Found my trunk cushions (thanks Vytas!)

10 September 2002
I ran across this tip while reading the NSX Secrets thread. I went to check my trunk, and lo and behold one of them had fallen into the little crevice. It took some jerry-rigging and sweat to get the little cushion out (I used a long screwdriver), but now it's happily reseated on its trunk tab

This site is becoming more useful everyday! Thanks Vytas!
The link to the page will be working soon as the club website went down the other day. Working to get it back up.

One day I looked for my trunk cushions and started investigating on where they could have possibly gone. I found a crevise near the end of the inner quarter panel which is open enough to let water through but will trap larger objects. Low and behold I found mine. Thought I'd pass the word. Pictures of the recovery are on the club website. I just make it a habit to see that mine are still there everytime I close the trunk.

If your NSX is 1997 and newer, you don't need to worry about this problem since the tab that holds the cushion has pins sticking out on the edge requiring you to stretch the cusion over the pin. No way it can fall off. On 91-96 NSXs, the cushion was secured with a glue which will lose it's ability to keep the cushion on the tab over time.

Found mine today as well. Both were down in the hole behind the hinge just as expected. Wish I would have heard about the tip sooner, the driver's side has already worn the paint to the metal.

John McD