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GB #2: Tamoske's (V2) carbon fiber center console


the group buy of lies and broken promises drags on

Personally I wish you guys would stop whining and harrasing the guy. Christ, If I were him and had to listen to as much belly aching and bitching as you guys are doing I would stop posting all together. You make it sound like he's the only guy to ever have problems with delivery times. Patience is a virtue and so long as he comes through with a quality product I don't really care if the delivery dates are a little off. I'm actually glad that he's making sure they are correct before shipping. If you don't like it you should order a set from the other vendor and pay the premium for doing so.
Personally I wish you guys would stop whining and harrasing the guy. Christ, If I were him and had to listen to as much belly aching and bitching as you guys are doing I would stop posting all together. You make it sound like he's the only guy to ever have problems with delivery times. Patience is a virtue and so long as he comes through with a quality product I don't really care if the delivery dates are a little off. I'm actually glad that he's making sure they are correct before shipping. If you don't like it you should order a set from the other vendor and pay the premium for doing so.

Ah, interesting. Your new here, so Im not going to really bash you....but do you even know what your talking about. Did you lose any of your money? Were u told your item was shipped, several times only to not recieve it. No other vendors make this item, so it was Tamoske or I wasnt' getting the console. How long should I have to wait? 6 months to a year? Ever heard or customer service? I dont care about the money, I just dont like being lied to. I would rather a Email or PM stating he was keeping my cash and just not providing a product.
First of all I paid just the same as you have - in fact since I also bought the door trim pieces I may have paid more. So I have just as much interest in seeing this group buy through as anyone here. Other vendors do make this item - in fact one of them post here regularily. You can also pick them up in Japan. They might be more difficult to find and much more expensive but they are available. As for customer service.....it's my belief that Tamoske isn't doing this as his business. There is no way he could make a living doing so. I suspect he is doing this more as an enthusiast - just like you or I would if we had the means to produce something people want. So having said that am I going to wail and rant and post all this "I've been lied to" or "group buy of lies" crap on the forum? No. I'm going to show a little patience - like the majority of people here have. He has come through before so what reason would he have not to do so again? Nobody even thought to ask if it cost him anything because the first batch got screwed up by something that he says wasn't his fault. Is he telling the truth? I don't know but if he is the least you guys could do is cut the guy a break. He might actually have a life outside of supplying us with cheap carbon fiber parts. And you guys are railing him because he shipped 10 days after you expected him to? You ask how long you should have to wait....well I say since you claim nobody else makes the product how long have you waited before you put up the money to have some made? The car has been around since 1991 after all.

Basically all I am saying is I have no issue with requesting anticipated delivery times. Just be grown up about it and don't post all this negative whiney B.S. I say cut the guy a break and show a little patience. Basically you either trust him to come through with the product or you think he's screwing you. If you think he's screwing you come out and say so instead of all this whining about 10 days late for delivery, etc. Personally I think the fact he's responding to the thread is a positive thing which means we all will get our stuff - but only when it's ready. And at that time you guys will probably whine about something else and say how bad it was you had to wait when you should be HAPPY that someone is actually making the effort to produce these items. When I get mine I will genuinely thank the man. The question is....will you?
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No, the bottom line here is that we haven't heard any updates in 3 days. I don't mind the wait as much as the false information. I'd rather be told that he's doing his best and will try to get them shipped out, but don't say they shipped when they haven't. We all paid our money up front and I dont' think it's too much to ask for some honesty and up to date information.
My point exactly....you hacking on a guy for shipping 3 days after he said he did is just petty in my opinion. Most people would say "big deal" and move on. But you can't for some reason. Instead you hold it up as if he commited some kind of crime and in the mean time panic others into thinking they won't get what they ordered. You have obviously have a vendetta and while that may be your agenda it surely isn't mine. You call it "putting facts to light". I call it a witch hunt. Is the biggest thing you have to complain about is the shipping dates don't match? What is important here? Getting the shipping dates to match or actually getting an item at a reasonable price that you couldn't find else where? See my point now? Getting the final product is what is important. The rest is just being impatient, whining and being petty. I see no need to beat up on a guy because he isn't perfect or may have made a mistake. Do you know what the tragic thing is? I suspect after all the abuse Tamoske is getting here that this will be the last run of carbon fibre parts he will make. You seem to forget that he is doing us a service. There is no way he is doing this to earn a living as there is such a limited amount of profit in it. So show a little appreciation for crying out loud.

Naturally if we all end up getting stiffed that is another thing all together. But in the mean time all I ask is that people stop griping about 3 days on a shipping receipt or posting stuff like "the group buy of lies and broken promises drags on". As long as these things are being shipped we should be happy.

PS. And asking for a public apology is ridiculous - as if getting one actually does anything other than soothe your ego. I don't give a damn if he apologizes or not so long as I get my parts.
Good news and bad news gents.

Good news!

CF console arrived today!

Came in the regular mail and was quite well packaged in loose styrofoam pills. Warning....open this in a place where you won't get yelled at by the missus or the neighbours...very messy!

The weave is beautiful, and I have to say, quality is right up there with other companies charging a lot more. The CF door for the ashtray seems to fit into the opening reasonably well, but I won't know until over the winter when she gets the interior upgrades done. So far I am very pleased. The box is postmakred Sept 26th, so it jives with the shipping receipt he posted, though it was still over a week after he said it had shipped.

Now the bad news:

Where are my door inserts?!??!

