Front License Plate

Does anyone make one of those long thin plate frames like in Europe...I think I'd like one of those as the original frame made a slight vertical crease in my nose that can't be fixed and I would like to hide it without stealing the looks of the nose.. Jeesh, long sentence.

Todd Arnold
Originally posted by nsxtasy:
For any of you professional skeptics (that have not tried it of course but "know" that it will overheat their cars)

At least we don't have any reason to be biased - and we don't lie by misquoting people. :P

Hi Ken,

I don't write the software code that cuts and pastes the text from original posts into the reply; however, from what I can see, what is quoted look remarkably like this:

Registered Member
Posts: 925
From: Chicago IL
Registered: Feb 2000
posted 03 April 2001 18:38
"I don't want to put my license plate where it's going to block a lot of the airflow to the radiator."


I have 2 points to make:

1) What is clear to me, (and to the person that brought your original comment to my attention) was that the implication of your statement was that by mounting the plate in that position it would somehow interfere with the flow of air to the radiator sufficiently enough to affect the function of the cooling system in a negative way. Since you obviously have not tried it yourself or done any experiments to find out if that is or could be true, (as I have) your public speculation lacks any credibility based on facts other than it is presented with the usual AIR of "all knowing ness" you are famous on the NSX lists for.

2) I am not "biased" either Ken. (I assume by you choosing that term you mean that I am "biased" because I want to sell these) I don't give a shit if anyone buys anything I make, I make all my parts first and foremost to address a situation on my NSX that I think needs a solution that is not currently provided for by another vendor, or if it is, it is so outrageously overpriced that I would not buy it even if it was the only game in town. Making the first one of anything costs almost the same most of the time as making 19 more so I do. (make 20)

I think the OEM USA front plate mounting contraption looks bogus on the NSX, and it leaves marks in the paint the first time someone touch-tone parallel parks in front of you. Front license plates are required in most states as well as CA, and not having one allows the CHP etc. to have a ready made excuse (like tinted side windows) to pick you to pull over out of the pack of speeding cars, or as it was once explained to me by a smiling CHP officer:

"Tinted side windows, aftermarket exhaust, (RM at the time) speeding; (I was going at the flow of traffic but that was 75 in a 65) blocked forward vision, (a Dali Racing decal) and I bet you don't have a front plate either - you are a cops dream date"

He was so happy after giving me a ticket for speeding & a 4 item "fix it" ticket that he went straight off to get coffee. (I saw him later at the local Starbucks - funny how he beat me there)


need more info? please private me @

[email protected]

Mark Johnson, CEO of Custodial Services @ Dali Racing, a Not For Profit Company.
Ahhh, threads like this make me feel better about myself.

And here I thought I was the only irrational, non-breastfed NSX owner going through life with a wild hair up my *ss
Hey the way I figure it is the faster I go the more the air going to try find someplace to go and there's going to be a vacumm behind the plate.... air gets sucked inyo the void and gets rammed into my radiator.

So the solution for me was simple, the OEM bracket is a piece of crap, takes too damn long to take off, rubs my nose the wrong way, and the heat loves to pull me over... so I ordered the Dali bracket and now have a reason to drive faster
with fewer reasons to feel the heat! I was already looking a making a bracket and Mark beat me. I don't care because now I'll have more time driving. Thanks Mark.

Hal Jones
Lake Oswego, Oregon
95T Blk\Blk SportShift

Thanks for proving both my points.

The fact that you write page after page about products you sell shows defensiveness and bias, and disproves your own claims that you supposedly don't care whether you sell any of an item or not. But don't worry - everyone knows that a vendor is going to be biased about his own products. This is no news to any of us.

As for misquoting me, the words are there for all to see - your words and meaning are not my words or meaning. And whenever someone twists words into lies, I wonder whether they're telling the truth in anything else they say.

I rest my case. Everyone here can judge for yourselves.

[This message has been edited by nsxtasy (edited 06 April 2001).]
Originally posted by nsxtasy:

As for misquoting me, the words are there for all to see - >>

Right, that they are and I can't for the life of me discern any difference between the two lines of text - maybe you can point them out to me and the rest of us?

