Friggin Kidney Stone...

30 May 2000
Southampton, PA, USA
Woke up the other night at 4:30am with a godawful pain.


Went to the hospital to find out I had a kidney stone. They confirmed the dx with a CT scan.

The next day I passed it (small little bugger - about 1/16" diameter) and I do have an appointment with a urologist..but the moral of this story is...


I've been neglecting this and the modest amount that I used to drink tended to be either iced tea or Diet Pepsi (both of which are not good for stone formers).


PS: They say kidney stones produce a pain equal to, or worse than, childbirth. I'm not going to argue with that.
I can sympathize as it happend to me few years back. The pain is hard to describe, but I remember it hurts so bad even breathing was difficult.

Female friends of mine that had children and kidney stone stated that kidney stone is more painful than child birth. I wont' argue with her.
Ouch, sorry you had to go through that. :( I had a friend that passed some stones too, but they were able to give him some drugs to dissolve/reduce some of it before passing them. It was worse for him because the stones were blocking one of his urinary tracts, resulting in extreme pain during urination. He quickly gave up caffeine and changed his diet afterwards.

Kidney Stone Prevention
Ouch! Reading this post just made me thirsty for a big glass of water!
I too had one of those a few years ago. I can't think of anything in my life, physically or emotionally that hurt that bad. There is nothing you can do to get away from it or make it hurt any less. Just have to wait it out until you pass it. OUCH !!:eek:
I had one of those several years ago. Undoubtedly the most painful thing I have ever had....that includes several broken bones, stitches and torn ligaments. Drink lots of water and a beer every now and then to keep things flowing.
my mom also had this a few years back and many doctors recommend drinking cranberry juice.....we started drinking lots of cran-apple, grape, berry products ever since.....may need to dilute.
Thanks all.

Plain water is best. Certain juices have high oxalates and that can cause stones. Cranberry juice is good for urinary tract infections but I don't think its good for stones.

Such a painful thing but for most a simple cure.

I feal your pain. I had two at the same time 2.3 3.0 it took two months to pass. :mad: They gave me somthing to break it up so I could pass it.
Water is the best thing for it. They do tend to come back.

They say kidney stones produce a pain equal to, or worse than, childbirth. I'm not going to argue with that.

I told my wife that too. She said yours wasnot 10 pounds and it didnt give you strech marks. :eek:
I was also informed by the specialist that Beer would be very good (another excuse to drink beer at work).
Stay strong everyone! What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

Which one is better? Cranberry juice or just plain water?

both are good.....cranberry juice was what my mom had after her's recommendation. we never drank cranberry before this incident.
It depends on the type of stone. Most stones are calcium oxalate and cranberry juice contains oxalate. The info that my doctor sent me said to avoid cranberry juice.

They did recommend lemon juice and lemonade, however. The citrate in the lemon juice works against the oxalate stone formation.

I read a while ago that the newest research shows that the reason for kidney stones is actually quite the opposite of what the "old school" doctors think (or used to think). They are caused by 2 things: lack of calcium in the diet, and lack of drinking water. Apparently when you have a lack of calcium, the body starts to store it and then the lack of water causes it to form the stones.

Many doctors tell people with stones to stay away from dairy products, but that doesn't help any and may people continue to get the stones anyway. The best thing to do is get plenty of calcium in your diet, but also drink plenty of water.
30 years old, have been operated on TWICE for stones, and both times, after they removed them, I discovered that they were no larger than a BB. Absolutely the worst pain I have ever experienced. Only time I have ever puked from pain. Only time Morphine did not do much for me. Almost passed out in the waiting room. Once they made me wait for about 2 hours. Thought I was gonna die. got me a plan together, through the red haze. Started dringing coke and water. When I started throwing up on the nurses station, they got me right in....

Both times they operated, THEY DID NOT MAKE AN INCISION. Draw your own conclusions. Last time, they had to leave a stent in because the ureter wanted to swell, which would have prevented use. They left it tied to a string, which ended up outside..... For removal, the doctor just pulled the string. 2nd worst pain, although the other doctor in the office said he never used the string, he just went back in to get it.........

Also both times, they wanted to wait to see if I could pass it. Never did, and found out that you can go for 6 weeks with a totally non functioning, blocked kidney. Every time it moved around, that same pain. Got to the point I had to have a driver at work, as I was so doped up that there was no way I could get behind the wheel.

Now every time I have gas buildup I get nervous.
Welcome to the Fellowship of the Stone.
Later, gotta go drink some water and take a leak :)

Tom: OMG! :eek: That sounds like the most excruciating pain a guy could experience; I was cringing from just reading it! Did you change your diet to prevent a future reoccurrence?
i woke up at a friends house about 5 years ago with the pain you all speak of. i couldn't even make the 30 minute drive home to see my doctor. i ended up turning around and driving to the nearest hospital. i passed 2 stones. luckily it hasn't happened since.
my 37yr old brother has passed about one stone a year since he was 17!!!! poor guy.

has anyone been able to relate marijuana smoking to kidney stones? (i'll explain depending on the response i get to that)
No, no diet change, although I do try to drink more than I used to, and every weekend the kidneys get a thorough flushing with the help of one or twelve adult beverages. To finish the story, had to go back for a checkup after the second surgery, and had an ultrasound. Doctor was really great. He told me that whoops, he did not get it all, and with the technology they were using, could not tell how big or how many were left, just that I still had some in my system. Did not go back to him again.
I was told that acetic juices could not prevent the kind that I had, just slow the growth. So I kinda have an "oh well" attitude, and wait for the next time, which hopefully will be several years.
Thank god I have not had one yet. Since there are different kinds of stones. To say that certain beverages can prevent stones formation is a little presumptive. However, the one common denominator of treatment and prevention of kidney stones is good hydration. So drinking water instead of juice or soda is your best bet.
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wouldn't you know it.
all this talk of kidney stones loosened one of mine.
i was in severe pain for just over an hour last night. thank god i had some hydrocodone laying around to dull the pain.
the stone passed this morning, so *hopefully* i'm back to my old self again.
lets hope it's at least another 5 years before the next one!