:confused: :mad:
Looks nice. I'm assuming the door inserts are coming later. Looks like you got the exact same thing I ordered. I really like the look of the unit. Can't wait until I get mine. Thanks for the update.
I am assuming so as well. My question is why didn't he just ship everything all at once? He claimed everything was ready to go, yet they are arriving piecemeal. Not the most efficient way to ship. I can actually get my stereo install started but I am hesitant to do so until the door inserts arrive too so my shop can do it all together which will save me the hassle of dropping the car off more than once. Why can't Tamoske get his act together?
I really don't know how to put this, but I'm really highly dissappointed on how everthing here has been working out. I tried my very best to accomodate everyone's needs interms of payment option (Paypal) because most of you felt this was the safest way. I was thinking this was going to help those in the NSX community and those who want some nice parts at a reasonable price. Now push comes to shoves and I get pms theatening a Paypal dispute against me my Paypal account?:mad: :confused: Well, don't count on me to help out like this anymore and in return I get pissed on. I've got all the rec'd for the wire transfer to Tamoske's bank account where the group buy funds has gone. This is the gratitude I get for trying to help out?!?!:mad:

If you're reading this then you know what you need to do. You have put me in a really bad predicament. I suggest you come up with the parts soon or give a refund to those who want it. I'm not going to be the scape goat for you left holding the bag. You have gotten all the money and now it's time you come through.

I hope and believe the fact that oyagi's console has arrived and appears, at first examination at least, to be high quality like tamoske promised and we hoped for, is going to go a long way toward easing some of those pressures.
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I hope and believe the fact that oyagi's console has arrived and appears, at first examination at least, to be high quality like tamoske promised and we hoped for, is going to go a long way toward easing some of those pressures.


I wasn't part of the group buy so I am not involved in this aspect of the sale but I certainly sympathize with you bud. I hope everyone realizes that NMYMIRR is merely a fellow enthusiast who was hoping to help out the community as well as get a save a few bucks in being a GB participant. Threats of Paypal actions against him is uncalled for and he is as much a victim as everyone else.

At the end of the day I am hoping that Tamoske pulls through with this business venture and do the right thing, and everyone gets their product which they have been waiting for.

Tamoske, my advice is perhaps in the future relegating yourself as a supplier and allow someone else (person or company) act as a middle man who can stock your manufacturered parts in North America. You will have less headaches and you can concentrate on streamlining your production capabilities. Everyone will be much happier this way. As well, underpromise, overdeliver is always a good business motto, not the other way around.

Still awaiting my door inserts,
I'll say this, NMYIRR should've recieved his already at no charge I might add, for all the time and effort he's got into this.:confused:
This is a PM response I just received from Tamoske, decerne from it what you may. I will extend my exercise in patience.
Re: Shipping status of My console & door inserts


hello. sorry for delay. im talking like this because i really have lots of troubles for the first time with my workers and trying in every way to solve all these big troubles that i have. please could you wait couple days i will return from other countrie and will shipp cf pats to everyone.also shipp some $ to refund something that we done wrong. PLEASE POST THIS OF FORUMS. THANXS
I got mine this morning, didnt open it yet. I'll install it when I get around to it and try to get someone to post some pics. I have no digital camera:redface:
i also received pm from tamoske which was very different from previous in that he assumed responsibility in an honorable manner

all pressure off from me

just keep updating us honestly tamoske :-)

This is a PM response I just received from Tamoske, decerne from it what you may. I will extend my exercise in patience.
Re: Shipping status of My console & door inserts


hello. sorry for delay. im talking like this because i really have lots of troubles for the first time with my workers and trying in every way to solve all these big troubles that i have. please could you wait couple days i will return from other countrie and will shipp cf pats to everyone.also shipp some $ to refund something that we done wrong. PLEASE POST THIS OF FORUMS. THANXS


You yourself need to stop lying as well. Not any longer have you waited and then you do a charge back on my Paypal account? Clearly I told you in a pm that you need to ask Tamoske for you're refund if you so incline not to wait. So how exactly are you actually.... "I will extend my exercise in patience", when you do a charge back on my account yesterday? I don't understand you.:mad: :mad:

I installed mine just now, had to do some minor drilling to put my gauges in the ashtray. The fitment wasnt bad, had to make 2 brackets and the thin piece between the radio and the ashtray doesnt fit exactly snug. It looks unreal and the weave match is I'd say 90% with the rest of my Downforce and Procar stuff. One issue, the Kenwood KDX Double Din touch screen doesnt have room to open and accept/eject a CD, I dont care as I only use my Ipod anyways but It might bother some. Overall, I love it and the wait didnt really bother me but the run-a-round was disturbing.

I will continue to order from Tamoske and leave him a positive trader point, but in the future...I'd be a little more straight up with the shipping details. If shipping time is an issue and you cant wait, I'd look into another avenue or venue.:wink:

PS...Be careful when you take off the surround at the top of the vents by the clock. I was rushing and wearing a suit/tie combo and cracked mine.:redface: Anyone got one in Carbon Fiber:wink:
Is the touchscreen opening issue something that can be worked out by an installer to provide for trouble free opening of the stereo? I am putting in a double din whose entire face open to allow for disc insertion and need that to work.

I know you said you dont have a camera, but you HAVE to get one from somewhere and post some pictures dude!

Is the touchscreen opening issue something that can be worked out by an installer to provide for trouble free opening of the stereo? I am putting in a double din whose entire face open to allow for disc insertion and need that to work.

I know you said you dont have a camera, but you HAVE to get one from somewhere and post some pictures dude!


Double din is a broad term and every head unit is a different size. You going to have to try it out and see.:wink: