Friday Nov 2nd meet "The Scene"

Good to meet you too Matt. And everyone else as well.

Had a great time on Friday night.

Once a month get-togethers sounds good to me....

Good to meet everybody too.

How about the detailing get together we discussed? Weather might work for us this weekend. Dennis - your car obviously needs the most work :smile:
Matt, thanks for bringing this up. It was fun! Think I counted something like 7 NSX's there, which was by far the most that I've personally seen in one place. Not bad, especially for an S2000 event.
If you get a chance, thank the organizers for us.
And to everyone else I just have to say ... that if you haven't seen Matt's new LED taillights, you're missing out. The look is really, really sharp.
Pics? Yeah, we've got some pictures:biggrin: . Great cars there! Only problem is that my girl's got my camera in NY right now.
Thanks again, everyone.
I'm waiting on Matt to post pics. of tail lights.

Pics DO NOT do justice! I remember seeing the LED taillight thread and was like, ok, what's the big deal. But when I saw Matt's taillights Friday night, I was :eek:!!!

I was following several NSXer's to the meet and Matt's brake lights really stood out. And then he hit his turn signal and it sure grabs your attention, even if you're looking in the other direction. :cool:

Like Borat would say..."Niiiiice, I Liiike!"
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The pics Im dying to see are the ones that Randall took with his (really hot) girlfriend and my NSX. Randall.....why did you let Tina take the camera to NY before downloading the pics..... Shame on you....LOL!!!!

My first-ever try at pics posting. Here goes:
Here's my girl in front of txtony's absolutely fabulous car:



Here she is in Slyder's car:



:eek: He's making time with my girl!:frown:

First-ever shot of the gdae mobile!
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