Friday June 10th 7PM NSX gathering @ Fremont

Just wondering for future events.

Do you guys like/mind a live band? And if you are fine with the live band are there any sorta music that you do/don't prefer?

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I'd probably skip a meet where we sat in a room with loud music, live or otherwise. It got pretty loud in that small place when we went there and it was a little hard to carry a conversation. I can imagine it would be even worse with music.

I'd probably skip a meet where we sat in a room with loud music, live or otherwise. It got pretty loud in that small place when we went there and it was a little hard to carry a conversation. I can imagine it would be even worse with music.


I agree with this. Since we are basically there to talk "shop" and bullshit about our cars its easier if there isn't a band playing at the same time.

What about a meet at Santana Row this Saturday? I have never been there and it seems like a logical place to meet and maybe start a cruise/drive from.
It might be hard to get participation for a Saturday drive this late in the week. e.g. I already have plans for Saturday

It might be hard to get participation for a Saturday drive this late in the week. e.g. I already have plans for Saturday


well of course a pimp like you has plans already but us Average Joes never have anything to do on Saturday mornings.