
28 December 2001
Berwyn, PA
Hello, Guys,

I am sorry to do this, but I am going to say good-bye to this forum (I hesitated a lot whether to post this or not, but I thought that it would be polite to leave this last message rather than disappearing for good).

I have met many wonderful people through this forum, and truly enjoyed learning new things about NSX and different perspects of life.

However, there are always people out there who have to ruin something good. I feel bitter that everything that I had built to become a good member in this community has been ruined because of those few.

I will still become an active member through NSX events and the NSXDRIVER magazine. Please keep in touch, and I hope that a good impression that you had of me (if you still do) will remain through the rest of good people like you.

Yong Kim
is it wrong for me to ask why your leaving? stay for a while longer; ive always enjoyed your posts :wink:

Very unexpected and sad. You are truly a classy guy and your posts were appreciated and enjoyed.
RichH said:
:confused: :confused: :confused:

Stay in touch, post on the NSXCA list.

I second that.. :confused:
Don't go Tiger . . .

You have been a valued Prime member for a long time. Don't let a little bit of friction eliminate your place in the NSX Prime Community.

If anybody has a problem with that, f*ck em.

I don't know you, I'm not even a member of this forum, but your post caught my eye and curiosity set in. I've gone back and read your posts and I think your untimely departure stems from a stupid mat. I remember reading this post when it first appeared.
I think I can speak for everyone here though that you handled this transaction as well as anyone could have and better than most would have.
Please rethink your decision to leave.

brahtw8 said:
Don't go Tiger . . .

You have been a valued Prime member for a long time. Don't let a little bit of friction eliminate your place in the NSX Prime Community.

If anybody has a problem with that, f*ck em.

I'm with brahtw8, f*ck em! :mad:

You've been a great help in getting my posts up in the classifieds and a great contributor to this site. I don't know what's causing you to leave and it should be those idiots who post useless sarcastic remarks that should be leaving! :confused:
2Dobes said:
I don't know you, I'm not even a member of this forum, but your post caught my eye and curiosity set in. I've gone back and read your posts and I think your untimely departure stems from a stupid mat. I remember reading this post when it first appeared.
I think I can speak for everyone here though that you handled this transaction as well as anyone could have and better than most would have.
Please rethink your decision to leave.


I agree. Don't go.. I like your taste in watches :) (I saw your sub, don't know if you noticed my Explorer II) :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
I don't understand why you would leave just because there are a couple douchebags on prime. Why let them ruin it for you? I like your posts and articles. I hope you decide otherwise.
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NetViper said:
I don't understand why you would leave just because there are a couple douchebags no prime. Why let them ruin it for you? I like your posts and articles. I hope you decide otherwise.

thats what im saying :biggrin:
I had PM'd Yong when I saw this post, and didn't do a search to see what prompted it, now that I've gotten up to speed on this, I feel compelled to ask Yong to reconsider his decision. I do think that in the few times that I've met Yong (and his wife as well), and the times I've observed his posts on this site, I do feel that I know why he felt it necessary to say good-bye. That being said, for those that don't realize it, he's a honest, and considerate human being, that he's been accused of wrongful dealings with a fellow prime member is calling him a cheat. If I interpret the public posts on this topic, when he bacame aware that something wasn't correct, even though time had elapsed, and more than 1 item had been transacted, he offered a refund. When it seemed that even that wasn't enough, he lost it amongs the accusations. Let's not let our emotions ruin things between us, Yong is a good person, and I don't think it benefits anyone if he doesn't stay active on this site. Please reconsider!!!!
Dear all,

Thank you for the great advice, kind words, and supports.

Although it was the stupid trunk mat incident that pulled the trigger, it was not the main and sole reason that I decided to leave the forum.

I had enjoyed visiting this forum almost everyday for the past few years and moderating the market section this year.

