Girlfriend/wife/significant other's opinion of NSX?

17 September 2003
For those of you who own an NSX, does your wife/girlfriend/significant other like the NSX or not? If she didn't like it at first, did it grow on her? Anyone suffer any rifts in your relationship because of your car?
My wife likes the NSX. She likes the look, and likes that it makes me happy and owning one accomplished a goal of mine. However, she does know it is not a practical car, and as long as it doesn't get in the way of things that are practical and things we need I can keep it. So, as long as I do my husband duties (Especially because we have a new born son) she is okay with it.
My girlfriend likes the NSX... probably partially because she knows how much I like it! She even likes spirited driving on clear on/off ramps and low traffic roads. The only thing she gets annoyed with on occasion is when I want to go "just drive around awhile" and waste the day! :) <p>
Funny side note to that... a couple years back when we first started dating I had a 96 Porsche TT... and a beater '88 Jeep for the winters here in Buffalo (you can see my priorities in cars). Anyhow, the first night we went out I drove the Jeep to weed out a potential gold digger I guess, and she was cool with the ratty Jeep. The next night we went out, I took the 993TT and we went out driving towards the end of the night on a un-traveled highway at about 145... she didn't even flinch, and I knew then that she was a keeper! :D
There is not much she likes about my NSX. She just doesn't get it.
My wife is not really into cars, so she does not get the whole NSX thing.


My Girlfriend, on the other hand, is all about the NSX!:eek:

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Shumdit said:
My wife is not really into cars, so she does not get the whole NSX thing.


My Gilfriend, on the other hand, is all about the NSX!:eek:

IF YOUR READING THIS HONEY- JUST KIDDING!:D on the floor laughing VERY hard!!!!!! That is the best post ive read all week!!!!!!
My wife likes the NSX but loves the S2000. She does like all the attention she gets from 20 year-old guys in the NSX though.
Taj said:
That explains the water spot.

Hitting below the belt now.:D I've got clay on the way.
my girl loves my civic and my NSX. she just keeps telling me that it would look better if the NSX was yellow..
My girl doen't care about my NSX, despite its look cool and exotic... (Mainly because everytime she saw me drolling in front of the computer about that same freaking car.... eh, in last 15 months, and I still do that.)

She just got a 03 TL a while ago, and she is all about big sedan type of girl. She loves gadget stuff like DVD, Nav, and interior lighting and flashy stuff...

On the other hand, she loves Mercedes SL.
Great Question!

It's sooo funny to read that other guys have the same situations.

My wife knows how much a car guy I am and I've taught her a great deal about cars and the passion I have with them.

In fact even just this morning she called me at work and said "I saw your car this morning, it was either dark blue or black, it was really shinny".

I have been actively learning as much as I can about these great cars. And my wife is such a great person that she knows how much I love the NSX, and SEE's how much I enjoy the thought of owning one of these cars one day, but it doesn't stir her soul like it does mine! She has told that maybe once I get it, it will grow on her.

I'm not sure if it will be the car or just seeing me HAPPY that will grow on her!

Anyways I'm a equal opportunity car nut. Basically I like almost everything, A day doesn't go by without me saying to her - Guess what I saw today? Or even better, chasing down a car just to get a closer LOOK :D She really loves this when she's in the car - she thinks I'm nuts sometimes!!
i shouldn't even be posting considering
1) i don't have a NSX yet
2) i currently don't have a SO

but when I had my prelude and a SO she had a love hate relationship with my car. she loved the car itself, hated that i spent all my time with the car. typical stuff i guess.
the constant re-education program can work(brainwashing):eek:

Just this evening she said, "i saw a viper today, it was a coupe. I can really see the clown shoe thing".

When i acted indignant and told her i'd just bought one, she was NOT amused:D

And she asked that we take the nsx out tomorrow night on date night.

SSOOO, there is hope.
My wife thinks (knows?) I'm obsessed but she's happy that it makes me happy and that's reason enough to have it. My son (4 yrs old) loves it. I find it hilarious that half the people sell their sports cars when they get small kids, the other half say "holy crap, life is going too fast! I better buy that sports car!!"
CokerRat said:
My wife thinks (knows?) I'm obsessed but she's happy that it makes me happy and that's reason enough to have it. My son (4 yrs old) loves it. I find it hilarious that half the people sell their sports cars when they get small kids, the other half say "holy crap, life is going too fast! I better buy that sports car!!"

Well Said!!!!:) :) :) I have a 3 yr. old and I know we will both have a great time with a NSX!
The bumblebee is a source of angst with Trish which she affectionatly calls the "vomit mobile" because she gets nauseous in it.She also feels badly that it is the only thing that takes me away from her,ie. track days.The S2000 on the other hand she calls "beauty" and feels fine riding in it.In personification terms the nsx is like a rude crude but hot babe that I can't be without,and the S2000 is her best girlfriend that also gets along with me ,but is no threat!lol.
My current girlfriend, and probably soon to be fiancee, loved my NSX when she had her first ride in it. She sees the smile it puts on my face when take it out for dinner and would never suggest that I do anything besides keep it. Although, last night when I started the car up with my new Taitec exhaust (without cats), she was a little mortified at how loud it was. Well, almost 24 hours later, and both cats back on the car, she likes it again.

Oh yeah, she even refers to my NSX as my "other girlfriend" and doesn't mind the threesome on weekends. :D