
Stress Relief Program

Just in case you're having a rough day, here's a stress management
technique recommended in all the latest psychological publications.

The funny thing is, it really works.

1. Picture yourself near a stream.

2. Birds are softly chirping in the cool mountain air.

3. No one but you knows your secret place.

4. You are in total seclusion from the hectic place called "the world."

5. The soothing sound of a gentle waterfall fills the air with a cascade of

6. The water is crystal clear.

7. You can easily make out the face of the person you're holding underwater.

8. See! You're smiling already.
Get in the NSX, put the windows down, music up, Drive till Im in my happy place

Great answer, cannot wait to get back into that mode (1 more year, 1 more year)

Len3.8 like the funky new avatar :cool:

The gym thing works for me (sparring sessions) or engaging in any hobby that you enjoy, last but not least,get a hug from someone you love. (make sure they love you too though,or stalking/assault charges may arise! :D)
LOL. that was pretty good. I could clearly see their faces. :)

AJ, thanks, I can't take credit, I stole from somwhere. ;)

The working out and eating right has been a anawer for me.
About 18LBS. Lighter and going. Going to be buff, once again, instead of fluff. :cool:

Now if I can just get my car back. ;)
I would say that I have a personality similar to many on here (high expectations of self and others) and can get frustrated by many things like traffic and people. I like steveny's approach; my deal is similar. I try to keep the big picture in perspective. Since I skipped a grade in school and my corporate peers have always been 10-30 years older than me, my peers have always been older than me. I've tried to utilize their experiences. By this I mean I have tried to learn from some of their mistakes so I hopefully won't have their problems at that age (health, financial, etc). I am by no means anywhere close perfect, though.

One key is to relax. The single best way to relieve stress is to work out. I have a relatively serious home gym in my basement so that I have no excuses and no membership fees. Free weights are great but for serious anger try three 1-minute rounds on the 80lb heavy bag. Yeah, you're not so energetic now are you? :)

There's nothing wrong with a couple of beers or a glass of wine here or there. I'm not talking frat party style, though!

To relieve stress at work I have made also some changes: at work I take a walk if the weather is nice. I try not to pretend I can control (or even predict) the actions of others. Some people are nice and others are a-holes. Just accept it. I often switch from talk radio to smooth jazz on my 50-minute commute. I use cruise control.

You've got to get away--physically & emotitionally--from as many things that cause that frustration as possible.
What I do depends on the type of frustration. Here's my 3 normal outlets (keep in mind, I'm probably younger than most of you):

1) Can't get frustration out of my head: I play video games, particularly Diablo II online- killing lots of demons takes my concentration away from other things and gets some anger out. After an hour or two of playing, it's like, "What was bothering me, again?"

2) Frustration with anger: 1/4 mile sprints on my bike, uh, I mean bicycle on a quiet stretch of road. 35-40 seconds of going all out takes a lot of energy out of you, and makes you take those nice deep breaths when you're done.

3) Frustration when things aren't going right: A good drive on some back roads enjoying the song of 8k rpm in front of me (RSX) and listening to some good rock.
The bike and the car are good relief when they are accessible, but if I ran to my car everytime crunch time at work rolled around people would be talking! I have found a deep breath, a walk outside the office door (outdoors), espiecially in the early morning (sunrise) are very good for me. I also think of "THE" place on vacation that I visited that when I was on vacation I thought to myself " man this place is always here when I am at work" so I go there for a hits the spot!!