Gokarting at Xtreme Indoor Karting in Ft Lauderdale - NSX Prime vs Ferrari Chat

10 April 2003
Ft Lauderdale, FL
I spoke with Hugh a while back about possibly having a little friendly competition at the gokart track in Ft Lauderdale between the NSX Prime guys and the Ferrari Chat guys. He asked me to post something up here to guage interest from you guys. We'd probably need at least 5 of you but more are preferred. We'd run a lap race of some sort (20, 30, 50 laps) with qualifying in advance. We'll work out a date/time and possibly may make this a somewhat regular thing if there is interest.

Our group (Scuderia South Florida) goes out to the track regularly and Hugh was going to come out and run with us but hasn't made it out yet...anyone else interested in just turning some laps with us you're welcome to come out. We will be there tonight at 7 pm and then again Nov 9th.

I know that I know some of you from either Tower Shops, Scuderia South Florida events, or other misc drives, shows, etc.

Hope this work out, it could be a lot of fun.

00 Ferrari 360 Silver/Navy
andymo1972 said:
I spoke with Hugh a while back about possibly having a little friendly competition at the gokart track in Ft Lauderdale between the NSX Prime guys and the Ferrari Chat guys. He asked me to post something up here to guage interest from you guys. We'd probably need at least 5 of you but more are preferred. We'd run a lap race of some sort (20, 30, 50 laps) with qualifying in advance. We'll work out a date/time and possibly may make this a somewhat regular thing if there is interest.

Our group (Scuderia South Florida) goes out to the track regularly and Hugh was going to come out and run with us but hasn't made it out yet...anyone else interested in just turning some laps with us you're welcome to come out. We will be there tonight at 7 pm and then again Nov 9th.

I know that I know some of you from either Tower Shops, Scuderia South Florida events, or other misc drives, shows, etc.

Hope this work out, it could be a lot of fun.

00 Ferrari 360 Silver/Navy

Does sound like fun - I'd be game, but weekdays are tough.
Ski_Banker said:
Does sound like fun - I'd be game, but weekdays are tough.

We have a couple guys that drive up from South Beach for our Thursday sessions...but yeah, it's not overly easy. The problem with weekends is that they are pretty busy and only allow 8 minute sessions (no lap races) fri night thru sunday. They may allow a lap race early in the day on the weekend, I have never tried that.
We try to get there around 7 and run 1 or 2 races depending on how many people we have. We usually have 20-25 people so we run 2 races. after getting everyone to pay and such we usually get started around 7:30 or 7:45 and if we run 2 races we'll be there until almost 9.

As far as cost, if you want a membership it's $50 but that gives you an instant 8 min session and an 8 min session on your birthday (normally $16/each) plus discounts on all of your sessions for a year...you save between $2 and $5 per session. Another option is to buy what they call a race license for $8 and then you pay full price for whatever sessions you run...you have to either have a membership or a race license. What we do is buy a 20 lap race...so as a member you'd pay $25...as a non-member $30.
Definitely sounds like fun. Doesn't seem like there's much interest in an NSX vs Ferrari race, but I'll come out. Just don't expect me to fairly represent the NSX!

Every Thursday evening right?

Edit: Nov 9 looks like next time - I'll tentatively shoot to make it.
detailzacuransx said:

How fast do these go karts go anyway?
How long is the track?
Is there a web site showing the track?
I'm interested but curious.

The karts go roughly 40 mph. On the track they have its about 27-30 seconds around.
The website is www.xtremeindoorkarting.com
The track isn't exactly as they have shown in their diagram. The site also shows the rates for all the various sessions and races.

Ski_Banker, Yes Nov 9th is our next scheduled outing so come on out, it'll be fun. Regardless of how fast you are you'll have some good competition due to the size of our group. We have people that run anywhere from the low 27's (one in the 26's) all the way up to 31s so after qualifying you'll probably be next to at least a couple people that you can actually race against.
I'm going to try to make it. Should be a good time.

And BTW - pretty cool of you to reach out to the NSX community. My name is a little tarnished on your site, but only in reference to a couple folks, not F cars in general at all. :smile:
Did this last night -- was a heck of a lot of fun. I'd definitely recommend it. Great group.

First time karters: I'd highly recommend practicing up in secrecy so you don't get crushed on the track like I did. :tongue: Just wait 'till next time Andy... :biggrin:
Ski_Banker said:
Did this last night -- was a heck of a lot of fun. I'd definitely recommend it. Great group.

First time karters: I'd highly recommend practicing up in secrecy so you don't get crushed on the track like I did. :tongue: Just wait 'till next time Andy... :biggrin:

Thanks for coming out! Normally we'd have 2 races one with a faster group and one with a slower group so you can work you way into things....was just a crazy night. As you saw, we're basically all about having fun which is why a couple of those guys from last night (not from NSX Prime) won't be running with us again.

I'll let you know what day we'll be going again...keep practicing! A few more sessions and you'll pick up a lot of speed. If you ever want to head up and run a few laps, just let me know.

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