Funny noise... need help!

Definitely the rear--right behind the driver's seat. Did your earlier post just change or am I blind? :smile:
Last six digits of the VIN: 002197

I'm guessing you're referring to the snap ring issue--I don't have the transmission number on hand but was told during the PPI that it was out of range. Also, the shifter stays perfectly still in first and second.

OK, Your car is close to the VIN range for snap-ring, so you need to check the trans number. Remember the snap-ring failure can manifest itself in many ways. If it breaks then jambs in the case, you may get no fore-aft movement, but your countershaft is in the wrong position. What you could be hearing is your reverse gear slightly rubbing on your ring gear. To eliminate this as a possibiliy, just inspect your snap-ring. Also remember snap-ring failures are not ONLY found in the range.

One more thing I noticed over the weekend: if I have the car in neutral with my foot OFF the clutch, there's a gravelly clicking noise coming from behind the driver's seat. When I push the clutch pedal down, it goes away.

Any ideas?:confused:

BTW, RON98--if I haven't figured this out over the forum by this weekend, I'll definitely be swinging by.
You are describing my snap ring failure perfectly. I had the exact same symptoms. Larry B. can tell you better, but there's a small "window" you can open into the trany and tell if the snap ring is broken. When mine started making these sounds I took it in and my mechanic raised it up, opened this "window" and handed me a broken piece of my snap ring. Good luck!