
7 June 2002
In The Middle
Just wondering what some of you do, When you are so frustrated that any and everything just sets you off.
It's not work that's frustrating, it's just dealing with BS, and people that are dishing it out.

Mr. Wolf, I can't go around shooting people.
Get in the NSX, put the windows down, music up, Drive till Im in my happy place. Which is usally about 2 seconds after I turn the key!!! Actually I go work out when I really get fed up with the daily BS that surrounds my job and other aspects of daily life. I guess the release of endorphines has something to do with it. Try either of these and you should be OK.
I hear ya guys. Can't drive the NSX.(dead Horse)..., Can't ride the XX (Broken arm and torn Rotator) :(

I guess both of those inabilities compound my frustrations, I have been drawing again, something that I used to get lost in.

I wonder if I should try knitting. ;)
practice religion
listen to music, take a nap(sometimes you are just in one of those moods and you just need time to cool down), working out is my number 1 thing to do, and driving is also another good way to clear your head. just you, the car and the road.
i just end up doing something very mind complusive... like puzzles, games, etc.... and then transfer that frustration onto something stimulating.... i duno....

i also do art, and just tend of isolate myself and vent through art....
Listening to music is one of the things that I usually do when I'm in a pretty bad mood ... and now .. if possible ... listening to the music of NSX engine ;) ..

Peace .... Gus
donwon said:
Eat something really good!

Donwon. :)

Guys, thanks. My wife is a working on her PHD and researching stress and the way it effects communication.
You all have contributed to some of the research. keep the ancedotes coming.

I think my frustrations stemmed her research topic.
Something to do with me always bitching & moaning about not being able to do this and that.

Keep them coming
My frustration level is near zero. I have found peace in dealing with as few people as I can to get by. This has also created a heightened level of where frustration begins in a situation. For example, back a few years ago when I would deal with people throughout the day I would get very frustrated by the a-holes who would go 40 in a 55 and hold me up, thus taking away valuable time from my life which can not be replaced. Now that I have not had to deal with that type of frustration too much it now takes much less to elevate my frustration. For example I get that same feeling from having to stand in line and wait at the store.
I have redesigned my life so I do not have any appointments. This has helped a lot as I don't feel pressure to be somewhere at a certain time. I have also hired someone to do those things which require me to be on time or things where I would have to wait.
len3.8 said:
Just wondering what some of you do, When you are so frustrated that any and everything just sets you off.
It's not work that's frustrating, it's just dealing with BS, and people that are dishing it out.

Mr. Wolf, I can't go around shooting people.
With the caveat that my approach may not be for everyone:

The ability to keep one's cool improves with practice. I go rock climbing
partly because it develops that skill.

I try to remind myself how little my well-being depends on circumstances.
Yes, I get ticked off by rude people, frustrations in my work, health problems,
and the other annoyances we all face. But then I look at all the people who
are happy despite living in less favorable circumstances than I do.

I don't want to give the impression that I've developed a remarkable
ability to tolerate frustrations. On the contrary--despite how hard I try,
a lot of things still bug me a lot. To manage that, I arrange my life to
reduce the level of annoying things I encounter. I live in a remote rural
area partly because of my distaste for traffic, noise, crime, and so on.

Your sig says "the best or nothing" (Das Beste Oder Nichts). That phrase
reminds me of the tag line in a German Levi's ad I saw: die oder keine
(these or none) -- which has a fun double meaning in an ad for pants.

First thing... I think you are to be congratulated. Instead of getting irate... angry, you recognize your feelings as frustration. Nice going!

I found the knack of being able to recognize the cause of the negative feeling to be a big step in learning to cope with what was for me, many years ago, now called an "anger management" problem. I became aware that anger is often a symptom of, or reaction to, feelings of frustration, emotional hurt or a lack of being in control of events. Since you recognize the adverse feeling is from frustration you are in a position to deal with it rationally, rather than emotionally. Next time you you feel the phenomenon you could try figuring out if the thing or event giving rise to the frustrated feeling is something you can do something about, or if it is not.

