Ford GT40 sighting in the NSX...

13 November 2003
Farmington Hills, Michigan
My Dad and I were in the NSX yesterday and drove by a yellow and black Ford GT40. He saw us and came out of the turn around quite fast to catch up with us and man is that DAMN thing loud! :eek: He caught up to us @ the next light but we were turning other wise we have smoked him. J/K :p He looked and gave us a nod and revved that huge engine as we nodded back. Nice car, but I still like the NSX better. I can not see spending that amount of $$$ on a Ford. I would rather buy a Ferarri. :D
I can't wait to see one and maybe hear one in person.
I love my car but I would also love to have a GT!

I remember reading all about the GT40 when I was very young and it was the first car that I lusted over and dreamed about. The road versions were so rare and the story was so intoxicating.

I think I'll have a blue one :D
I saw one before 99% of the population on the road. january of 2004 on my way to detroit auto show a white prototype passes us on the highway.

pictures ... had film camera, used my digital of the paper pics on my desk...


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