"your words and meaning are not my words or meaning. And whenever someone twists words into lies, I wonder whether they're telling the truth in anything else they say."

then what are/were your words and meaning if not the ones you originally posted?

need more info? please private me @

[email protected]

Mark Johnson, CEO of Custodial Services @ Dali Racing, a Not For Profit Company.
then what are/were your words and meaning if not the ones you originally posted?

There he goes again! Now trying to throw in a "red herring" - claiming that I am trying to say something I never said. Another tactic often used by someone who twists the truth into lies.

For the record, these are the words that I said:

"I don't want to put my license plate where it's going to block a lot of the airflow to the radiator."

These are the words that I never said, that Mark tried to twist my words into:

"For any of you professional skeptics (that have not tried it of course but "know" that it will overheat their cars)"

Reminds me of the old joke:

Q: How do you know when a salesman is lying to you?

A: Whenever you can see his lips moving.

'nuff said. Maybe Mark can get back to talking about cars, instead of spending time twisting people's words and claiming that he's not?
Do you guys really think it is appropriate to turn a thread that started as a question about getting stopped for no front plate into a full-on pissing contest? You are arguing just to argue. TAKE IT PRIVATE.
Not a good way for a vendor to conduct themselves on a forum. What's going on here? Are you trying to lose business? You have many excellent products that you are selling. Why would you personally attack Nsxtacy for a one sentence comment which may have been incorrect? I have never seen something unprovoked like this in my three years on the vetteforum, and that is with at least 100 different vendors.

You are probably right about what you said regarding not losing any airflow. Nsxtasy may have been mistaken. Whether he was right or was not, you could have responded in less of a derogatory tone. I think that's what offended him, and I would be too. He is not offended because you disagreed with him, but by the way you responded.
It's not an issue of right/wrong, or truth/lies. You were just defending a product from a false statement. completely understandeable and I agree. It's the lack of tact in your statement that caused this argument, nothing else.

I would not be writing this if you were a member. However, because you are a vendor people expect a certain level of understanding and tact. I have made false statements on this board in the past and may again in the future. That's how I learn about my new toy. I've been fortunate that members here were understanding of my initial ignorance regarding a new vehicle I had just purchased. There are many ways to correct someone's mistake.

There is nothing wrong with good arguments. It helps us find the truth and makes this forum better. There have been plenty of discussions between vendor and members with contradicting opinions. This type of rhetoric is productive to learning more about a discipline and gaining knowledge. If you had responded in a different tone, this could have evolved into an intelligent discussion on the effects of the front plate. However, because you personally attacked Nsxtasy it became something else.

Note: I would not be writing this if I hadn't noticed similarly toned replies from you in other threads. I kept my mouth shut until now. I'm trying to be a peace maker here. I respect all of the members on this forum and try to use the utmost tact when writing something. Let's keep this forum a friendly environment like it should be.
I just installed the new license plate bracket that Dali Racing sells and it looks and works great. I installed the license plate with a smoked lexan cover over it and it blends in very well.
Originally posted by ilya:

Note: I would not be writing this if I hadn't noticed similarly toned replies from you in other threads. I kept my mouth shut until now. I'm trying to be a peace maker here. I respect all of the members on this forum and try to use the utmost tact when writing something. Let's keep this forum a friendly environment like it should be.

If you are referring to mr19inch and his unprovoked Basch Bashing posting I completely agree, and he got exactly what he deserved, his own BS coming back at him. The rest of my comments on this thread were in a private e-mail to you.

need more info? please private me @

[email protected]

Mark Johnson, CEO of Custodial Services @ Dali Racing, a Not For Profit Company.
This car competed in the first Trophy Series Race at Lausitzring in Germany, over this past weekend. Interesting wheels. Looks like a guaranteed DNF due to terminal overheating caused by the license plate being mounted in the front grill opening. (NOT)

need more info? please private me @

[email protected]

Mark Johnson, CEO of Custodial Services @ Dali Racing, a Not For Profit Company.
I think everybody needs to move to Arizona, where we don't require the front license plate, and everybody would be happy.

We have those stop light cameras here also but it takes a picture of the driver first and then a picture of your plate from behind. I have been told that the ticket must be "served" to you in person in order for the ticket to be enforced.

There have been a couple of good stories so far related to those stop light cameras.

