Funny "at the track" sayings / quotes / phrases thread

28 December 2008
Chicago, IL
Please post all the fun stuff you heard, I will start with:

"You can sleep in your racecar but you can not race your house"
"you paid for the whole track, so use the whole track" ugh, I get so tired of hearing that, and i've only been to the track once.
"if you an't first, your last." --- Ricky Bobby's Dad

Walking out of the bathroom, pulling up the pants and tightening the belt with major Dunlop (not the tire) - "whooooeeee, think we gona need to do another corner balance now."

"I wasn't going to point you buy (911 GT3 RS), you were driving a Camry." :biggrin:
"I hate that car because he's never going to learn anything, but I love that car because if not for it, we'd have been off the track at least five times..."

-NASA instructor talking to the instructor chief about his DE1 student (who drove a GTR).

"Yeah, I just kept getting held up in traffic."

-Miata Driver in the challege-car group at a Ferrari Club event
"dont worry about the welds on my harness bar, were just going to do a few laps"

because there is NO WAY you could get hurt THIS session?

*you just failed tech sir, thanks*
"Keep the rubber side down."


"The quickest way to turn a big fortune into a little one is to go racing."
" was that a point by ,or were you just happy to see me", me to the guy who just sticks his finger out the window. On the back of an older M3 "look ma no wings" on the back of an old spec racer ; "atkins approved,only 2 carbs"
A student of mine many moons ago was driving for his Carrera 4 for the first or second time and tracking out of a sweeper at about 80+ mph and was distracted as I was coaching him to track out and not force the steering. He responded:

"I forgot to turn the video on so should I go back in .....?!"
Re: Hrant gets em all, don't he?

A student of mine many moons ago was driving for his Carrera 4 for the first or second time and tracking out of a sweeper at about 80+ mph and was distracted as I was coaching him to track out and not force the steering. He responded:

"I forgot to turn the video on so should I go back in .....?!"
And you said: "Naw, just pull over inside the next blind corner and turn it on there." :biggrin:
"keep the shiny side up"

"there isn't anything you are going to do out there (on track) today that will increase the value of your car"

"the guys in the corvettes paid a lot of money for the horses, while i'm winding up the squirrels under my hood as much as i can"
- NASA instructor talking about his spec miata or all momentum cars.
"The car who is all over your bumper in the turns was not placed there by God at the end of the straight, it is just faster than you, point it by and it will likely disappear and you won't have to worry about it anymore."

-HPDE instructor addressing a DE1 class.
These aren't exactly quotes, but I've either seen them on t-shirts, bumper stickers, or sometimes heard via someone verbalizing, and most of them are well-known already, but might be fun to list them here:

"I got this racecar for my wife. Pretty good trade, huh?"

"My wife says if I go racing one more time she's gonna leave me. I'm going to miss her."

My personal favorite (if the shoe fits . . . ): "The older I get the faster I was."
Re: Hrant's always got one

Yesterday at T-Hill he tells me "I was testing my ABS which I know is not working."
Here's my face: :confused:

(Clarification will be forthcoming, I'm sure. :wink:)
Never trust your track junkie friend with an excuse!!

LOL Tedro, I knew you would pull something like this ... :biggrin:

I had a challenge yesterday with the ABS which it turns out needed some real "exercise" ....... I had blast driving on 6 year old street tires with totally street pads, with minimal braking if any (just tapped them - rotors temps on the front were less than 220F!!!) and on the CW direction without embarrassing myself :eek::smile:

So did you catch the rain by late afternoon?

And my wrapper was still bigger than yours :tongue:

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