Fraud transactions with my ATM card

2 March 2003
San Francisco
To be quite honest I seldom check my bank statements that are mailed to my house or review my account when I am doing on-line bill pay. However, yesterday I was going to do a bill pay transaction and when I logged on to my account I noticed four pending transactions in one day that I didn't recognize. To put things in perspective, I write one check per month, pay three bills via bill pay, and that's about the extent of my transactions except when I purchase something on line or do a point of sale with my ATM card.

I called my banker and told him that I didn't have that $580 hotel expense in San Francisco or the $68 lunch at that restaurant on the same day. Also mentioned that I didn't have those two expenditure in Texas on the same day in question. Keep in mind these transactions were the same day that I noticed them and all of them were pending payment. My bank, Wells Fargo, was great. I won't be out of pocket but today I had to go into a branch and close out my checking and savings accounts and open new ones. Have to get a new ATM card as well, but because I know the manager, they'll Fed Ex it to me tomorrow or it would take seven to ten business days to get a new one.

Of course my first thought was that Hal or Ken ripped me off but then I realized that they know I don't have any money and it wouldn't be worth it.

Seriously, I have no idea how someone got access to my account. It could have been a loaded ATM machine or because I eat out quite often, a waiter or waitress that electronically loaded my card. Perhaps an on-line purchase.

I don't like to carry a lot of cash and consequently use my ATM card quite often. Just be careful out there and check your account more often than I did in the past.
To be quite honest I seldom check my bank statements that are mailed to my house or review my account when I am doing on-line bill pay. However, yesterday I was going to do a bill pay transaction and when I logged on to my account I noticed four pending transactions in one day that I didn't recognize. To put things in perspective, I write one check per month, pay three bills via bill pay, and that's about the extent of my transactions except when I purchase something on line or do a point of sale with my ATM card.

I called my banker and told him that I didn't have that $580 hotel expense in San Francisco or the $68 lunch at that restaurant on the same day. Also mentioned that I didn't have those two expenditure in Texas on the same day in question. Keep in mind these transactions were the same day that I noticed them and all of them were pending payment. My bank, Wells Fargo, was great. I won't be out of pocket but today I had to go into a branch and close out my checking and savings accounts and open new ones. Have to get a new ATM card as well, but because I know the manager, they'll Fed Ex it to me tomorrow or it would take seven to ten business days to get a new one.

Of course my first thought was that Hal or Ken ripped me off but then I realized that they know I don't have any money and it wouldn't be worth it.

Seriously, I have no idea how someone got access to my account. It could have been a loaded ATM machine or because I eat out quite often, a waiter or waitress that electronically loaded my card. Perhaps an on-line purchase.

I don't like to carry a lot of cash and consequently use my ATM card quite often. Just be careful out there and check your account more often than I did in the past.

Glad you didn't have to pay I always thought debit cards are usually harder to get your money back - good to know. I'm curious how they got the hotel since you need to present the card even if you book it online. A coincidental story the scum that took my car last month checked out some dvd's from the library with my card. I got an email today saying "Learn French" is due.
I used to deal with something different, but similar. In my case, they weren't looking to actually buy goods, just get good approvals so that they could use the cards elsewhere. What saves the cardholder is the CVV code.

I've had experience fighting internet credit card fraud for the last 10 years. Ever see those Dateline NBC specials where there's a bunch of people in a sweat shop type room trying to spam websites with credit card numbers? That stuff's real. I used to get hit hard all the time with rolling IP's from Kuala Lumpur, Russia, New Zealand, and Singapore.

I would get hit hard over a weekend with anywhere from 20-100 attempts, none of which would get approved, then I'd block the entire block of IP addresses off the server, and not have any issues for a couple months. Every website deals with this in one form or another. The cool thing is that the orders are easy to spot 99% of the time. The other 1% is just experience.
Glad you didn't have to pay I always thought debit cards are usually harder to get your money back - good to know. I'm curious how they got the hotel since you need to present the card even if you book it online. A coincidental story the scum that took my car last month checked out some dvd's from the library with my card. I got an email today saying "Learn French" is due.

Good point in that they used my account, without a card for a hotel. Another transaction on my account, without a card was at a restaurant. How do you do that? Other transactions were in Texas. Seems like they sold myi information to someone in Texas. All of these transactions were done in a matter of hours.

Good luck with your French.
I was going to pay you back, I swear.
This is why experts say not to use your ATM card for online purchases. Much easier to close a cc account and open a new one compared to doing that with your checking/savings accounts. Also, never use non-bank ATM's like you see in 7/11's and quickie marts. Those can be bought/owned by anyone(ie. bad guys). One of my friends got hit that way at a gas station in SoCal.
I never use ATM's in general. I very RARELY need to carry cash. If I ever need cash, I'll get it from the bank.
For protection against any fraud, you simply cannot beat AmEx.

Any, absolutely any questions about a charge result in an immediate chargeback to the store/vendor. The one who accepts the card is always guilty until proven innocent.
The only place I use my ATM card is at my banks ATM machine. Any other purchaces go on my credit card. I don't and will never carry a Debit card they are just a invatation to problems.


I only use credit cards for purchases, none of which have a PIN #.

I only use my debit cards at my bank's ATM machine. Even then you still have to be careful as thieves have been known to place card readers & camera on some to capture data.

I have a credit card I use for online purchases only, one for dining out only, and one for other purchases only.

