
Yellow Rose

22 November 2001
A True Story

Doesn't look like any pro will win it.

Last summer I was playing in a charity golf tournament in a four-man scramble format. For those familiar with the Houston area golf courses, this was at High Meadow Ranch, design by PGA member David Ogrin.

We just double-bogeyed a par four (which in and of itself is down right embarrassing) and as we were walking to the next hole, looking at the score card, I sarcastically joked that we need an ace to get back even. We come around the corner and not only was it a long par three, but it was also the win-a-car hole.

My buddy smoothed a five-iron 212 yds for a hole-in-one to win the car.....a Honda Civic. You would not believe the questionnaire the hole-in-one insurance company (out of Las Vegas, they investigate an average five hole-in-one claims from various tournaments across the country) asked us. My friend even had to go back a few days later to hit a five-iron that far to convince the insurance guy.

And if that wasn't enough, he also won a Titleist 975K driver two holes later on the long drive contest. What was he hitting? Titleist 975J. Bastard. :cool:
Re: A True Story

AndyVecsey said:
Last summer I was playing in a ...four-man scramble format.
We ...double-bogeyed a par four
ROFLOL. You guys suck. :D Good thing the insurance guy didn't watch you four play the hole before the ace. :p
I love seeing Love lose.

Why would you ever say that?!?!?!?! :rolleyes:

Even during the post-interview, DL3 said he would never wish the other guy bad luck.

3.0 you are the loser.....can you hit the ball +300 yds?

You think DL3 deserves losing after donating his $700,000 winnings from last week to his church? :confused:

No, 3.0, I have to disagree with you.....DL3 is worthy of many wins.

This I can understand, as it may be colloquial to Wisconsin.


However, I am not him.

I wish the kid would of one.

Instead of the word "one" do you mean "won"? :rolleyes: If so, he (Hamilton) did.

Say, why do you not like DL3? I can understand not liking the cowards that blew up the train in Madrid, but a golfer part of the PGA that raises money for charity? :confused: Rather a hero in my book. As much as we like cars and racing, you don't hear about race car drivers donating their money away, now do you? Even the filthy rich family clan.
Ouch. DL3 is one of favorites.
[Edit]: is the NSX. :D
I love my NSX(this to stay within the forum rules) but I've never liked DL3. I saw him on TV playing with Couples and a 3rd guy and after DL# blew his shot he walked off, not waiting for the 3rd guy to finish up, and shake hands. This was some time ago, and he's probably grown up, but as largely one-dimentional celebrities we only know from TV, you get an initial impression that stays. Like the team you decide you like as a kid you tend to cheer for all your life even though the reason you picked them as your team may not even be entirely clear to you. And just because he donates cash to his church doesn't nessecarily make him a likeable guy or make him more deserving of wins. As in anything, the person who wins should be the one who earns it, not the one whose most charitable, though that virtue is commendable. If I give a hobo $5 should I expect some bounty to befall me in return? Isn't it said in the Book that 'he who giveth, and asketh not, shall be blessed in the Lord'? Or somethingeth liketh that? I think DL3 deserves the opportunity to play to win surely, just as the NSX deservers to be judged on it's merits. All too often though, that initial impression the auto-journalists made has enjoyed far more acceptance than the truth. In the end, not everyone has to like the NSX-or DL3 for that matter.