Get Together for some Indoor Karting in San Diego?

14 April 2001
Sandy Eggo, CA
Hey guys. A new indoor karting facility will be opening up in San Diego on July 7th. This is a 50,000 sq ft facility paved in asphalt. The karts are 200cc gasoline engines POWERED by HONDA. :D They supposedly go 40mph!

I was pretty sad when Speedworld went away... I don't think there's another indoor karting facility in San Diego... so I am stoked to find this!

We should have some kind of NSX get together here... how about it?

The place is called Miramar Speed Circuit. Their website is:

Whatcha think?
Hey guys. A new indoor karting facility will be opening up in San Diego on July 7th. This is a 50,000 sq ft facility paved in asphalt. The karts are 200cc gasoline engines POWERED by HONDA. :D They supposedly go 40mph!

I was pretty sad when Speedworld went away... I don't think there's another indoor karting facility in San Diego... so I am stoked to find this!

We should have some kind of NSX get together here... how about it?

The place is called Miramar Speed Circuit. Their website is:

Whatcha think?


If I am in town, than you'll be seeing lots of dust. Mine :D :D :D

Sounds like a great idea!!!!

p.s. Is this mean that I can't drive my R/C NSX?????;)
It is not: "than," it is: "then." Also, it is not: "Is this mean?," it is: "Does this mean?" Now, our proficient with the English language is definitely improving, doesn't it?
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NSXSAN said:
Now, our proficient with the English language is definitely improving, doesn't it?
I imagine you meant to say "Now your proficiency with the English language is definitely improving, isn't it?"

Geez guys, can't we just get along? Give it a rest. ;)

Anyways, with a location in Miramar, how can I possibly say "No"?!!

When I said: "Our," it was meant for both of us. You caught me with the "Proficiency" word. Also, you got me on the "Isn't it" question mark. Great job!

Now for your part, do you want me to point out your mistakes, as I have plenty of times nowaday to help better society by doing things like this. However, i do agree that we should let this go, because a subject like this can definitely bring a lot of mis-understanding between associates.
uh... so anyway... yea!! keep us posted! i'm game.
Think anyone will break any ribs?
Last time at Amago, 2 people did...
I think one of them was me.
and I kept wondering why there were rib vests for sale everywhere!
I didn't figure it out till too late!
Seriously? Ouch. I doubt these things are fast enough to break ribs.

A few years ago, we'd always try to make it to Amago... and the time I was able to make it, it rained. Damn... so I haven't been there yet. Amago is a REAL kart track. =)
Depending upon the date four or five of us from the OTC gang should be able to join you. Let's just hope that DCB Doug H. doesn't show up, cause he's rally fast in a cart and he doesn't mind punting you if you're in the way :D
I would LOVE to go on the same track you guys are on. :D

Speaking of dates, what is a good date for everyone?

Sunday's are a better day for me... but I may be able to fit Saturday's in... just don't make it interrupt all of my daughter's Saturday activities.

I couldn't imagine this lasting for more than 2 hours of the day... so......
NSXSAN said:
When I said: "Our," it was meant for both of us. You caught me with the "Proficiency" word. Also, you got me on the "Isn't it" question mark. Great job!

Now for your part, do you want me to point out your mistakes, as I have plenty of times nowaday to help better society by doing things like this. However, i do agree that we should let this go, because a subject like this can definitely bring a lot of mis-understanding between associates.

Thanks for the correction. I really needed that. :) :)

Or is it " Should I have needed that?"

Little confused about the whole "Proficiency" thing, I am not to good in comprending such a complex words.

Really, thanks for the english lesson.:D :D
No problem! All of us, including me need a dose of reality and laughter every now and then.
There was absolutely no reason for me to hold this against you. Yes, I was joking, and getting my best laughter out of the whole deal, once I know everybody positions on the subject.
Take Great Care,
NSXSAN said:
There was absolutely no reason for me to hold this against you. Yes, I was joking, and getting my best laughter out of the whole deal, once I know everybody positions on the subject.
Take Great Care,

Its "everyones" and not "everybody"

:D :D :D
Kinan said:
2pm or later would be good for me either day.

I'm with Kinan. You know me. The later the better. :D Mid-afternoon sounds good.

But, Saturdays in July could be busy for me. Like Conrad, Sundays would probably work best.
Too far

Damn....San Diego's a bit too far for me to go considering my current crazy work schedule. I expect to be working weekends through the summer. Heck, I can't even consider a trip to Dromo 1 until this project ships.

Sounds like fun, though. Let me know how it compares to Dromo 1, okay?
It opened today and while passing it to go home from work, my coworker spotted a white NSX!

COOL! So I flipped a B and checked it out. Cool! I know this NSX. It's Paul and Heidi's NSX!

I went inside and chatted with them. It sounded like they had an ABSOLUTE BLAST!

We should definitely get together for a little race!

When I got on the I-8 from the 805, I saw another white NSX with his T panel off. Cool! Two (white) NSX's in a day! Wow!

Damn it was a good day...
