I notice your in the East of the continent, I'm from the West. Culture, social, and education difference may be a big part as to why I'm against neon-lights to the NSX.
Before I continue, allow me to point out that China Town here in Los Angeles is a lower-mid class area. But, even tho it's China Town- it is among the most diverse town in the States or the world. I am in no way making a raciest remark- I was quoting a line from a movie by Stanley Kubri's, Full Metal Jacket. The character is a cheap Vietnamese prostitute who'd have sex, "$5! you get EVERYTHING!" I apologies if that offended you.
Aside from this, please understand that the subject is this, I DON'T LIKE NEON-LIGHTS on the NSX. Nothing related to race, region, creed, your mom, or your dad.
Thank you.