Four Bikini Babes + NSX

supra2nv said:
how much money would it take for any of you guys to do a 5some with those girls! :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
Dont forget to factor in the price of a Fire Department Team with access to the JAWS of LIFE to pry you out of there.

supra2nv said:
how much money would it take for any of you guys to do a 5some with those girls! :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

All four of the girls? If nobody else knew about it ---Four cars, Enzo, Saleen, 959, and a 05 NSX for when the other three cars are in the shop.
:biggrin: :biggrin:
1) They obviously have a sense of humor.

2) They will keep you warm in the winter.

3) They will give you shade to keep you cool in the summer.

You are warned!..don't post such pictures in another thread or you will have to face the concecenses (spelling went bad after looking at that picture..)

You know what thread I mean :eek:

Regards :biggrin:
Sorry to the guy who emailed me hoping i had their phone numbers. no luck.
And what's the point - there is no way one of those women would fit in an NSX. (no loss :D )