Get Together for some Indoor Karting in San Diego?

It opened today and while passing it to go home from work, my coworker spotted a white NSX!

COOL! So I flipped a B and checked it out. Cool! I know this NSX. It's Paul and Heidi's NSX!

I went inside and chatted with them. It sounded like they had an ABSOLUTE BLAST!

We should definitely get together for a little race!

When I got on the I-8 from the 805, I saw another white NSX with his T panel off. Cool! Two (white) NSX's in a day! Wow!

Damn it was a good day...


Little bro,

Oh how its so easy to please you....

Dude, don't forget about the event on thursday night....

You need to get out and meet women!!!!!!!!!!
Is someone going to s%#t or get off the pot? :confused: Set a date and a time. It makes it easier to determine whether or not we plan or can be there! :D :D
Lets do this!!! Set a date and time and lets make it happen. Beats shooting up the 52 East into Santee and passing a motorcycle cop on the side of the road at 115. :D Run Vince Run!!!
How about August 2 (Sat) or 3 (Sun)?

Once we have a set date I'll give them a call.
either day works for me. just give us a little warning so i can plan other stuff around it.
supergreen125 said:
either day works for me. just give us a little warning so i can plan other stuff around it.
I've been hitting Dromo1 regularly for a few months now. I'll try to schedule a visit to my friend in Carlsbad that weekend and see if I can join you guys. I'd love to check the layout since their website doesn't have any pics.

Better get going with the cheating bastard tactics and start practicing guys. It's one thing to get beat, but getting lapped is embarassing! HA. Let the smack begin. :D

I wear my helmet and gloves to Dromo all the time. I'm sure they will let you wear your own stuff. no sweat.
Oh see.... cheating bastard tactics! I'll bet you have at least 20lbs advantage on us already. :D Have you gone to this track before or any others in LA? Dromo1 is a lot of fun.

I haven't been on this track. It just opened on July 7th.

I haven't been to any in LA at all. I've always wanted to do the Dromo1 competitions Doug and Wayne always enter. I wanted to kick their butt. =)

I've had only one experience in go karting and that was at an indoor electric kart facility here in San Diego. That place closed down after a few months.

I've gone to SpeedZone about 4 or 5 times. Does that count? :)

The only other track experience I've had was at Holtville Raceway with my daily driver. (Thrice?) That was a lot of fun... I even had the honor to run with the Flamemobile... and ride in it!

Don't underestimate my track racing abilities... I kick butt in Gran Turismo! :D
have we set a day and time yet?
August is drawing near can we finalize the date and time? Thanks!
Works for me!
ok... i can probably work around that.
u should start a new post and have lud make it a sticky to avoid any confusion.