Gauge fittment


Legendary Member
31 October 2001
St. Louis, MO
Has anyone tried to fit three 52mm gauges in the ash tray location? Wondering if three could be squeezed into this location.


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Pic is not my car. Just used it for reference purposes. I was thinking of using the SPA dual's, with Boost/Fuel pressure, Oil Pressure/Water Temp, and if I could fit a third - dual bank EGT.
KGP said:
Has anyone tried to fit three 52mm gauges in the ash tray location? Wondering if three could be squeezed into this location.

SPA makes dual digital gauges that might be what you are looking for if you want to have more information in a limited space.

if you used the SOS blank console and move the gauges up they will fit, but it would be tight and look too "busy" in my opinion
Re: Re: Gauge fittment

MiamieNeSeX said:
SPA makes dual digital gauges...
Yes, I plan on using them (noted right above your post), but would like three of them in that space if they would fit. If not, I'll just go with two SPA's and have two additional LED's for EGT warning off the ECU. I have also considered the Nav pod, and about a gazillion other possibilities, but when it gets right down to it, I don't like A-pillars gauges or a whole lot of extra stuff in the car. Monitoring critical functions is most important, and in a turbo application that means: boost, FP, oil pressure and oil temp. I initially considered water temp ahead of oil temp, but as sjs pointed out to me, a turbo that is oil cooled can heat up fast without being reflected in the water temp. EGT would be nice, but if everything is a-okay with the tuning, and a good ecu, that's not quite as critical to monitor in real-time via a gauge. So, just a simple warning led for egt banks will suffice.
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Re: Re: Re: Gauge fittment

KGP said:
Yes, I plan on using them, but would like three of them in that space if they would fit. If not, I'll just go with two SPA's and have two additional LED's for EGT warning off the ECU. I have also considered the Nav pod, and about a gazillion other possibilities, but when it gets right down to it, I don't like A-pillars gauges or a whole lot of extra stuff in the car. Monitoring critical functions is most important, and in a turbo application that means: boost, FP, oil pressure and oil temp. I initially considered water temp ahead of oil temp, but as sjs pointed out to me, a turbo that is oil cooled can heat up fast without being reflected in the water temp. EGT would be nice, but if everything is a-okay with the tuning, and a good ecu, that's not quite as critical to monitor in real-time via a gauge. So, just a simple warning led for egt banks will suffice.

I think AEM is comming out with a monitring system that connects to a monitor (NavPod) but who knows when that will be available im still waiting for the a/f gauge to come out.


MiamieNeSeX said:
I think AEM is comming out with a monitring system that connects to a monitor (NavPod) but who knows when that will be available...
Hmm, that is interesting. Have any press on it? Where did you hear about that?
Was it the Gauge-Tech Display that you were thinking of?

It could have been but not sure now. Although isnt it possible to run the aem thru a laptop then using RCAs attach it to the Nav Pod? I know the laptop is bulky but there has to be something smaller that could just do the processing since you are monitoring it thru the nav pod.

I may be wrong, but I doubt the Gauge Tech display (7-3/4" wide) would fit into the Nav Pod. Carrying my laptop with me all the time....well, that's not even an option. Stealth, my friend - stealth is what I want, but also to give as much good info as possible while keeping it clean.
KGP said:
I may be wrong, but I doubt the Gauge Tech display (7-3/4" wide) would fit into the Nav Pod. Carrying my laptop with me all the time....well, that's not even an option. Stealth, my friend - stealth is what I want, but also to give as much good info as possible while keeping it clean.

I agree with the stealth part and having a laptop bouncing around the passenger seat is a pain in the ass, but there has to be something available to interphase the AEM and a display screen.

...there has to be something available to interphase the AEM and a display screen.

Maybe BZ can get to work on it! :D
I'll get right on it after I design that ECU piggy back computer. ;-)
(So many projects, too little time...)
(oh wait, my 3 year old can now read numbers from 1-100 and A-Z, so surely she should be able to help!)
KGP said:
Has anyone tried to fit three 52mm gauges in the ash tray location? Wondering if three could be squeezed into this location.

That's my car!


Oops, I thought the quote function would include the picture.

Take a look at this, I picked up the info at SEMA and this may be a good solution for you. It should fit in the glove box and running XP Pro and AEM software you get real time data and data logging, add a wireless conection and when you pit in your garage at home you get to review your log file on your home PC. Some interesting audio options and navigation options.

It is worth a look, I have dealer pricing if you are interested.


Dave, I think your on to something. ;) Give me a call, I know a certain pineapple that is eager to talk to you.
No offense, but I don't get it. Why lug all that extra clap-trap around? And Windows-based at that. :rolleyes: :p With a stand-alone ECU I have adequate internal logging for the rare instance when I want to review recent events, and the ECU can trigger alarms when something is amiss. Once tuning is done, a few basic gauges supported by alarms and on-board logging is more than adequate. The rest just seems like more needless gadgetry, taking up precious space, adding weight, and more likely to have their own problems than prevent any.
I guess if you looking for a aftermarket audio system, nav system, DVD based video system, 40 gig MP3 player, real time data display and logging, the ability to change AEM/Motec maps almost on the fly without dragging a laptop around and all without adding more than 3lbs to your car, this type of system is an option and maybe your only option, but if all you want or need is a few gauges than just add a few gauges. I like the fact that the system may be less cost than three SPA Dual gauges KGP was looking to add and is another alternative to his original gauge fitment question.

I think one big advantage may be in the added ability of changing the AEM's program on the fly, lets say the track day gets rain on Saturday morning and I do not want or need 550hp, well I just load up my low boost 400hp map and go out, then by mid-day with 2 sessions left to go the suns out the track is dry and I want all the HP I paid for. Between sessions I can sit in confort and review all logged data with out the need for a laptop. Then on monday I am taking the car to the dealer for normal service work do I really want them to have access to 500-600hp, no so I load up the 75HP map, you know the one with a 2500 rpm red line and no boost, and drop off the car.

I read in another post that KGP did not want to carry a loptop with him and I know of no other way to do this, and as an added bonus you get a very low cost nav system for those who get lost easy or travel, and who doesnt need 25,000 songs on a long road trip.

DDozier said:
I guess if you looking for a aftermarket audio system, nav system, DVD based video system, 40 gig MP3 player...

Ah, well there's the problem. I wouldn't consider any of those for my NSX, but that's just me of course. And if I'm at the track I'll take my laptop along with all the other junk that goes on such a weekend because I'd want a full-size display for those activities, and of course you need a keyboard and pointing device anyway. I also haven't seen a display that would be practical and useful while driving unless placed squarely in the steering wheel or replace the stock gauges. Don't get me wrong, I love gadgets, but I don't see that these add much. But again, I'll be plenty fascinated to see it in some else's car.