Gas station spill

26 February 2006
California Republic
Whenever I goto ANY gas station, no matter of how old or new of a pump, I'll put the nozzle in and lock in the lever and let it do it's thing. When it gets to the top, it ALWAYS pukes out quite a bit of gas that spills down the side of the car. Anyone else have this problem? I mean it's on the first click, everytime.
It happens all the time? Geeze, about the second time I would not lock the lever any more and instead stand there and hold the handle. Who wants gas on their paint? Doesn't that take the wax off?

It's a moot point for me. The stations in this area have removed all the catch plates from the lever locks so you have to hold the handle.
bodypainter said:
...It's a moot point for me. The stations in this area have removed all the catch plates from the lever locks so you have to hold the handle.

You can always wedge your gas cap under the lever. The gas will still stop coming out just like the ones with the lock.
Well I've found that regardless of whether the lock switch is on or if I hold it, the "auto stop" functions the same. It still pukes gas on the first click.
i have this problem all the time, i have just gotten into the habit of taking the paper towels for cleaning your windows and using them to catch any drops when i pull the tank out so it wont touch the paint on the car.

but then again, i'm anal like that.
Well maybe I'm gassing up wrong???? I mean, I've only had my car for like 2 weeks now. I noticed that I couldn't get the nozzle to where it was flush with the surface of the filler (when rubber nozzle fits flat against the filler hole). I could only get like half of the tip of the nozzle into the necked down part of the filler. It felt like I'd have to muscle/wrestle the nozzle to get it all the way down and would bang up my paint so I didn't try...... I'll take a pic I guess...

I thought it was unusual...... thought I was probably doing it wrong?? lol yeah......
It's kinda like having sex with a new partner. After a few tries you know precisely the right angle and maximum depth of insertion.
Hugh said:
It's kinda like having sex with a new partner. After a few tries you know precisely the right angle and maximum depth of insertion.

KooLaid said:
Well maybe I'm gassing up wrong???? I mean, I've only had my car for like 2 weeks now. I noticed that I couldn't get the nozzle to where it was flush with the surface of the filler (when rubber nozzle fits flat against the filler hole). I could only get like half of the tip of the nozzle into the necked down part of the filler. It felt like I'd have to muscle/wrestle the nozzle to get it all the way down and would bang up my paint so I didn't try...... I'll take a pic I guess...

I thought it was unusual...... thought I was probably doing it wrong?? lol yeah......
Uhhhh, yeah... she'll take it all, you just have to use a little force. If you only go halvesies, expect spillage.
Ahem... back to the thread.

This happens to me too. I've started estimating the amount of fuel I need and avoid using the auto-shutoff on the pump.
If there is a gas spill, I keep a spray detailer (Mother's brand BTW) and microfiber towel behind the drivers seat. Just a couple quick sprays, wipe, and I'm on my way. :biggrin:
barefoot heel-toe...

da3dalus said:
i have this problem all the time, i have just gotten into the habit of taking the paper towels for cleaning your windows and using them to catch any drops when i pull the tank out so it wont touch the paint on the car.

but then again, i'm anal like that.

Don't forget to wipe the bottum of your shoes too, otherwise your uber-fancy schmancy NSX-specific floor-mats will gradually harden and discolor/fade. Petroleum products are a PITA, whether paint or upholstery.
da3dalus said:
i have this problem all the time, i have just gotten into the habit of taking the paper towels for cleaning your windows and using them to catch any drops when i pull the tank out so it wont touch the paint on the car.

but then again, i'm anal like that.

Yep, I do that too. I take two towels and make roll them up and shove it under the bottom of the nozzel. Any burp that comes up gets caught by the towel.

The other thing is to wait a few seconds after it clicks, the pressure should decrease so less gas jumps out to say howdy.
TTony said:
If there is a gas spill, I keep a spray detailer (Mother's brand BTW) and microfiber towel behind the drivers seat. Just a couple quick sprays, wipe, and I'm on my way. :biggrin:

An even easier way to remove the gas spill is to ignite it with a lighter. This way you don't have to keep a towel soaked with fuel in your car. That is unless you are like me and enjoy the smell of gasoline fumes. :biggrin:
What are you guys doing at the gas station? I have rarely had this happen. Only a handful of times over 15+ years and then it was usually the same station. I would recommend washing the area that gas spilled onto very quickly, it will destroy the paint over time.
Ok so I gassed up with a few gallons at the shell station today. 99% of the time I goto shell. Anyhow, that nozzle WILL NOT fit all the way in. That wire that wraps around nozzle won't make it more than one coil or so past the lip of the filler tube...... Shit... Forgot to take pics. I even tried jiggling it, wiggling it, etc etc, turning it, etc etc.
I never have enough money for a full tank so its never a prob for me :biggrin:
da3dalus said:
i have this problem all the time, i have just gotten into the habit of taking the paper towels for cleaning your windows and using them to catch any drops when i pull the tank out so it wont touch the paint on the car.

but then again, i'm anal like that.

haha I do that too :)
get some looks at times, even had a few people tell me how smart of an idea it was
I even keep extras in the car just in case theyre outta them :-P