G-man's car on ebay? jh4na2162yt000009

Re: zman's car on ebay?

I believe you're thinking of G-Man (Gordon Miller) out of Richmond, VA. If I recall correctly, Z-Man from Michigan also has a Black NSX, but that is not the one pictured in the EBay ad.
Re: G-man's car on ebay?

That is one heck of a nice car. I wonder if he is buying a Porsche. :confused:
NsXMas said:
According to the ad: Selling the car due to a ticket in excess of 120 mph in a 65 mph zone. Lawyer says it is time for the car to go as part of my stay out of jail agreement with the court.

I am pretty sure I remember G-man saying that was in his 911 TT, which is why he sold that car. I wonder if this ad is legit??
The speeding, is this the reference to NSXPO? If it is Gman's car, it is absolutely pristine from what I saw at XPO. Great combination of parts.
this story sounds pretty fishy to me on a number of levels. it's clearly a legit sale, but considering my driving record practically includes a table of contents and index, the claimed reason for selling seems very odd to me.

i've done a hell of a lot worse than 120 in a 65, several times over and was never facing jail time. you face jail time when you drive after you've been convicted as a habitual offender, or for multiple drinking and driving offenses, and occasionally even for vehicular homicide, but not speeding or reckless driving, and certainly not so badly that you have to sell your car to appease the court.
Re: G-man's car on ebay?

Arshad said:
I believe you're thinking of G-Man (Gordon Miller) out of Richmond, VA. If I recall correctly, Z-Man from Michigan also has a Black NSX, but that is not the one pictured in the EBay ad.

It is indeed my car guys. I am sorry to see it go. The mods were truly a labor of love and I want to thank all of you guys for your help. I have now had 2 NSXs over the last 5 years and it has been great, but I just don't get the chance to drive it as much since I moved and there is no reason for it to simply gather dust in my garage. I loved NSXPO 2004 in NY and I even have the speeding ticket (In excess of 120 in a 65) to show for it.

The reality is that my Mercedes AMG is getting more drive time, fits the wife and BOTH kids so no more fighting over who rides with Daddy. Who knew I would be so popular. :) Well, I will miss you guys and I do not think that I will be adding another NSX to the stable in the near future. I will be curious to check in with you guys in a few years and see where the NSX faithful are then. I wish Honda would step up and announce their plans for an NSX replacement or the next gen car. I feel they let all of us down.

In the meantime, my thanks to Ben at Wheels Boutique and the guys from Science of Speed for everything. My thanks to Lud for your forum and for the great folks that have been a part of the experience. Don't forget to bid on eBay if you are interested. With $83,000 invested and only asking $59,995 including FREE enclosed transport to anywhere in the 48 states and all OEM parts for FREE, it is a great deal!

Thanks gang,

G-man - Out!
Re: G-man's car on ebay? jh4na2162yt000009

NetViper said:
I am pretty sure I remember G-man saying that was in his 911 TT, which is why he sold that car. I wonder if this ad is legit??

Yep, the ad is for real. My first ticket for 127 in a 35 was racing in town in my Porsche 911 Twin Turbo and that was why I sold that car. This time at NSXPO 2004, someone forgot to organize a driving activity one day so myself and the other 3 owners in the now infamous "Corning4" all went out and got stopped for 120 in a 65. Not as bad as my Porsche 911 Twin Turbo ticket, but time to sell the NSX anyway. Not that it will help in NY, but I am going to get myself into trouble with this car. :)

Re: G-man's car on ebay?

Meeyatch1 said:
That is one heck of a nice car. I wonder if he is buying a Porsche. :confused:

Actually, funny you should mention that. The folks at the Porsche dealer here did order me a fully loaded C2S black/black hoping I would buy it. At $99,995 it is a bit too rich for my taste without all wheel drive or a turbo. Now they are desperate to sell it and are considering my offer or a mere $84,500. I may pull the trigger on the deal or wait for a C4S or next gen Turbo. But I am really thinking at something red and italian would look good in the garage. :)

Re: G-man's car on ebay? jh4na2162yt000009

rickysals said:
i dont know...

but that is one sexy wheel/brake package!!