One guy got a letter in the mail saying there was a photo of him at the court building running a red light. He, in turn, sent in a "photo" of a check for the cost of the violation. The courts then sent him back a picture of "handcuffs"

When another guy and his wife went down town to view the photo that was taken of him, he had a hard time explaining to his wife who the lady was next to him "in the car" at that hour of the night, while he was in such a hurry running the red light.
If any of you have seen a photo taken by those cameras you'd be surprised on how CLEAR the photos really are.

Just wanted to add some humor back to this post.
Got a ticket here in Ohio a couple of years ago for no front license plate on the RX7 I was driving then. I was driving to work early on a Sunday morning, obeying speed limits, and in general, behaving myself. Except for me and the cop, the roads were deserted. The cop simply was looking for some reason to ticket me. I had a hard time accepting this, and decided to go to the court hearing for my ticket, even though it wasn't required. After sitting in the courtroom waiting my turn for a couple of hours listening to various lengthy BS stories from mostly DUI offenders, the judge refused to let me tell even a brief account of my side of the story--the court collected their $50 and sent me on my way. I still get a bit edgy when I think about that encounter. Most cops are great, but it's events like this sour the public's impression of law enforcement officers.
Originally posted by Chris W:
I think everybody needs to move to Arizona, where we don't require the front license plate, and everybody would be happy.
Just wanted to add some humor back to this post.

Hey I just spent the weekend in Phoenix looking at houses. I bought the bracket from Mark but look forward to taking it off in the future sometime. I saw those cameras too! Phoenix needs them with the number of people I saw running red lights but you also need to equip cars with phasers to blow the snowbirds out of the way!

Hal Jones
Lake Oswego, Oregon
95T Blk\Blk SportShift

[This message has been edited by hejo (edited 09 April 2001).]
I think everybody needs to move to Arizona

Average number of days per year when the temperature exceeds 90 degrees... Phoenix: 168
eek.gif Chicago: 17

No thanks.

regarding comments made in this thread around photo tickets. In California, you have the right to face and question your accuser. When you get a photo ticket, your accuser is a camera, thus nobody is able to appear in court as a witness for the prosecution. A judge is forced to dismiss if you "request to question your accuser".

See, there are many reasons you could be in the intersection after red, but the camera can not differentiate between a red light runner and someone stuck waiting to make a left hand turn. With that said, dont run red lights unless you are interested in replacing your NSX.

not sure if this is true in other states, but I bet it is.

'98 NSX-T Blk/Blk
· Comptech headers / exhaust / airbox
· Dali Racing / Brembo big brake kit
· Koni adjustable suspension w/Comptech springs and sway bars
· Volk TE-37 17/18” wheels
Average number of days per year when the temperature exceeds 90 degrees... Phoenix: 168 Chicago: 17

Average number of days per year when the temperature exceeds 60

.... in Los Angeles: 355
.... in Chicago: 17

too cold for me.

the numbers aren't factual. Just making a joke.

On the other hand, I couldn't live in AZ either. With my light skin, I'd be fighting off skin cancer within a year. I'd have to drench myself in sunblock before stepping outside.
My mother lived in Chicago and the one time I visited her, I almost froze my nose off.

Hey, but ya gotta love the Bulls! My team.
Except lately they haven't been worth watching.
Originally posted by Chris W:

I was just in Phoenix visiting my brother in-law, My wife are thinking about moving there and I ask him about the heat. His wife said it's a dry heat. Then he said.....

It's a dry heat my wet ass!

Hal Jones
Lake Oswego, Oregon
95T Blk\Blk SportShift
From today's news:

DETROIT, April 10 — The Phoenix area has become the nation’s hot spot for stolen vehicles, overtaking Miami and Detroit as border and port cities remain popular haunts for auto thieves, an insurance industry group said."

Full story at
Thanks a lot for the article. You really know how to brighten up a person's day, don't you? I was having a pretty damn good day until I just read the article.

Right now it's only 64 degrees (cause of the rain) but now that I live in the "nation's hot spot for stolen vehicles" I'm sweating my ass off 'cause I won't be able to sleep at night knowing this.

'Nationwide, a vehicle is stolen every 25 seconds". I have to go now. I only have 5 seconds left before my car gets stolen.