If it is not, it is easier to relax about it, maybe even let it go, because you know staying frustrated is a waste of energy. You're ahead of the game because at the least, you're armed with the ability to maybe figure out ways to avoid the uncontrollable situation in the future. And that's progress.

If you can do something about it, you are then in a position to figure out what would ameliorate the situation, then channel the energy into positive action toward an acheivable solution... either way you win. Developing that sort of response habit helped me a lot. Hope it can be of help to you.

Going to the gym and working out works best for me. Its one of the only times I can get my mind away from everything.

I usually go for a ride in my NSX. Nothing beats that..well getting some knee down action with my motorcycle is pretty close. :)

I will have a hard time for the next 6-8 months because it is wintertime here soon. So what to do? I guess I need a Playstation or something. :confused:

I guess I could vent some in the Offtopic section here :p

I can start right now...nah I wait until I really need to vent.

Thanks for the input guys.
I have definitely been more active with the getting in shape mode.

Thanks for the compliment. I am usually pretty level headed. It takes a lot to get me going. I have found that it is harder to "bite my tounge" now. I have no patience when people are trying to take advantage of me.

I have been spending much of my time with my family, the interaction with my kids has grown much more favorable within my eyes.

I guess I can say that out of all of the frustration, I have found that my family is what's the most important thing to me.

I am definitely less frustrated now then I was 2-3 weeks ago. Even though a lot of the same issues loom.

Now the question, by making things more tolerable in your mind/mindset, have you really dealt with the issue?
Isn't it a matter of just putting off the issue? Or is it accepting the issue and the fact that you may not be able to solve it?

Man I would hate to have Mt. St. Helens building up in my sub-concious... :) :) That could get ugly some day.
I think I just Newtoned...
I just do Critical Bill's special workout routine as seen in the movie Things To Do In Denver When You're Dead - check it out ;)

Just kidding. When I'm feeling frustrated, which is often, I try to do something that requires my total attention. Working out at the gym is good, but the best thing by far is riding a sportbike on the track. That gets my attention like almost nothing else. Unfortunately, track riding is not exactly a spur of the moment type of thing and I don't get to do it often enough.
nsxr1 said:
I just do Critical Bill's special workout routine as seen in the movie Things To Do In Denver When You're Dead - check it out ;)

Just kidding.

Have it.. :) Good flick....
You're welcome, Len3.8... it was sincerely meant.

As to the question you pose, it occurs to me that perhaps the issue is ones' mind/mindset... the frustrating (or angering, or hurtful) event is but the catalyst bringing the issue to the fore... if the mind/mindset is focused on seeking understanding as to whether the event is controllable, avoidable in the future, or suseptible of productive amelioration, the ensuing mental peace and serenity is real... thus not a latent Vesuvius waiting to erupt. The only power external events can have over us, from the point of view of negative emotional response, is I think, that which we allow to occur because of the way we ultimately deal, or fail to deal, with it.
I just watch sports, participate in sports, play with dogs, go sit in garage, walk around outside, play pool, try and do anything to get my mind off whatever it is/was that frustrated me in the first place.
Jeansxbond said:
You're welcome, Len3.8... it was sincerely meant.

As to the question you pose, it occurs to me that perhaps the issue is ones' mind/mindset... the frustrating (or angering, or hurtful) event is but the catalyst bringing the issue to the fore... if the mind/mindset is focused on seeking understanding as to whether the event is controllable, avoidable in the future, or suseptible of productive amelioration, the ensuing mental peace and serenity is real... thus not a latent Vesuvius waiting to erupt. The only power external events can have over us, from the point of view of negative emotional response, is I think, that which we allow to occur because of the way we ultimately deal, or fail to deal, with it.

Okay Vic, now my head hurts... ;)
I see what your saying though.

92NSX- I can relate on the garage thing. I also spend a good amount of time at the track (road course) Just interacting and watching people with different cars, driving at different skill levels.

Buying a dog for the Family Xmas gift...
For me it is on-ramps and off-ramps full drift, and WFO! But since you and your car are not in full health, I find for me, to get some positive energy flowing is to be alone at home, with all the shades open, all the lights on, and the music cranked, and I just start cleaning, or working on a home project. Works for me!