
not exactly...

gheba_nsx said:
Osiris, why are you disappointed?! The game quality is awesome and the matchs are spectaculars... I really do not understand your complaint. :(

hmmm, sorry [Mea Culpa]...

No complaints here, just plenty of disappointment. State-side we don't get to appreciate the many teams that Europe has. We only can identify w/ the Int'l superstar players and the acclaimed teams. When those particular teams (the Germans, Italians, Spanish, etc) underachieve, it's quite disenchanting (to say the leasts)...

[Unfortunately I haven't has the privilege of seeing every match in it's entirety :( ]
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No comments about the quarters? My Holland team is just squeaking by. First the gift from Germany, and then penalty kicks (which is still the biggest b.s. ending in sports). Czech should take care of Greece, but Holland vs Portugal is going to be a great game. Unfortunately no restaurant/bar within an hour of me bought the pay-per-view. Go Orange.
The quarters! :D

I had the gut to bet on Greece (read AGAINST France...) and I made some money... :) :) :)

Definitely Czech are the strongest (read the second post of this thread, what was my favourite for the final victory :cool:), too bad I did not bet on them at the beginning, it was 15:1 if I remeber correctely. :eek:

The penalties are BS? Maybe but they are a good measure to search for the most concentrated/focused team after 120 minutes of equality.
the penalties are b.s., for the simple fact that its not "Futbol"
The game is not to line up and kick an undefended goal from right in front of the goalie, the game is a long drawn out issue that moves up and down the pitch. The game requires teamwork, penalties have none.
The golden goal aspect is nice, i just hate the shootouts
paladin said:
the penalties are b.s., for the simple fact that its not "Futbol"
The game is not to line up and kick an undefended goal from right in front of the goalie, the game is a long drawn out issue that moves up and down the pitch. The game requires teamwork, penalties have none.
The golden goal aspect is nice, i just hate the shootouts
The golden goal is gone. They went back to playing the full overtime, regardless of scoring. This actually happened in the England-Portugal match, where both teams scored in the last 10 minutes of OT to keep it tied, and take it to penalty kicks.

I think PKs are exciting, but I agree it defeats the whole team concept of soccer. However, nobody has come up with a better solution so far.
The only alternative is to keep them playing until someone scores. Based on limited substitutions, and the increased risk of injury as players get tired, I'm not sure that would be a good idea.
nkb said:
The golden goal is gone. They went back to playing the full overtime, regardless of scoring. This actually happened in the England-Portugal match, where both teams scored in the last 10 minutes of OT to keep it tied, and take it to penalty kicks.

Thats kind of my point, that game was decided by penalty kicks, not team goal scoring. once it goes to overtime i think you can decide the teams are evenly matched, so it might as well end on the next goal scored. Theres alot more excitement in golden goal or hockey OT knowing that if goes in the net the game is over right then and there.
Now there is the silver goal: you play one OT and if they are still draw (goals can be scored in that OT) you play the second OT.

In case they are still draw you kick the penalties.

Afterall when you reach penalties the two teams are really on the same level (120 minutes in real equality). At that point penalties will pay off the team that has still more concentration, focus and reflex.

Not so bad in my opinion...
I vote the hockey option. There are few more exciting moments in sports than hockey playoff overtime. Knowing that the next breakout, or mistake could end the game or series. They let them play 3 or 4 overtimes. Sure it's tiring, and your point about injuries is understood, but they are professionals making boatloads of money to play sports. They have contracts for this reason. Overtime scores are the great moments in sports. Big players make big plays when it's all on the line (my apologies to Beckham and his fans) and that's why we watch. PKs are like watching a car race end under caution.
foxy-abby said:
I vote the hockey option. There are few more exciting moments in sports than hockey playoff overtime. Knowing that the next breakout, or mistake could end the game or series. They let them play 3 or 4 overtimes. Sure it's tiring, and your point about injuries is understood, but they are professionals making boatloads of money to play sports. They have contracts for this reason.
The athletes get paid very little for playing on the national team. It is more of an honor and pride thing. I'm sure the players' respective clubs, that have millions of Euros invested, would not be happy with multiple OTs.

foxy-abby said:
PKs are like watching a car race end under caution.
I totally disagree. Even though there are some issues with deciding a team game with an individual competition like PKs, they are some of the most exciting and nerve-wracking moments in sports, especially if your team is involved.

A race ending under caution is the ultimate anti-climax.
I understand that the players don't get paid squat for playing on the national team. I was only saying that most of them are pretty well st-up financially via their contracts with their club teams. Second, maybe my analogy to racing was a bit much, but I really can't stand pks. Pointless now anyways, since my Orange got eliminated today. Hope your teams fare better than mine.
extra-extra, here all about it...

hmmm, an international cap is publicity & marketing for a player to a wider, greater audience towards a very lucrative signing abroad. Indeed there is national honor & prestige, but let's not forget dollars & sense.

You can't equate it to ending under caution like they said, it doesnt work like that

but watching my team (Phil. Flyers) go into 5 OT's was awesome!
You could really see the desperation in each play every man fighting on empty reserves trying to end the game. But they're still playing the game.
I would be hard pressed to say that a pk situation is the same game. That would be like the nba finals being decided by a free throw shooting contest, it takes no account to defense

Now i'm not claiming it doesn't make tense moments. Sure, the seconds leading up to a pk are more "exciting" than a drawn out overtime, but its just not the game