Four Bikini Babes + NSX

I'm blind!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Not blind but almost wishing I was... too late of course as that imagine is now burned into my retinas.:eek:
Neo - my wife's attornies will be contacting you shortly regarding the loss of services suit she is filing. :biggrin:
some people found Hummer sexy as hell, and will also set their eye on a double deck bus...etc etc... To each its own... Neo!! I guessed they looked pretty hot in the matrix :rolleyes:
K.O. said:
Still looking for an Nsx somewhere in there. :eek:

Roll the girls around in flour. The oil/gas/fluids from the NSX will leak out and show where the flour is wet. Then you will find the NSX in the folds of the skin, OR you may find something you weren't even looking for.
NeoNSX said:
Four bikini babes and an NSX....somewhere... :D

Dead Sexy....

(Austin Powers meets Shallow Hal)

Neo your a sick man... I Looked everywhere and there is NO NSX in that photo...

Those bikini babes on the other hand certainly look like they have great personalities... :biggrin:
AU_NSX said:
Those bikini babes on the other hand certainly look like they have great personalities... :biggrin:
It would be there only hope.

Guy 1 to guy 2 "do you want to double date with me, my girlfriend, and my girlfriends friend"
Guy 2 "is she hot"
Guy 1 "she's...-nice-."
Guy 2 "So is she fat or is she ugly?"
In his mind he is thinking...
Ugly but nice body may get a date.
I have a friend who I have never been able to understand. He is extremely good looking. He has done modeling in some nation advertisements. He looks a lot like Aston Kutcher. He has a PhD. from Cornell university and make a crap load of money.
He is married to the most ugly women I have ever seen. Not only is she fat but she in really ugly. She makes the four girls at the top of this post look good, and I am not joking! To top it off she is a major Bit$h, nasty to the core. They have 3 kids together and she has never held a job.

Anyone know why people do this? This is not the only case I know of like this. Seems to happen the other way around a lot more though, beautiful girl with a real dirtbag criminal type.
sad thing is the "gal" on the right has some catchin' up to do... :eek:

nice neo, you're not allowed off this website.
<TR><TD bgcolor=grey>Neo =



Sorry if I offended anyone; i honestly didn't mean for that to happen too. :( But you have to admit you were all suckered in by the thread title. ;) 15 replies and 117 view hits within 2 hours! New record! :D

The comments you guys come up with are so funny...
steveny said:
So are you saying "if I had to I guess I would chose the one on the right" :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
"CHOSE?"... the gal on the right was the one asking for you @nsxpo2004...
local girl, right steve-o?? couldn't keep you away!!!!
:tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue:

neo, if you want hits, we'll target you with mr wolf. but my mandelbrot detector
found millions of nsx on their image, you were right,oracle :rolleyes:
jalnjr said:
"CHOSE?"... the gal on the right was the one asking for you @nsxpo2004...
local girl, right steve-o?? couldn't keep you away!!!!
:tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue:

Ahhhh..jalnjr finally someone with that east coast quick comeback that I have grown to love so well. My kinda humor.

As for the girl, she told me she would keep her mouth shut for an extra 50. I guess I should not have been such a cheapskate. But you should know while getting my change I spotted a personal check from you in her bank roll, in the memo...3-way with green bikini girl. :D
a new fat chick forum feature @

steveny said:
Ahhhh..jalnjr finally someone with that east coast quick comeback that I have grown to love so well. My kinda humor.

As for the girl, she told me she would keep her mouth shut for an extra 50. I guess I should not have been such a cheapskate. But you should know while getting my change I spotted a personal check from you in her bank roll, in the memo...3-way with green bikini girl. :D

a "bank roll" for those girls are the "supernumerary mammaries". and steve
you gave a fat chick 50 bucks to keep her mouth shut...oxymorose!!! who said ny'ers were'nt easy!!!

btw,in the pix, i'm actually partial to the little white dog sniffing... :biggrin:
Re: a new fat chick forum feature @

jalnjr said:
btw,in the pix, i'm actually partial to the little white dog sniffing... :biggrin:

Probably what the cat is smelling is the best smelling thing in his general vicinity. He is doing it on purpose, kind of like a cop who smokes a cigar to cover the smell at a unattended death scene, two weeks after death.
NeoNSX said:
<TR><TD bgcolor=grey>Neo =



Sorry if I offended anyone; i honestly didn't mean for that to happen too. :( But you have to admit you were all suckered in by the thread title. ;) 15 replies and 117 view hits within 2 hours! New record! :D

The comments you guys come up with are so funny...

Sadly enough i was the first to reply......

btw those bikinis are full body outfits for people....

i just hope the pic is photoshopped

did anyone notice how small the dog and the chairs look in the background..