Found this from Craiglist :)

If cops want to speed for no reason other than the fact that "they just can," fine, I'm ok with that. But don't roll stop signs. I can't begin to add up the number of times a cop that has pulled up to a 4 way stop sign AFTER me, leaves BEFORE me. I've begun to make use of my horn in these situations.
If cops want to speed for no reason other than the fact that "they just can," fine, I'm ok with that. But don't roll stop signs. I can't begin to add up the number of times a cop that has pulled up to a 4 way stop sign AFTER me, leaves BEFORE me. I've begun to make use of my horn in these situations.

I do this all the time. Snooze you lose. I don't feel like waiting around for the other party to decide when to go OR they wait for me to come to a complete stop before they start to go. I can usually see those that are going to hold up the traffic flow. I don't give them their turn because it is just going to slow down my day. I don't roll signs all the time but I do come up on a stop sign full bore... jam the brakes to a complete stop... then mash the throttle to get back up to speed.

I had a lady yell out to me the other day "I have the right of way" I yelled right back "F you" with a NYC accent. Fcat is she may have had the right of way but she had no where to go because traffic was backed up. She was hoping to pull in front of me and block me so I would have to wait. Homie don't play that game!

As for the the officer pay scale, here where I live all the officers yearly salaries are posted in the paper including overtime. All of them make over 100k a year.
I do this all the time. Snooze you lose. I don't feel like waiting around for the other party to decide when to go OR they wait for me to come to a complete stop before they start to go. I can usually see those that are going to hold up the traffic flow. I don't give them their turn because it is just going to slow down my day. I don't roll signs all the time but I do come up on a stop sign full bore... jam the brakes to a complete stop... then mash the throttle to get back up to speed.

I had a lady yell out to me the other day "I have the right of way" I yelled right back "F you" with a NYC accent. Fcat is she may have had the right of way but she had no where to go because traffic was backed up. She was hoping to pull in front of me and block me so I would have to wait. Homie don't play that game!

As for the the officer pay scale, here where I live all the officers yearly salaries are posted in the paper including overtime. All of them make over 100k a year.

You drive like me, but I've been trying to be better around town lately, but it sure is hard. Too many people on the road these days. A few months back I came up to a set of lights in the left turn lane. All over town they've posted no turn on red signs at every intersection for no apparent reason (which I also typically ignore).

While I was waiting, someone pulled into the right turn lane across from me. I was at the intersection first, I could tell she was a SLOW driver by the way she pulled up to the stop, I know I will be long gone by the time she even completes the turn, so the light turns green and I GO. She hasn't even started moving yet when I've already completed the turn. I didn't hold her up for one microsecond, yet she follows me to the hardware store a mile down the road, and actually comes into the store to scream at me for cutting her off. BTW, she's very pregnant so clearly the hormones were raging, but she let that whole incident ruin her day, calling me a C-SUCKER and other vile names for my indifference over my failure to allow her to go first.
I do this all the time. Snooze you lose. I don't feel like waiting around for the other party to decide when to go OR they wait for me to come to a complete stop before they start to go. I can usually see those that are going to hold up the traffic flow. I don't give them their turn because it is just going to slow down my day. I don't roll signs all the time but I do come up on a stop sign full bore... jam the brakes to a complete stop... then mash the throttle to get back up to speed.

I had a lady yell out to me the other day "I have the right of way" I yelled right back "F you" with a NYC accent. Fcat is she may have had the right of way but she had no where to go because traffic was backed up. She was hoping to pull in front of me and block me so I would have to wait. Homie don't play that game!

As for the the officer pay scale, here where I live all the officers yearly salaries are posted in the paper including overtime. All of them make over 100k a year.

If you really drive like that, you are one of the big problems contributing to road rage. I am sure if you continue driving like that your insurance company is going to be loving you.......
If you really drive like that, you are one of the big problems contributing to road rage. I am sure if you continue driving like that your insurance company is going to be loving you.......

I don't rage at anyone first. I could give a $hit what anyone else does as long as they don't get in the way. The other day I think an angel came down from the skies in a white blazer. He pulled out in front of me and actually did 80 the whole way (25 miles) with me right behind him. When we both got to the next town where the speed drops to 30 mph and cops are to be found behind every nook we both slowed down to 30. Then as soon as the sign read 55 again we both mashed the throttle and were on our way again. When we split ways he gave me the thumbs up and I returned it.

Cairo may not have to get much done in a day but as any Prime member who has met me and hung out with me for a day knows I get more done in one day than most people get done in a week. Today alone I drove ~275 miles and collected over 80 rents from tenants, installed 7 dead bolts, cleaned out 2 apartments full of crap left behind including one couch that had to go down 2 flights of stairs,applied and received 3 building permits in 2 different cities, collected coins from all the laundry machines and wrapped them, got all the deposits ready for the bank, checked in on 5 different job sites, did laps in the pool, etc... Oh and passed lots of people doing 40 in a 55. And yeah I cut a few slow drivers off to but I would have had to pass them later anyways.
While I was waiting, someone pulled into the right turn lane across from me. I was at the intersection first, I could tell she was a SLOW driver by the way she pulled up to the stop, I know I will be long gone by the time she even completes the turn, so the light turns green and I GO. She hasn't even started moving yet when I've already completed the turn. I didn't hold her up for one microsecond, yet she follows me to the hardware store a mile down the road, and actually comes into the store to scream at me for cutting her off. BTW, she's very pregnant so clearly the hormones were raging, but she let that whole incident ruin her day, calling me a C-SUCKER and other vile names for my indifference over my failure to allow her to go first.

