Fox News recommends seeing 'Fahrenheit 9/11'

ChopsJazz said:
In most cases the war is being fought by the poor and disadvantaged.

Unfortunately, some people like to ignore that fact by focusing on the most minute and irrelevant details. Much like the bulk of the criticism of the movie, they never engage the big picture but instead dissect it until they find a few things that are open to interpretation.

Whether it is one senator or five who have children serving in the war (and given that Moore was speaking of Senators, IIRC, and the statistics above show 4 or 5 senators AND legislators, Moore may still be correct), the point is the same and beyond dispute. War is fought by the poor against the poor.
I didn't know that I was poor and disadvantaged during the first gulf war.
nsxlover said:
I didn't know that I was poor and disadvantaged during the first gulf war.

I apologize. I should have been more precise.

Its not an absolute, but a generalization. Of course there are numerous well-off, well-intentioned, and well-educated folks that have served and do serve in the military. That said, the poor bear a disproportionate burden of our national defense. I don't think you disagree, but ICBW.
That is a skewed generalization that wars are poor vs. poor.
Typical military recruitment targets young people that need extra money to pay for college, and its not a very high paying job. That begs the question then that of course the poor take positions in the military, they're poor and need the money!
Very few members of the military nowadays do it for patriotic reasons, most do it for a job.
Now to bring this point home, do people that are already rich need a mid-paying job?

I just an interview this morning Where Representative Kennedy aired the clips from the movie where Moore was interviewing him. He said that he explained to Moore that 2 of his nephews were currently serving in the military, but Moore cut that from the movie. (its hard to say No senators/reps have family in the military when the truth gets in the way)

Moore is very good at what he does. I know none would agree that "what he does" is provide a completely unbaised documentary. What he excels at so well is his ability as a film maker to only include points which further his cause.

Example. in his attempt to villify the white house he claims that the Saudi's and Bin Ladens were just excoreted out of the country while everyone else was grounded, and they weren't even questioned. Your gut reaction is to say "hey, those bastards" But upon further checking of the facts heres what I've found From the 9/11 commission interim report, which Moore claims as a source but ignored this passage:

"The FBI checked a variety of databases for information on the Bin Ladin flight passengers and searched the aircraft. It is unclear whether the TIPOFF terrorist watchlist was checked. At our request, the Terrorist Screening Center has rechecked the names of individuals on the flight manifests of these six Saudi flights against the current TIPOFF watchlist. There are no matches.

The FBI has concluded that nobody was allowed to depart on these six flights who the FBI wanted to interview in connection with the 9/11 attacks, or who the FBI later concluded had any involvement in those attacks. To date, we have uncovered no evidence to contradict this conclusion."

And dont even get me started about the "vacation" accusations, my god I cant believe he could even attempt to imply some of that garbage
paladin said:
The FBI has concluded that nobody was allowed to depart on these six flights who the FBI wanted to interview in connection with the 9/11 attacks, or who the FBI later concluded had any involvement in those attacks. To date, we have uncovered no evidence to contradict this conclusion."

Yes.....the wonderful FBI that has not found a single bit of evidence about anything related to the 9/11 attacks:

FBI fails to uncover key clues into 9-11

U.S. finds no paper trail in terror plot

For more than seven months, U.S. authorities probing the Sept. 11 attacks have scoured everything from caves to credit cards in the expectation that they would ultimately discover how the 19 hijackers plotted their brazen scheme.

But the global search has produced nothing in the way of hard evidence about the terrorists' planning"

The hijackers "left no paper trail," FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III said in the text of a speech the FBI released Monday. "In our investigation, we have not uncovered a single piece of paper -- either here in the United States or in the treasure trove of information that has turned up in Afghanistan and elsewhere -- that mentioned any aspect of the Sept. 11 plot."

On one hand the FBI says that in 7 full months of searching and investigating, they found no evidence or paper trail about the 9/11 plot, yet they claim they knew who all 19 hijackers were within 48 hours of the attacks. That is simply amazing!! :eek:

And obviously, they felt no need to interview family members of the guy they were pretty sure was behind the attacks. That is some wonderful investigating on their part. They did not interview Mohammed Atta's girlfriend either, nor did the 9/11 Commission interview her.

It would seem that nobody they interviewed had any information about any aspect of this plot, so their choice of who to interview and who not to was pretty poor.

And of course we all know about the FBI's wonderful work in the Anthrax case.....
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