Girlfriend/wife/significant other's opinion of NSX?

My wife also appreciates fine automomiles...but she's very opiniated.

I've owned several 911's over the years and she could care less about any of them...take em' or leave em' attitude.

When I bought a C-5 Corvette, she had a very definite opinion...for my birthday she bought me a red tank top and a fake gold chain. Enough said...I sold the Corvette.

This year I bought my dream car...a 00' NSX. She loves it like no other sports car we've had.

I think I'll keep her and the NSX for a long, long time.
My wife knew of the NSX from my many years of yapping about it. Pictures, magazines and the like do not do the car justice, so she never really "got it."

When my ownership dream became a reality, I just left the car in the garage for her to see without me there. When she came home, it took her 5 minutes to walk the 20 feet from her to the kitchen; the X stopped her cold.

She came in the house and stated simply, "I now understand!"
Shumdit said:
My wife is not really into cars, so she does not get the whole NSX thing.


My Girlfriend, on the other hand, is all about the NSX!:eek:

That is absolutely CLASSIC!! That is the post of the year I do believe. :D :D :D
My g/f swears the car is "superficial" blah blah blah and hates the fact that i drive it aggressively sometimes (she flipped in a porsche once...she was ok, but scared)

Well, the other day, i saw her for my first time in a few weeks and she sat in my car and pat the door saying "missed ya old buddy" so i guess she does like it :D