Give me strength!

12 May 2007
Wichita, KS
I'm so scared to push the "accept now" button for the loan to buy an nsx... help! This will be the most expensive thing I have ever purchased but god i want it so bad! :eek:
LOL... listen man, its a car that you can buy that unlike any other car, won't tank in price after a year of use. Its the funnest most exciting car you can buy without losing your shirt. If you make a decent deal and need to get out of it, selling these is usually not a problem. I'd say its the most risk free car purchase you can make. So relax and push that button... :biggrin:
Do it! You won't regret it! (Unless it's for a non-red one:tongue: )
its dx3's nsx from here on the boards, i've been looking, but when i'm at work i cant view pictures cause the firewall blocks photobucket and imageshack, i happen to come home last night and login and see it and knew it was the one for me, and bonus he lives about 3-4 hours from me so i can drive down and pick it up.
The tint at the top of the windshield has to go.
It's not the initial car purchase that gets you, it's when the mod bug bites. And it does bite.:wink: And I love every minute of it.:smile: BTW, give us some details on it.
Do it. I have had zero regrets since buying my NSX last November. This car makes you feel good even when you're not driving it.

2nd on ditching the tint. I'd get rid of the comptech decals, too. That takes away from the class of the car. Afterall, this isn't your little brother's Mits. Eclipse that you're buying...:wink: Those punks will know that you're SC'd soon enough..:biggrin:
Every time my wife gets in ours, she states that it's one of the best purchases that we've ever made... Just do it! :wink:
Look dude. That car is sick. You're going after a '91 like I did, so you're already in the best price category. I felt the exact same way before I bought mine. Very nervous. But everytime I open the garage door and look at her it's sooo worth it. Press the button, go pick up that black beauty and peel the windshield tint and Comptech sport stickers off. Replace those Comptech stickers with a set of Comptech Sport springs. :wink:
The tint at the top of the windshield has to go.

I disagree:

If its that close why not just drive down and look at it before you get the loan and committ to buy it. GIve it a good going over. If everything checks out you'll know if thats the one is for you.
THERE! loan is mine, now hopefully everythng goes smooth with his bank and i can pick it up tommorow!
Nice! You won't regret it at all. I've just purchased my first NSX and I have to wait for it to be shipped to me (overseas)...

You've made a great decision and enjoy the NSX!

You made the right call. The first time you sit in it, it will be like sliding into the cockpit of a fighter jet. I'd like a video of you going through the gears the first time, so we can all see the big $hit eating grin on your face. :biggrin: