So - I first noticed this during a track day, after which I had the ABS system checked out by Acura - who said that it was working just fine. The lockup happens for about 1 second before the ABS kicks in but its kinda like "screech -screech - screech" Not like any ABS car I've driven before. So I'm not quite sure what it is. Also, sometimes I feel the ABS trying to kick in but I don't have an audible screech however I still feel like the wheels are sliding (moist weather or when the tires aren't hot is usually when this happens) because the steering wheel is pulling left and right and shaking but the car is still going in a straight line. I was wondering a few things:
1) I have 17/18 combo on the car and its a 91 - so I know those tire sizes aren't what the computer expects - does this affect braking or just TCS?
2) I think the rotors have been beat on pretty hard. Would getting new OEM rotors help? I heard if the rotor surface isn't flat your brakes can lock prematurely.
Finally, any brake gurus out that have anymore info to offer to a spirited driver with 2-3 track days a year- that would be great. As it stands I really don't feel comfortable with the stopping power of the car.
Thanks in advance.
1) I have 17/18 combo on the car and its a 91 - so I know those tire sizes aren't what the computer expects - does this affect braking or just TCS?
2) I think the rotors have been beat on pretty hard. Would getting new OEM rotors help? I heard if the rotor surface isn't flat your brakes can lock prematurely.
Finally, any brake gurus out that have anymore info to offer to a spirited driver with 2-3 track days a year- that would be great. As it stands I really don't feel comfortable with the stopping power of the car.
Thanks in advance.