Frost = Cracking Door Mirrors - Difference between UK and USA?

4 February 2002
Hi from the UK.

About a month ago I came out on a frosty morning to find my passenger side (left hand side) door mirror had a crack right down the middle.

A new mirror over here is $92 equivalent - ouch - bought one and successfully managed to crack the new one whilst attempting to put the power acctuator on the back. :mad:

So - bought another one and asked Honda to fit acctuator - which they did (you have to put the mirror in a bucket of hot water before fitting apparently - OF COURSE!).

Well - came out this morning - after a couple of frosty mornings at the weekend - and bingo - cracked again.

What am I doing wrong / is there anything else I should be checking? Anyone else had this problem?

To save some $$$ have looked at getting the mirrors from the US as they are only $35 from Delray ... BUT the part numbers are slightly different:

Honda in the UK say: 76253-SLO-E01
Delray in the US say: 76253-SLO-A01

Anyone know the difference? Can I use a US mirror over herein the UK? Is there some strange convex / concave thing going on? (Mirror looks flat to me!)

That's a bizarre problem .. I can personally attest to the fact that the '91 US ones are good to -38C without problems. Also that you can immediately take them into a heated garage (+20C) .. and vice-versa .. without failures. Been doing that for the last 5 winters. You must be accidentally subjecting them to mechanical stress somehow. They're not catching on something in the cover are they?
Thanks guys - have convinced Honda to fit a new one under 'parts warranty' ... see how we go this time round.
crazymixedupkid said:
Well - came out this morning - after a couple of frosty mornings at the weekend - and bingo - cracked again.

What am I doing wrong / is there anything else I should be checking? Anyone else had this problem?

damn neighborhood hoodlums