the east garage openings got hit with debris.

Given the number of homes without power, the following items are in short supply and tempers do flare.....chain saws, ice (dry and wet), money (cash machines need power), gas (either no power or out of gas due to a run). Boil water alert for several communities because treatment plans nonfunctional. Power will probably not be back for a week. One block east of where I live 80% of the streets are impassable due to fallen whole trees and live power lines.

Could have been much worse. Had winds reached 130mph, there would have been significant structural damage, not just trees and signs. I'm glad we are far enough inland that the storm lost some of its strength before the eyewall came over.

Will post damage photos when my high-speed connection comes back up.

I'm glad to hear that you stayed safe through the storm. I spoke to Mark Hicks on Saturday and he mentioned that you had emailed him with an "okay" late Friday night. Heather and I expected the worst at our home in St. Petersburg. I spent 14 hours prepping the house and yard for the storm surge and winds they were warning us of. I bagged up 6,000 pounds of sand to put around the house. We spent the weekend iwth family over in Stuart. Obviously we have alot to be thankful for. I've been on the phone to a couple of clients down in Port Charlotte and it sounds like a war zone down there. They are going to be without power for another week minimum. Vinny Hollar had damage at his shop over in Merritt Island. He lost part of the roof, all the awnings and a fence. Nobody was hurt and insurance will get him up and running again soon. This sure puts one's priorities in order!
House was OK, but screened enclosure is damaged beyond repair. My neighbors did not do as well, lots of damaged roofs, and trees fallen on houses. I live in the Lake Conway area, the pic is a road a couple blocks away.

I didn't take any pictures of my neighbors damage, for some reason it felt inappropriate to do so.

Glad everyone got through it.


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