LOL, been there. I would have told her....At least I don't have to be behind you at the hardware store because I got here first. :biggrin:
what an idiot. he just got done saying "don't get mad at me if i come off as being an asshole, blah blah blah...." then don't get bitchy toward me if i seem to be mad at you for pulling me over for doing 70 in a 55, when i might have had a horrible day, it will affect my insuranace for years to come, there are 100 people in front of me not even looking at the road, and you probably weasel your way out of any speeding tickets you ever got for being a douche cop. (a non-douche cop would pay a ticket that they got)

the biggest problem i have with (most) cops is the huge amount of hipocrisy they exhibit all the damn time. they pull you over for speeding, yet they'll blow by you on the highway doing 100+ with no lights on (how is that any more safe.... in a boat of a car nonetheless).... put their lights on to go through red lights (which they don't have the right of way to do anyway.... if they get hit, it's THEIR fault). those are just a few examples that everybody sees too often. (and, no, they aren't always tending to an emergency when they do stupid crap like that)
not saying that, if i were a cop, i wouldn't try to get out of tickets..... but then again, i'd never try to push laws i don't want to follow either.

of course not all cops are that way.... only 95% and if they say they don't do that stuff.... 95% chance they are lying.

oh, and my favorite, pulling me over for a smoked license plate cover, when half of the people on the road have a dealer frame covering everything but the license plate number (state, registration info)

you wanna stop speeders instead of swervers, eat shit. at least we're paying attention when we drive. and if i hit somebody, maybe i'll take out one of those bastards that never gets out of the left lane. (BTW, atlanta should not have traffic as often as it does.... if you can't get around with 6 lanes in such a small, spread out city - then try moving over so other people get get by your slow ass)

i think ice cube said it best.....
Cairo may not have to get much done in a day but as any Prime member who has met me and hung out with me for a day knows I get more done in one day than most people get done in a week. Today alone I drove ~275 miles and collected over 80 rents from tenants, installed 7 dead bolts, cleaned out 2 apartments full of crap left behind including one couch that had to go down 2 flights of stairs,applied and received 3 building permits in 2 different cities, collected coins from all the laundry machines and wrapped them, got all the deposits ready for the bank, checked in on 5 different job sites, did laps in the pool, etc... Oh and passed lots of people doing 40 in a 55. And yeah I cut a few slow drivers off to but I would have had to pass them later anyways.

So basically in summary Steve, I feel pretty loaded too and think that.. yeah mine sucks too having to try and cram it all in. I don't know how we do it. If I can ever find the time I think I need a yacht big enough to transport a ride and tools from my new home in tropical paradise.. so I can some how manage to fill that small remainder of my days lapping open wheels at international venues around the globe. :wink:
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It looks like John fit 2 things in his day I was unable to fit in mine...sleeping and eating. Looks like he got to drive his car too, so thats three.
If cops want to speed for no reason other than the fact that "they just can," fine, I'm ok with that. But don't roll stop signs. I can't begin to add up the number of times a cop that has pulled up to a 4 way stop sign AFTER me, leaves BEFORE me. I've begun to make use of my horn in these situations.

Preach it! About six months ago, I pulled up to a four way stop. I was the second car to pull up. A third pulled up, and then a cop. The first car went, and then I started to go....just as the cop pulled out. He was the FOURTH car at the intersection and wanted to go right away. No siren, no lights, nothing.

He's a cop, so I stopped. So did he. So I started up again, just as he did. Again, he still has no flashing lights or siren going.

He started gesticulating, honking, waving and shouting at me. I very nearly pulled into the middle of the intersection, got out, and asked for his name and badge number (and his driver's license :D ).

He clearly "jumped the line" and tried to bully his way through. If I wasn't with my wife and daughter, I'd have probably (at the least) followed him to see what his rush was.
I got pulled over 2 nights ago for not using a blinker when i left the highway off ramp. Cop actually followed me for like 4 blocks he said and pulled me over when i get to my destination for not using a blinker leaving the highway. 80$. While the cop is gleefully writing this ticket and being quite an ass about it, you can plainly see this black escalade go flying by on the overpass of the highway i just left, and then smack the guardrail, and slam into some cars that were merging onto the highway. Of course the driver was drunk as a skunk. So whats more important here, the 80$ he got for me for not using a blinker, or him being on the highway to stop a drunk driver from crashing into 2 cars that night. Gotta love cops trying to fill their end of the month ticket qouta