If you like the way it looks, you would be blown away by how well it all works together. NSXPO 2004 at Watkins Glen was perfect for putting it to the test. The transformation of the entire car was well worth the $20,000 in mods. Much more than the sum of the parts. It really made the NSX the real deal. Thanks for the props. I didn't know you guys cared enough for my sale to be the subject of an entire thread. :) Now call your friends and tell them to bid, but only if they are buying. :)

Re: G-man's car on ebay? jh4na2162yt000009

NsXMas said:
According to the ad: Selling the car due to a ticket in excess of 120 mph in a 65 mph zone. Lawyer says it is time for the car to go as part of my stay out of jail agreement with the court.

Well, let's put it this way, the 4 of we "Corning4" have had our lawyer working on this deal since we got the ticket back in October, so it is now March and it still hasn't come to trial. So, you can imagine how bad it might all be. With any luck we will all get out of this alive, but I figured if I have to take a bullet for the team, then so be it.

Re: G-man's car on ebay? jh4na2162yt000009

jorligan said:
The speeding, is this the reference to NSXPO? If it is Gman's car, it is absolutely pristine from what I saw at XPO. Great combination of parts.

Thanks for the nice words about the condition of the car. I try to keep it standing tall.

Re: G-man's car on ebay? jh4na2162yt000009

robr said:
this story sounds pretty fishy to me on a number of levels. it's clearly a legit sale, but considering my driving record practically includes a table of contents and index, the claimed reason for selling seems very odd to me.

It just goes to show that there is no IQ test to post on this forum...

For your info, my last ticket at 127 in a 35 was dismissed outright by the judge based on the fact that I sold my car at a huge loss. I lost $11,635 in one day on the Porsche 911 Twin Turbo and a total of $41,000+ over the 14 months I had it. The judge felt sorry for me and let me go saying I had suffered enough.

The "stay of out of jail" line is a bit over the top since I keep my lawyers pretty well paid and I think I could probably track you down and whip your sorry butt and still not see any jail time either. I figured that since it I had not driven it in 6 months since coming back from NSXPO that I might as well sell it and since it may help my case then I might get another straight out walk on this deal too.

The reality is that I have several other company cars and I stand to pay $3,500 - $5,000 more a year in corporate vehicle insurance if I get nailed on this, so the losses are offset by the loss on the car. There are a lot of moving parts to a deal like that, but then again, I have never been one to simply pay a ticket like you do. I have a win-loss record of 10-1 in court in the last 10 years and would like to make that 11-1 and not 10-2. :)

Now, hop back in your Hyundai and head back to work, someone may want fries with that...

Hey G-man.

I am sorry to see you selling the NSX, but I am glad you enjoyed it while you had it :)

Best of luck in the future and make sure you come back and visit often.
Hello Gordon,
Sorry to see you changed you mind AGAIN. And now your selling her anyways.
So is it The Lambo or ??? what? Whats next?

For anyone considering G-man's NSX, you will not find a NSX in better condition or as nicely done-mod wise, as his.
I would buy it myself if I didnt already have 2.
:rolleyes: Maybe I will sell one and buy it.
Call you later Gordon.

For the person who doesnt think you can go to jail for a single speeding offense, you obviously are a little behind the times, in VA if you get caught doing over 100mph you are going to jail, unless the cop really wants to give you a huge break, but even then you must appear in court and then face possible jail time, JUST for ONE speeding ticket.
Re: G-man's car on ebay? jh4na2162yt000009

G-man said:
It just goes to show that there is no IQ test to post on this forum...

For your info, my last ticket at 127 in a 35 was dismissed outright by the judge based on the fact that I sold my car at a huge loss. I lost $11,635 in one day on the Porsche 911 Twin Turbo and a total of $41,000+ over the 14 months I had it. The judge felt sorry for me and let me go saying I had suffered enough.

The "stay of out of jail" line is a bit over the top since I keep my lawyers pretty well paid and I think I could probably track you down and whip your sorry butt and still not see any jail time either. I figured that since it I had not driven it in 6 months since coming back from NSXPO that I might as well sell it and since it may help my case then I might get another straight out walk on this deal too.