Being able to communicate through different members was a big part of my daily routine (I have said the same thing to those who PMed me - thank you).
It was an eye-opening experience for me to learn how much each of you charished your NSX ownership. Most of all, I felt connected listening to the news of your new-born children, new house acquisitions, achievements at work and etc.

Nevertheless, past few months (and recently), I have encountered some incidents with some of the members, and those incidents stressed me out quite a lot. At first, I did not let those incidents get me down. Above all, I did not let them ruin my experience at NSXPRIME and my life in general.
However, as one thing after another kept happening, it was difficult for me not to care. At the end of the day, I found myself asking why I was agonizing over some people who I had never seen or met. I guess that this is a lesson or experience that I need to learn or overcome.

I apologize that I am not letting this go as you all advised. I absolutely agree with your advice, but I would like to tone down a bit and step back for awhile from NSXPRIME. I will still be writing for the NSXDriver and lurk around the forum.

P. S. I am surprised that so many of you have read this thread and sending me PMs. I do not know how to ask for forgiveness for my irrational decision.
Once again, I am really sorry if I had offended or misled anyone with my posts on NSXPRIME.
If it is getting under your skin this much, then you are right. Time to put the mouse down for a while. Don't sweat the small stuff. As a bonus, you'll probably recoup several hours of personal time a day. Hmmmmmmmm......
This is like a fraternity here. Nice to have you back,keep up the good work and you will be rewarded in one way or another! Brother NSX'er, Mike
YES IM USING ALL CAPITALS BECAUSE SOME JERKS NEED TO READ THIS! attention all prime members this is what happens when you abuse people on the site who are nice and friendly people!! i never met the guy but he sounds nice. smart wiseguy cracks, rude comments arent called for. i wish whoever is in charge of this site start suspending the jerks who do this. now whatever made that guy want to leave the site,i hope they resolve their matter. as for the wise guys. you know who you are,STOP IT!

PS. i spoke to three prime members already who dont like to post because of the wiseguy remarks. two are not american. you want to be funny?? this isnt not the website!
Dr Seuss says it best:
A persons, a person, no matter how small!
Wow, this is...unexpected. Though I've had no personal dealings with you, anything I've read that you've written was mature, thoughtful, and helpful. If the way some people respond or initiate conflict causes stress that is too difficult to deal with, then (I think) you are making a wise decision. But I can't help but think that, perhaps, you may want to take more "ownership" of the community you're a part of. Simply said...

If anybody has a problem with that, screw'em.
I cannot say it better then it has already been said but no one can deny that this site is starting to change. Yong I respect your decision and hope that you will remain active on this forum and in the Nsx community.
Dear Tiger:

Sorry to hear this news And your discession to leave the post that u have
administered so well.. You will be miissed in our hearts, a the fine person that
you are - always mallo. kind & caring for our best intrests.. I want to personally invite you & your misses to my AUG 20th run to the SUN Hopefully
at Otis MA. to MT GREYLOCK I sure looking forward to see you

Respectfully - your friend & NSXer;

PS; sometimes change is good !! It takes a BIGGER Man to turn the other
cheek!! :smile: :smile:
I have always had the utmost respect for Yong since the first time we met and it is truly a shame that certain persons who are not worthy enough even to be in his company can cause this result. They should only hope that some day they would have the privilege of meeting someone who is the epitome of class and character such as Yong.
You’re a good man and you've contributed a back selection of post that would keep someone as new as me busy for months. I hope that in time you'll find the balance you're looking for.

I’m sorry for the stress; just don’t forget to take a drive from time to time…because that’s what it’s about.

Until then -NIck
I agree with RSO. I remember meeting you for the first time at one of Rich's New Hampshire events. If I remember correctly, that was before you owned an NSX, and attending the event was the reason you decided to buy one. We'll all miss you if you don't keep in touch.
Peace Young,
Its people like you that make this a great club to be apart of. I consider you to be one of the cornerstones of the northeast. I hope after a breather you will come back. As you can see by the response your getting here there are alot of people that have the alot of respect for you.
Thanks John,
sad day