Funniest/Stupidest comments you have received about your NSX

26 April 2008
Sugar Land, TX
Hey Prime!

Since our NSXs are sometimes a more rare sighting than Ferraris or Lamborghinis (depending upon the city you live in), then I'm sure that all of you have gotten at least one or two funny or stupid comments about your NSX from the uninformed or misinformed.

What have they been?


"Nice Ferrari!"

"Is that the new Corvette?"

"Why is the engine in the back...what's up front?"
(O.K., maybe that one's not too stupid)

"Honda? I thought Acura made these?"
(This one always leads to a lengthy explanation of high-line / low-line cars made by the same manufacturer...and then someone acting SHOCKED at being told that Lexus is just an over-priced Toyota...LOL!)
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I posted this a few years back, but one time at a stop light I was asked if it was a del sol....
Another time I was asked if it was a real nsx or just a civic with a body kit....
There are some stupid people out there.
I posted this a few years back, but one time at a stop light I was asked if it was a del sol....
Another time I was asked if it was a real nsx or just a civic with a body kit....
There are some stupid people out there.
Yep. I heard a similar comment while driving through the downtown area where I live. As I pulled up to a light, I hear a guy say "It IS a real NSX!" I was a little confused as I never knew there to be any kind of body kit for this car.
I was told (from a guy that owns Fcars) that the NSX looks like a Ferrari 400. Whaaat?

This was more of a gesture than a comment. Yesterday my wife and I went for our first nice long drive since purchasing our NSX in December. (It has been gone over top to bottom by Ben Schaffer, AKA the NSX Whisperer, here in MD. That good story to follow.) We got a number of thumbs up and a couple photo ops along the way, apparently a normal occurrence for NSX owners. As we sat at a stoplight, a guy in a beautiful early 50s hot rodded pickup truck was coming in the opposite direction. I gave him a thumbs up out the window and he came to a stop right next to me, driver to driver. We exchanged a proper car guy salute as he revved the V8 and I revved the V6. We both laughed and went on our way. haha
Had some guy at the car wash ask me if the Honda version made more power or the Acura version? can't tell if these people are trolling me or not. That's what I get for having H badges.
It's mainly the "Ferrari-comparison" which I hear quite often...
But anyhow I ALWAYS have a big smile on my face just parking the car at a crowded place and seeing young boys as well as older men being exicited like hell
"Is that the new corvette?"

It's actually shocking how many times I've gotten that.

Even funnier is being at a part counter once and asking for something I needed and as the employee was entering the car info he gets to model, I say NSX, and his response was "oh yeah the SUV right?"
All I could say was "yea sure..."
I have been asked several times if the car is the "new" nsx. I just laugh and say, it's a 1991....
Coworker asked me if it gets hot driving my car because the engine is in the same area where I sit. I had to explain that there is a partition window in there and it's actually quite comfortable. lol
Couple young kids pulled up next to me at a light today and one said he would like to nut on my car.
I politely declined the offer.
Couple young kids pulled up next to me at a light today and one said he would like to nut on my car.
I politely declined the offer.
I thought that was what zymol is...hmmmm