The reality is that I have several other company cars and I stand to pay $3,500 - $5,000 more a year in corporate vehicle insurance if I get nailed on this, so the losses are offset by the loss on the car. There are a lot of moving parts to a deal like that, but then again, I have never been one to simply pay a ticket like you do. I have a win-loss record of 10-1 in court in the last 10 years and would like to make that 11-1 and not 10-2. :)

Now, hop back in your Hyundai and head back to work, someone may want fries with that...


you just vindicated everything i said. you're NOT facing jail time, and your lawyer is NOT strongly suggesting you want to sell you car. you've decided to get rid of it for other reasons. I stand by my comments, your story is entirely exaggerated. btw you may have a lot more money than i probably ever will, so what, there are always people that make more money than you or have a better job, but as a former mensa member, i have no problem with my IQ. iim also a member of the NMA (motorists.com) and fight every ticket i get (i havent had one since jan 1, 2000), and resorting to threats of violence? what are you, 16? no need to get pissed over the fact I called you on your BS and was right.

I'd buy the car as well but still trying to figure out how to increase the performance of my NSX without letting the wife know since the last time we drove the cars together, she just kicked my but with the Noble. Maybe Factor X time.

Re: G-man's car on ebay? jh4na2162yt000009

Edgemts said:
Hello Gordon,
For the person who doesnt think you can go to jail for a single speeding offense, you obviously are a little behind the times, in VA if you get caught doing over 100mph you are going to jail, unless the cop really wants to give you a huge break, but even then you must appear in court and then face possible jail time, JUST for ONE speeding ticket.

That is correct Mike. Thanks for clearing that up. Actually I was shocked to find out that in many states, like West Virginia, any speed over 80 mph is IMMEDIATE and MANDATORY jail time. So, everyone should be put on notice that it is not impossible to go do jail for trying to get that Need for Speed out of your system.

Now, since Mike and I are in the same boat on this speeding ticket issue, since he was with me, there is NO CHANCE we will actually go to jail, so that is a good thing. But, as we are negotiating with our attorney over this, it is a good time for one of us to take a bullet for the team and this may help all of us.

Forgive me if my Jailtime comment seemed a bit overly dramatic. It is not likely, but hey, I am selling my car here. What do you want me to say. I got tired of looking at it in my garage for the last 6 months. :)

Re: G-man's car on ebay? jh4na2162yt000009

NetViper said:
Hey G-man.

I am sorry to see you selling the NSX, but I am glad you enjoyed it while you had it :)

Best of luck in the future and make sure you come back and visit often.

Hey, there is definately much love in this group and if Honda ever gets off their butt and builds a replacement for the NSX, I will be in line to buy one of those for sure. Who knows what they will call it. Maybe Lud already has HSCPRIME.COM registered. :)

Re: G-man's car on ebay? jh4na2162yt000009

robr said:
you just vindicated everything i said. you're NOT facing jail time, and your lawyer is NOT strongly suggesting you want to sell you car. you've decided to get rid of it for other reasons. I stand by my comments, your story is entirely exaggerated. btw you may have a lot more money than i probably ever will, so what, there are always people that make more money than you or have a better job, but as a former mensa member, i have no problem with my IQ. iim also a member of the NMA (motorists.com) and fight every ticket i get (i havent had one since jan 1, 2000), and resorting to threats of violence? what are you, 16? no need to get pissed over the fact I called you on your BS and was right.

Hahaha! Actually, I formulated my reply just so I would get an equally foolish and childish reply out of you. Better watch out, someone might show up at your door to tear up your mensa card if you keep this up. :)

My story is not fabricated and only mildly exagerated for effect, but that is sales. Everyone on PRIME will vouch for me and for the condition of my car and like Mike has posted already there are states where we would all be facing jail time. So, put some of that superior intelligence to rest and get a sense of humor and a life.

I don't want to go out on this board flaming anyone, so I will just leave it at best wishes to you and your NSX. You clearly have gotten more tickets than I have and I am sure your superior intellectual skills have served you well in court. Me, I would rather sell my car, make them feel sorry for me and walk away a winner. :)

Peace, love and happiness,

Edgemts said:
if you get caught doing over 100mph you are going to jail, unless
...you do it with ten of your friends, and they don't have room in the jail for eleven people.