This helps me spot something unusual quickly. Plus they all have cash back or reward features so I get something back too. :biggrin:
Sorry Doug, I know that lunch in Texas was a little out of line. But look at it this way, I got a great chipotle tapas recipe for us at the next lunch! :wink:
Sorry Doug, I know that lunch in Texas was a little out of line. But look at it this way, I got a great chipotle tapas recipe for us at the next lunch! :wink:

LOL:biggrin::biggrin: Did you charge your airline ticket on my card as well? Just so I can be on the lookout for it.
Happened to me last month.

Bank calls me on Sunday asking where I was. I tell them. They ask if i've been in michigan any time lately. And I said no.

They then proceed to tell me that somone has cleaned out my checking account and there is $3 left in it. $400 here, $200 here, $300 there. Who in the hell spends $300 at a CVS? Another $50 at Popeyes chicken and some unGodly amount at KFC.

On the bright side, the bank put back every cent within a business day.

Moral of the story. Don't use your debit card. Use a credit card. Banks are much more willing to get back their own money than they are yours.
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I'm curious how they got the hotel since you need to present the card even if you book it online. A coincidental story the scum that took my car last month checked out some dvd's from the library with my card. I got an email today saying "Learn French" is due.

They take the info from your magnetic strip and recreate a replica with a dummy credit card blank. :eek:
Yeah, I've been having an issue as well lately. I've had to change/cancel two credit cards and my business checking account.

What blows my mind is that someone can use a "check" way out of sequence at a Sears store for ~$400 without any ID or anything. I'm just not sure how that works, but they do it.

Banks are helpful and all the funds were returned/etc. I even had someone try and pay their T-mobile cell phone bill on one account. Wouldn't that lead them to the perp? They (the banks) really don't seem to care too much... that's the oddest part. As if it's just too hard to bother to go after these petty crimes. Sad.
Sorry to hear about those troubles, but I'm glad Wells Fargo has helped you out. I stay with them even though there's none in my state, as their service record with me has been impeccable through multiple card/number thefts/issues.
Sorry Doug, I know that lunch in Texas was a little out of line. But look at it this way, I got a great chipotle tapas recipe for us at the next lunch! :wink:
one werd:


on the serious side of things, sorry to hear about this, doug - i thought ken was going to pay you back!

fwiw, i check **all** of our personal and business accounts daily for activity.

glad wf took care of things for you.
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For protection against any fraud, you simply cannot beat AmEx.

Any, absolutely any questions about a charge result in an immediate chargeback to the store/vendor. The one who accepts the card is always guilty until proven innocent.

Yeah, they even follow through with the charge back when you have delivery confirmation to the billing address....:mad: I don't give a **** if your kid took your credit card to order crap. Pay me my friggin money or return my inventory. Otherwise, I file theft reports and you get to explain how you raised your child poorly and have no ethics to the kind officer that knocks on your door..........[/Rant]
one werd:


on the serious side of things, sorry to hear about this, doug - i thought ken was going to pay you back!

fwiw, i check **all** of our personal and business accounts daily for activity.

glad wf took care of things for you.

Yeah Hal. Breathalyzer chick was the first one that came to mind. But then I remembered having lunch with Ken not too long ago. Well, you know how Ken is, and of course I had to pay the bill. For those of you who don't know Ken, he is the Wimpy of Northern California. It's always, "Well, if you buy me lunch today, I'll gladly repay you next week." Of course, he never does. Plus he looks so sad sitting there drooling all over the place. The bill came, I gave the waiter my card and excused myself to go to the men's room. I came back to the table to find my bill, my card and Ken with that silly grin he gets at times. You know the one, like when he forgets his Depends.

Well, I don't want to point fingers, but...

He PM'ed me earlier today and said he just had six new custom bibs made.

We might need to think about an "Intervention Lunch."
Same thing happened to my debit card. Bank of America reversed the charges though. I was told they could have used a credit card skimmer to get my information. Be careful when you use atm machines and gas pumps!
Man, I know this oh too well. I got hammered with the worst ID theft of anyone I knew last year about this time. I was with BofA and found similar wire transfers going on and they kept wrtiting electronic checks out of my bank account. They had online access to my banks and screwed me up bigtime. BofA was worthless at helping me for this. They couldn't prevent it but only tell me, "Your money is insured so you are safe" I said, "Well, that is great. At least I know the 10k that is leaving my account will get put back in after countless affidavits." They are a complete joke at BofA. They did nothing to protect me and even doubted that I had a problem the first 2 days. I couldn't believe the nonsense I had to deal with. They also successfully got into my 401k account with Fidelity and went after Credit Cards as well. These guys were hardcore. I am waaaay more paranoid after that. I don't do any online banking payments now. It sucks but I am tired of dealing with that problem.
Of course my first thought was that Hal or Ken ripped me off but then I realized that they know I don't have any money and it wouldn't be worth it.
This is funny.:biggrin:

Seriously, I have no idea how someone got access to my account. It could have been a loaded ATM machine or because I eat out quite often, a waiter or waitress that electronically loaded my card. Perhaps an on-line purchase.
Did you waiter look like one of these 2 guys?


I don't like to carry a lot of cash and consequently use my ATM card quite often.
If you like, I can carry all your cash for you. I offer this service to all my friends free of charge. Best of all, no contracts or cancellation fees.

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