Gas station spill

I just filled up, $50 bucks worth, I didn't spill any but I felt like spilling a gallon or two and throwing my zippo lighter out the window as I left!:biggrin:
I'm right with ya KooLaid. I've had my '91 three years now and no matter what station, any brand, any nozzle, any technique, the nozzle won't shut off until its too late. Its become the norm rather than the exception for the car to puke the last few drops out. On such an over-engineered car, I find this bizarre.

I've taken to nsx2tall's technique of estimating how much gas the car will take. When I think I should be close to the top I listen for the sound of the filler tube filling up and start backing off the flow of fuel. If I'm good the puke is reduced to a dribble or nothing at all. What a hassle though, huh?
steveny said:
Here, in upstate NY, the pump handle can not be locked in the on position

It has nothing to do with locking the pump handle. Even if I stand there and hold it - fully open or even just half open - by the time the air in the filler tube generates enough pressure to turn off the nozzle, its overfilled and the last few drops shoot back out. And I know its not the nozzle because it happens at any gas station. Other cars don't do this, why does my NSX? Is it possible there's some kind of vent somewhere in the car's fuel system that might be clogged? Or a vent that is open that shouldn't be?
This happens fairly often with my NSX, but never on my Integras.

I avoid it by estimating approximately how many gallons it will take based on the fuel gauge, then when it's pumping the last few gallons I reduce the pressure on the pump handle so that it's pumping slower, and I listen very carefully to the air flowing out of the gas filler opening. Right before it's full, it changes in pitch (higher), and I immediately release the pressure on the pump handle - usually just in time to avoid spillage. Yeah, it's a PITA...
Bizarre! This has never ever happened to me with my original 93 NSX in NYC and in the last 2 1/12 years with my current NSX here in Florida. Not doing anything out of the ordinary. Just inserting the nozzle and locking it down at full blast and it always shuts off sans regurgitation.
I've had 3 NSX's and they have ALL done/do that!

It seems the problem is with the design of the petrol tank filler tube on the NSX. Simply because the same pump does not do it on any of my other cars!

So I just do exactly what da3dalus does....

da3dalus said:
i have this problem all the time, i have just gotten into the habit of taking the paper towels for cleaning your windows and using them to catch any drops when i pull the tank out so it wont touch the paint on the car.

but then again, i'm anal like that.
When I first got my NSX, I had the problem of trying to get the gas nozzle all the way into the tank filler tube. I found that by rotating the gas nozzle at least 90 to 180 degrees (upside down) it goes in much better and doesnt spill any gas. Works fine for me and I have no spillage, and I also dont leave the gas lock on at all.
KooLaid said:
Ok so I gassed up with a few gallons at the shell station today. 99% of the time I goto shell. Anyhow, that nozzle WILL NOT fit all the way in. That wire that wraps around nozzle won't make it more than one coil or so past the lip of the filler tube...... Shit... Forgot to take pics. I even tried jiggling it, wiggling it, etc etc, turning it, etc etc.
Maybe yopu are pumping deisel.:biggrin:

This almost never happen to me unless I try to top it off.
Hugh said:
It's kinda like having sex with a new partner. After a few tries you know precisely the right angle and maximum depth of insertion.

I about spit lemonade out of my nose when I read this haha

true though
i've never seen this happen with any car (although it may be an NSX problem, and i've never put gas in one)... but could one... weird, but effective solution be to cover the area below your gas opening with a piece of saranwrap?? so if anything hits the paint area, u can just peel it away.

just an idea, never done it, you may look dumb doing it, but then you can just get in the NSX and drive away - and I think you have redeemed yourself - cuz you're driving an NSX and the others arent'.